Strange because that's exactly what Scott Pruitt is...
Pruitt cannot weasel his way out from under this mountain of scandal by lying. #FirePruitt…
In an interview a few weeks ago, he said he was not aware of the raises at all...
Pruitt continues to tout the policy as 'transparent' (it's not)…
Correction: There is bipartisan opposition to Pruitt because he is corrupt.
Spot our poster on the livestream! #FirePruitt

This article provides some background on this controversial pick.…
Incorrect. Congress has the power to impeach civil officers (including EPA administrator). #FirePruitt

His long list of ethical breaches implies otherwise. #FirePruitt
@RepDianaDeGette sums up why Congress cannot go easy on Pruitt. #FirePruitt……
Pruitt has spent this entire hearing claiming he was not aware of specific policies or statistics.
Pretty sure making sweetheart deals with Big Oil, prioritizing profit over public opinion & wasting taxpayer dollars makes him a swamp monster.
#FirePruitt #PruittHearing…
Pruitt cannot weasel his way out from under this mountain of scandal by lying and deflecting responsibility. #FirePruitt #PruittHearing…
There is bipartisan opposition to Pruitt—this is not a partisan issue.
#PruittHearing #FirePruitt…
#FirePruitt #PruittHearing