That’s cool, and can give focus, but in Slack, this seems to trigger Total Channel Overload.
FOMO leads to people joining all those channels anyway, trying to keep up.
Slackerino2: I know all about that, I'll DM you.
Slackerino3, a few hours later: I missed the answer, how do you X?
Shy Slackerino4, thinking: Hmm, I wish I knew how to do X, but I don't want to seem dumb and ask again.
But I find that Slack tries its hardest to keep you sucked in: notification icons, at-here/at channel alerts, emails, "All Unreads", “All Threads" etc. Run, little hamster, run in your wheel! Don’t you dare leave the app.
Anything involving threads makes me go 'W. T. F.'.
Seriously, I'm going to reply to the next person who asks "yt?” with "no".
But just like Twitter or Facebook, Slack is intentionally trying to keep you in-app, keep you "engaged", and that conflicts with getting actual work done.
Tune in next time, when I share my feelings about Jira. (Hint: they are not very positive.)