A. James Gregor's "Mussolini's Intellectuals"

Gather around kids, because it's time for a Marinetti thread.

Well, no, because "Soviet Futurism" existed. This is something modern liberals/leftists would rather you forget.

Alternatively, you could watch this for a tl;dr and remember that Dave Marsh was right:
Note the words "sane ideology," because Marinetti, as I mentioned before, was a self-styled liberal extremist, and his movement was utterly sincere about pushing it to the limit.

Highlight: the reason I'm not a fascist

In particular, bluechecks should note how the preconditions for fascism are such that it's literally impossible to happen in an already-imperial power.

And yes, that last paragraph IS explicitly talking about 🇨🇳, as stated in the footnotes

about that...
This, more than anything else, shows the date of the book. Just imagine not anticipating the imminent return of Austrofascism. The past really is a different country.

Silly Gregor, antifa is for beating the enemies of #wokecapital, actual fascsim has not a single goddamn thing to do with it.

For instance, "Giovanni Gentile: Philosopher of Fascism:" (you can't find this on libgen) mega.nz/#!kA0GnZja!hNm…