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Apr 4th 2023
@ZelenskyyUa c: @ ivan_8848
The #war in #Ukraine started on Feb 16.
#Russia #responded 8 days LATER by preempting the Ukrainian ground assault on #Donbas.
People are dying in a #US #proxywar that was deliberately #provoked by the US-centralized empire.
@ZelenskyyUa The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by #Ukraine a WEEK BEFORE.
- The #OSCE #France is a witness to this.
#BULLETINNo27 | MAR 2022
- Il pourrait s’agir de #mercenaires de la #CIA..
@ZelenskyyUa cc: @i van_8848
📷#Putin announces '#specialoperation' in #Donbass Last warning 📷 Fulfil the #MinskAgreements! After 8 years of asking, this was President Putin's last ask in late 2021 - allow the Donbass to have a #referendum.
Read 24 tweets
Jan 14th 2023
On the Purpose of #ArmsDeliveries to Kyiv: #Ukraine's #liberation demands #Russia's #humiliation - THREAD:
The primary function of good and numerous #offensiveweapons for #Ukraine is not military and bellicose, but political and pacifying. /1
@SCEEUS_UI @UISweden @rightsinrussia
The purpose of #Ukrainian #battletanks, #fighterplanes, long-range #missiles, etc. is to make Russia's #defeats humiliating. Only disasters on the #battlefield in Ukraine and frequent hits against supply lines within #Russia will make many #Russians rethink... /2
...the legitimacy and utility of the "#SpecialMilitaryOperation" and #PutinRegime. Once this happens, much of the occupied territories will be surrendered by #Russian troops to Kyiv and not have to be recaptured by #Ukrainian troops. /END
Read 4 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
Tonight's #SpecialMilitaryOperation at the russian embassy had a very simple message:
Read 8 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
The following are high-quality still photographs taken at a recent #SpecialMilitaryOperation at the russian ambassador's house in Washington, DC. Folks should feel free to use them without further permission needed. #NAFO #NAFOfellas #NAFOExpansionIsNonNegotiable ImageImageImageImage
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Oct 25th 2022
Dimanche dernier, une opération militaire spéciale s’est tenue à l’Ambassade de Russie à Paris. #SMOParis.
#LordLaser et moi avions des choses à dire.
Read 11 tweets
Oct 18th 2022
🇷🇺Ukrainians and we are one people and we want Ukraine to be independent from the West and NATO,to be on friendly terms with Russia.The enemy is a criminal regime that pushes the citizens of Ukraine to death-General Sergey Surovikin

#SpecialMilitaryOperation #UkraineRussiaWar️
We do not strive for a fast rate of attack, we methodically grind the enemy and advance, we protect the lives of our soldiers and civilians - Surovikin
🇷🇺 The Ukrainian authorities use nationalist detachments against their military, who shoot everyone who tries to leave the battlefield
🇷🇺 Every day, enemy losses range from 600 to 1000 people killed and wounded. - Surovikin
Read 9 tweets
Aug 20th 2022
#DariaDugin, daughter of #AlexanderDugin, has been #Assassinated via #CarBomb near #Moscow.

#AleksandrDugin is a prominent #Russian strategist sometimes called #PutinsBrain. He’s thought to have inspired #Putin to pursue the annexation of #Crimea, the... [1/2]
...#SpecialMilitaryOperation in #Ukraine, as well as the concepts of #Novorossiya and the #FairWorldOrder.

The #Assassination of the #FWO strategist’s daughter #DariaDugina is comparable to elimination of #NWO strategist #HenryKissinger’s daughter. [2/2]
The elimination of #DariaDugin represents a potential #Escalation between #NewWorldOrder and #FairWorldOrder. If #Russia assesses that #NWO actors are involved, the #Russians are likely to pursue #TitForTat. If #Washington’s proxy in #Kiev is determined the perpetrator... [1/2]
Read 14 tweets
Aug 19th 2022
#America deployed four #B52 strategic #Nuclear bombers to #Europe. En route to #Fairford airbase in #Britain, the #Bombers participated in exercises with #F35 fighters of #Norway and #JAS39 fighters of #Sweden. Amid the joint exercises, these #Stratofortress also... [1/2]
...#Bombed simulated targets at the #Swedish #VidselTestRange using #GBU31 #JDAM conventional #Bombs.

#Norwegians are members of #Washington’s alliance #NATO while #Swedes aspire to be, alongside #Finland, though #Turkey may obstruct. [2/2]
#Russia deployed three #MiG31 supersonic interceptors to the #Russian exclave of #Kaliningrad. These fighters, called “#FoxHound” by #NATO, are equipped with #Nuclear-capable #Kh47M2 #Kinzhal air-to-ground missiles, which NATO calls “#KillJoy.” When the... [1/2]
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