Kenya Bitcoin Fraud Case at Nairobi's Milimani Court
Police Case No. 113/205/2017
BADASS20 LBC account was only 2 weeks only and NOT verified. 9/
He went on to take her fingerprints, threaten her she risked reputational damage and attempted to extort 150k from her 11/
Chat history shows BADASS20 requesting E to wire back the excess funds to an Equity Bank account belonging to Richard Wambugu Maina.
E wired back 96,000 12/

He traded 360k with BADASS20 like E, but received sums in excess of 50k. BADASS20 promised to open another trade to settle the extra 50k - he never opened another trade 14/
Officers agreed this was evidence that they were innocent parties.
Still, the officers insisted both 200k 'cash bail' 15/
Emma's friend DM, who'd escorted her from Equity Bank, cldn't come up with the money in time. 16/
All along she was filled us in on the unfolding events. But her phone went off late Friday evening - couldn't pick calls, no whatsapp
we were all in the dark at ths point 18/
Emma's friend DM comes through with 150k - officer receives cash, slips it in his drawer and lets Emma off on condition that she returns on Monday to finalize case.
Emma's friend btw, has friends in high places and also has a phone recording of extortion 19/
On saturday afternoon i call DM to find out WTF happened? Is she ok? 20/
He tells me Emma wan't the only one, tells me about SM. I ask for SM's number to get his side of the story. Remember, he was released 21/
No receipt was issued. He fills me in on the rest.
i call Cedric, Secretary General and brief him on Emma's situation. 22/
I explain what happened.
First thing he says - every government agency payment requires an official receipt! 23/
Case is looking more fishy. 24/
this cld happen to other traders in our grp so, its important we set precedence 25/
Our main concerns are 26/
why was it flagged - CBK has guidelines on flagging suspicious TXns
what exactly is BFIU and what authority do they hav
bitcoin is not illegal - so nothing wrong there
lots of research - was a great resource! 27/
1 pm we take a taxify to BFIU - CBK Pension House. 29/
i pretend I'm buying the BS. 32/
I ask him, why he did not issue a receipt for the supposed 'cash bail' 34/
He gets defensive and yaps on about bla bla bla - defending himself without admitting fault - typical 36/
Now he's angry. "My friend, are you now interrogating me?"
I push his buttons. Im assertive - i did my homework 37/
he asks me to step out and give them some minutes alone. 38/
He now has to call back SM to process his 200k bail too 39/
E and I agree she shldn't lose 150k + 500k frozen funds for being a victim. So we hang around the BFIU for the rest of the day. Waiting 40/
Meanwhile, SM calls in sick, says he cant make it 41/
I feel confident E will be home by evening. I excuse myself, i have a meet at 5. See you later E 42/
Tommy agrees its extortion.
But at least she's free now.
Drinks till early morning. I dont look at my phone till next day morning 43/
Tuesday 6am morning, dozens of messages from DM and E. Apparently, officers detained her again! This time at Kilimani police.
Sh!t! now i need to get a lawyer. I try Tommy - phone is off.
i call Jesse, my other lawyer friend from SM Muhia & Co Advocates 44/
I call Nancy - she's in Thika for another case and won't be back till Wednesday morning. She suggests i go with Jesse, she'll take over on Wednesday when she gets back. Ok, good 45/
it wasnt. 46/
He too received funds from BADASS20, but a much higher amt than she did. They are co-sharing a cell a BFIU. 48/
Cash bail for him too it seems. But we have to wait for inspector to get back from a hearing 49/
SM also checks in with his lawyer.
3 lawyer now. things start moving fast!
Officer says we come back afternoon and wrap up. Fair 50/
"Two Charged With Bid to Steal 10 million"