India in two parts i.e. before & after Islamic invasions.
haters of my master, Vishnu is the only option available to me as I have the necessary capacity.
willnot take up this work."
This shloka prophecies the future mlEchCha violence against Dharmiks of South.
supported by Tatparya Nirnaya. Hence Madhva, being aware of future triumph of
Durga against destructive forces that try to annihilate Hindus, took to sanyasa than taking up arms.
attempted to increase Muslim population in South such that the permanence of sultanate can be achieved with ease. Such were the dangers posed to Dharmik community of those times.
sultan in latter's dialect. This sultan has been identified as Balban (reign c.1266-87) of Slave dynasty.………
not just philosophical pursuits but also with crucial worldly acts that would protect the future generations of DharmikA-s. Sri Madhva's ideas, words & deeds prove him to be a real 'mahAtma'