Been making calls RT trying to answer the question of how real is this threat.
Tweeting shortly. Follow if interested.
A group led by Rick Santorum has been steadily working on a proposal to revise repeal. It is conservative DC think tanks with tacit WH blessing but apart from Senate leadership. 2/
2. Obamacare could energize their base to vote
3. They believe they were close last time
Here is a good article summarizing the activity.…
1. Proponents hope to build momentum from the bottom up.
2. Want Murkowski, Collins and WH to tell McConnell to bring back reconciliation (which would require only 50 votes) and bring bill to the floor.
To do his, they need to show . . . 5/
2. That it will be good for them politically. They want to make the case they can increase R turnout in a bad year.6/
They are already running on them. This brings it to the surface. 8/