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May 21st 2023
Hello, Connections! Welcome back to my weekly column #ATHCOriginal #AskATHC. Today, I want to discuss a rather controversial topic—#Women.

#UnitedShowbiz #Gender #eqyality #Education #womenempowerment #TedTalk #Inspiration #Movies
Last week, I discussed #ContentWriting, but today's topic is different. Before going further, I want to declare outright that I am not a feminist or atheist. I am just a pragmatic, who sees a glass & water as two distinct things rather than seeing it half-empty or half full.
World has moved forward. Girls have gone to space! But culture, religion, ethics, & social evils continue to haunt girls worldwide. I don't want to talk about India, you've plenty of cases where women face atrocities almost every single day here. #RuralIndia #WomenLifeFreedom
Read 13 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
The #AdaniGroups Saga- For Naive #Investors. A thread

I, Mr A(#Adani) have 100 chips. By #Law, I cannot own more than 75, so I hav 73 chips. 27 chips r sold in d market. Anther 15 Chips: My uncle buys them by pretending to b normal people. This is illegal, bt who will catch me?
So there are 12 chips left in the market. Out of these, #Funds like #LIC buys 9 chips. 3 chips are now left on the open market.

My #media, #political and PR management and #connections are excellent. There are whispers that I am related to the #king and #Government.
My uncle, disguised as a common man, #buys and #sells chips again, creating an impression of great demand. A plastic chip worth Rs 2 is given for Rs 10.
People compete to buy at Rs 12, 13. Then my uncle increases price and buys chips fr Rs 100 making me one of Investors Fav scrip
Read 11 tweets
Jan 8th 2023
5 tips for networking with people effectively, a thread 🧵👇🏻:

#networking #communities #highereducation #student
1. Instead of just sending a connection request to people, send them a personalized note, writing about why you wish to connect with them.

#networking #linkedin #connections
2. Keep your messages crisp and clear. Don’t beat around the bush, get straight to the point. For eg, if you’re seeking guidance for your CS project, make sure that you write what you’re looking for, instead of describing your project idea in-depth.

#networking #linkedin
Read 7 tweets
Jan 1st 2023
So #GainOfFunction started in 2003 then went silent until a 2012 #biolabs story #linked Hawaii bio center to #coronavirus #SARS #monkeypox also it explains how the @CDCgov ships the viruses in every day moving box’s on planes and trains , other nations have patients on it as well… Image
Read 206 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
🧵 "#Criticality: A Balance Between #Robustness and #Adaptability"

Today's SFI Seminar by @cgershen @cgg_mx:
Regarding systems at the #EdgeOfChaos
Identifying #PhaseTransition dynamics
Citing @WagnerEvolution on #Robustness
Contrasting it with #Chaos (fragile, hard to predict, etc.)
And then #Criticality, somewhere in the middle... ImageImageImageImage
With #criticality, due to #PowerLaw(-like) distributions:

"Most of the changes will be small, but for some, you can have large changes."

See also #fractals

Key history point: Stuart Kauffman's #random #Boolean #networks (1969!)

Updated by @cgershen in 2004 ImageImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets
May 18th 2022
Navinder Grover kicks off ⁦@GurdwaraAid⁩’s National Gurdwara Conference 2022, reminding us this is a learning environment and that as well as some great speakers there is an opportunity to exchange know how with peers from gurdwaras and other Sikh charities across the UK. ImageImage
Mandip Singh of @GurdwaraAid reminds us that the theme today is #Safeguarding and #Disputes and that there will be an opportunity to enjoy similar sessions at regional events including one in the #WestMidlands. Image
Mandip also speaks touchingly about Gurdeep Singh, Co-founder of @GurdwaraAid, who tragically passed away recently. Image
Read 39 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
RT if you are in crypto and want to see a visual map of some of the red flags behind the XRP Lawsuit / ETH free pass.

Who helped pour the gas in the $XRP Lawsuit?

The maps will be released tomorrow...

#RT #XRP #XRPCommunity #DLT #Fight4Truth #ETHFreepass #ExposeSEC #crypto
Seriously, RT the first tweet If you support independent research to expose fraud

@XX_1133_1221_11 & I spent a total of 20 hours mapping out some deep connections shared by
@TAIGxrp, @Johndeaton1 @CryptoLawUS @digitalassetbuy @Leerzeit @DigPerspectives
+ More
Read 7 tweets
Feb 20th 2022
In 2017 the IMF Managing Director Welcomes Establishment of High-Level Advisory Group on FinTech

Look who is on that board...👀…

--Quick IMF Connections Thread--
@Ripple @chrislarsensf #IMF #DLT #Blockchain #fintech $XRP #XRP #XRPCommunity #Connections ImageImage
1. In 2018 The Bali Fintech Agenda was created:

A Blueprint for Successfully Harnessing Fintech’s Opportunities…

#Blockchain #DLT #XRP $XRP #fintech #IMF #standards #crypto #finance #banking #openbanking #BFA #topoftheworld
Read 6 tweets
Jan 26th 2022
#Reccos THREAD: I think YouTube is undervalued as a source of learning. There's an ocean of free knowledge, obscure philosophy lectures, long-lost history shows, and science explainers that we can train the algorithm for. It is THE desert-island website. Here I'm curating a list-
- of some such YT videos and playlists on history, philosophy, science, and art. Of course, these are all good things to get introduced to ideas and cannot and do not replace reading about them in books and such..
1/n: John Berger's 'Ways of Seeing': a 1972 BBC series of "visual essays that raise questions about hidden ideologies in visual images."
Introduction here:…
Watch here:…
Read 17 tweets
Dec 25th 2020
Voter fraud was used in the 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, & 2020 elections. We saw “found” ballots for one candidate in non-approved locations. We saw unexplained data anomalies. Evidence was substantial, but no investigations?! Time to end this... #MerryChristmas #Thread
#Election2020 Massive Voter Fraud & Election Fraud Orchestrated by Democrats & Conspirators, with Cover-Up Co-Conspirators in Media & Social Media platforms. This means #RICO , #Coup , #Sedition , & #Treason.
When you have this many election officials crying foul, data scientists crying foul over voting system data, voter crying foul over votes cast fraudulently in their name, dead voters, senile nursing home residents targeted, & people hiding machines & evidence, it is malevolent.
Read 151 tweets
Dec 21st 2020
Seen the news this morning peeps? You ain’t seen nothing yet... #InterestingTimes
What a lovely #SignalBox It’s not very big though, sorry @MrTimDunn #Robertsbridge
Read 7 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
On Monday 14th Sept we will be launching #theartistandtheprof, an artistic collaboration between myself and @LauraNyahuye @maokwo exploring themes of #migration #identity #belonging and what it means to be boxed in and categorised as #migrants #women #mothers #wives...(1/?) Image
Funded by @covcampus @warwickuni as part of @Coventry2021 this collaboration has been undertaken entirely online during the #COVID19 #lockdown It's been a powerful and challenging experience for many different reasons. We've laughed and cried, written and woven... (2/?) Image
For both of us this is the first time that we've had an opportunity to #stop #breathe #pause and reflect on the ways in which our own and societal expectations of gendered and racialized roles and responsibilities have shaped our lives #morethanalabel #beyondcategories (3/?) Image
Read 9 tweets
Jun 8th 2019
After reading this, your thinking on the brain will not be the same. The thoughts are mine. The words from @nickwarren #tweetstorm cc @subsetharry @kimadele10 @argent_phil @iPerrySimpson @ai_rajsharma @DaveHillman2 @Samlindley9 @CaroleAnnRice @scottkeyser @NikiCassidy @pennypower
#1 - They diagnosed me with #dyslexia when I was 43, but by then it didn’t matter.
#2 - I already knew my brain was different.
Read 35 tweets
May 18th 2019
On defining #creativity @rexjung :

Distinct from #intelligence – a superhighway; #creativity as a slow meandering process down dirt road / side road

Must be both #novel and @useful – beyond simple #utility – something #new within a social context. Unexpected links ✨🤓✨
Read 9 tweets
Oct 6th 2018
LIVE on #Periscope: Leading Like a Woman…
What are your experiences of gender-based comments as children? #WomenEd #MTPTproject
How often do we reject our femininity & isolate ourselves from other women/ girls because of toxic comments about 'being girly'? #MTPTproject #WomenEd
Read 23 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
At dinner, I learned more about corruption + racism built into society by our masters. A book we discussed (Zinn) was used as part of this "Left" resource's bibliography. I had to share. [A thread]

@BlackSocialists - thoughts on this resource?
It very simply lays out the case that we are all being controlled. It covers hidden history of the United States including their (and, due to the systems created by our masters, our) racism. 

#racism #systemicracism #history
If you haven't been in school for a while (or are in a terrible school), some of the words might trip you up. and are two good resources to help you.
Read 39 tweets

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