@gregbuchanan sharing his story and advice on going from writing indie games to AAA developments at the Oxford & London Interactive Fiction Meetup at London Southbank Uni.

(More on that later)

(This, people, *this*. Can't stress it enough! Listen to Greg, kids.)

2. Layout to you, "show me yours and I'll show you mine".
3. You don't wanna be too picky, you're not gonna ruin your career by being involved in a "bad game".
No, srsly, you *can* make a living writing games, you don't have to be permanently poor. (So say we all!)

Very rare slide with actual figures for game writing and recommended prices.

This is honestly the most candid and meaty talk on the actual minutiae of working as a game writer I've ever attended, from somebody who is actually there doing the work. My doubts and problems and experiences were all there. Thanks @gregbuchanan!