I too prefer an RPG that requires differential equations to solve for movement.

Look, let's be honest: playing a Jesuit necromancer-assassin sounds AMAZING.

I don't think I can trust a review that holds Palladium as the gold standard for RPGs.

Burning Wheel: Taking The Wheel Out Of Burning Or Whatever
The Burning Wheel: Taking the "Game" out of Roleplaying Game."" src="/images/1px.png" data-src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DaB8hMKU0AAkjDh.jpg">
To say I find this review hilarious with every fiber of my being would be an understatement.

Oh damn, I had no idea a 10 point review scale went negative. Sick burn, reviewer!

"Waiting an entire day to cast spells again??? One of my wizard characters cast more than 10 spells in one battle let alone one day."

"cosplay without the effort of dressing up" is the most widely accepted definition of an RPG, fwiw

Perhaps I can interest you in my forthcoming supplement, Bigsby's Guide To Sticks, Snakes, And Methods Of Converting There Between.