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🧵 A few years ago, Canadians associated #conspiracytheories with harmless lunacy promoted by nutbars. Then the COVID19 pandemic brought them to the forefront during the so-called #FreedomConvoy and #OttawaOccupation.
From #QAnon , #SoldiersofOdin, #Diagolon, #YellowVests so-called Christians etc. passing as truckers while spouting hateful white nationalism, racism, Islamophobia rhetoic and backed financially by several American far-right groups, the craziness revealed was much closer to home
Ir was so close to home that the Interim CPC Leader Bergen, past CPC Leader Scheer and current CPC Leader Poilievre met with them. The latter even provided donuts and marched with the so-called protestors who plotted a coup of a duly elected govt.…
Read 21 tweets
#USA brought a #nuclear #command center to #Iceland on the same day that the #Finnish #Parliament approved joining #NATO.
The whole #HorrorStory of #Finland in a #nutshell
- This is how #WEF-#NATO-#GoldmanSachs-#Zionists #castrate Finland.
- A country driven to #breadlines for 60 years cannot resist digital #control, nor an #archipelago of #NATO #NuclearWeapon bases.
The #MFA @Ulkoministerio organized an #official opinion poll on joining #NATO, which ended on Nov 23, 2022.
- The #Finnish people (92%) #REJECTED joining NATO
- The MFA, in #violation of the #PublicityAct, refuses to hand over copies of stats free of chrg
Read 17 tweets
@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @SuomenEduskunta @MarinSanna #ValehtelevatMinisterit.
#WEF -regiimin sepustus sotarikollisjärjestö #NATO'on liittymisestä alkaa törkeällä valheella.
- "Venäjä käynnisti 24. helmikuuta 2022 hyökkäyksen Ukrainaan."
Valehtelu jatkuu ministeriaitiossa @Haavisto… ImageImage
@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @SuomenEduskunta @MarinSanna The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by Ukraine a week before.
- The #OSCE #France is a witness to this:
#BULLETINNo27 | MAR 2022
- Il pourrait s’agir de #mercenaires de la #CIA...
Read 48 tweets
@JukkaDavidsson #Ohisalo myös.
- #Sisäministeri'stä tyynylomalle. Junaili #Torssonen syylliseksi #Auvila'n hylsy-VOK 'vasara-arapien' hyökkäykseen.
Torssosen #KRP sormenjäljet siirrettiin postipaketin teippiin.
- Torssonen vapaa, arapit himassa.
Read 23 tweets
#Protest against #Covid19 #lockdown after fire kills 10 in Xinjiang | Nov 26
- Late Friday, videos circulated widely on the Chinese internet showing throngs of residents in #Urumqi marching to a government building and chanting “end lockdowns,”…
#China is #Rothschild's Model for #NWO | Dec 9, 2019
- The #genocide experienced by the #russians in Ukraine, funded by the #oligarchs and carried out by the #Azov-#Nazi - battalions is a copy the #China’s genocide against the #Uyghurs
#Rothschildism #MSM: 154 articles in less than two days.
Title: "#China's Communist Party to celebrate 100th #birthday in show of pomp and power."
Read 28 tweets
So Mr Jason Shoeaddict, one of the Facebook admins for the "Convoy to Ottawa 2022 group with 108,322 members that @PiperK notes in her great thread here is 100% a "ThisPersonDoesNotExist" GAN image. #OSINT #Disinfo #astroturf
Jason Shoeaddict works for National Geographic TV whatever that means & this particular Facebook group is being promoted by disgraced General Michael Flynn. This whole Trucker protest in Ottawa Canada, now growing to other locations in the EU & US, is being astroturfed. #OSINT
Jason Shoeaddict of course doesn't exist in Tineye. Not definitive by any means, however when u combine it with a couple other techniques we've discovered we can say with high confidence, that Jason is an image of a person that doesnt exist & is algorithmically generated (GAN)
Read 16 tweets
Gab: @ TommyRobinsonOfficial -15m
#UK Boris announces the #end of "#covidpassports" and #masks.
#European Legal Expert Says #VaccineMandates Are the Beginning of a '#SocialCreditSystem' - January 19
- There is a massive movement going on in Europe, right now hundreds of thousands, millions actually who are very much aware of what’s at stake here.…
#China #Rothschildism #Macron
I think that #France should quickly adopt our #socialcredit system [0:12].
'Laught' [0:17-0:20].
#YellowVests detected before they acted [0:27].
Read 5 tweets
Here we are ! Finally, after 18 months of big talks and long-term objectives about #EUGreenDeal, @EU_Commission releases its mammoth package #FitFor55 #FF55.
Here is my key take-aways: the good, the bad, the ugly. #Thread 👇
Good 1: that’s a massive policy push to transform #EUGreenDeal promises into concrete actions to change our ways of life. @FransTimmermans recognises this will be “bloody hard”, but righly underlines that our future depends on it.
Good 2: Creation of the Social Climate Fund that we @DelorsInstitute have been calling for years. This Fund should start as of 2025 with EU budget, and could invest up to 70Bn€ from 2025 to 2032 to finance national plans to ensure social justice in the transition. #EnergyPoverty
Read 12 tweets
1) Oh FFS. ScoMo's handlers making comms so obv. #Auspol coat of arms over head zif crown. Crown = corona, geddit? Message something like: "#COVID1984 psyop next stage active with #MarshallLaw. Worried about Constitution if Trump stays POTUS, but." Image
2) Look at photo #DictatorDan tweeted. Pot plant above head like coat of arms above #ScoMo's. Clear crown motif. #Blueandwhite shirt too. Something big happened today and it wasn't seeing dear old mum. Alluding to another elderly female figure we all know? #KingVictoria Image
3) Also, massive tea cup on table brings to mind #AliceInWonderland. So maybe pot plant above DA more of a hat. Is he saying he's #MadHatter, or #KingVictoria now that #GreatReset is all systems go? Both? Image
Read 51 tweets
Around the world, #COVID19 has resulted in encroachments on human rights

Discussion has centred on curbs on our rights to privacy, movement, speech & even health & even life

In a report out tmw, @amnesty reveals the impact on the right to protest

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The report finds that a post-lockdown blanket ban on protest in France was disproportionate & resulted in hundreds of unjustified fines. These restrictions on protests are of a continuing pattern that has seen peaceful protester under assault from the police & the justice system.
Two weeks ago, more than 200 people were arrested during the first #YellowVests protest since France lockdown lifted

This report - based on six research trips to France dating back to June 2019 - looks at both the current situation & how France got there.…
Read 3 tweets
China Lebanon France and Hong Kong

China watched what's happened in Lebanon with amazement. So the French president Macron was there after the blast happened and the Lebanese surrounded him and held his hands, asking him to save Lebanon. He was hailed as the savior Image
2/ and "Father of all".

The delusion of the Lebanese is too much & too embarrassing to witness. Macron is called the "little white dragon" in China, a pretty ineffectual Frenchman.

Macron can't even deal with the #YellowVests at home who have been vehemently protesting
3/ for over a year. He doesn't know what to do with the second wave of Covid19 and the mass bankruptcies and mass lay offs.

Macron has extended Covid19 related job preserving unemployment benefits to two years in an effort to stem layoffs, which means like the US, French
Read 13 tweets
[#AntiELAB Movement vs #UmbrellaMovement: are #HKers walking on the old path?]

1.1/ #HK's protests have indeed reduced due to the #COVID19 and the #NationalSecurityLaw. #HKGov mass arrests protestors, and crackdown on the education, mass media, medical and judicial industries. Image
1.2/ But, NO, we're not walking the old path of division between different sides in the pro-democracy bloc. In fact, we're winning. Here's why: Image
2/ In 2014,
- 70% of polls call for the occupation to stop
- Division within Pro-democracy bloc
- Average results in the District Council Election
- Pro-Beijing bloc gained 57% seats in Legislative Council
- #CCP's economic diplomacy is doing well
- Few countries support HK Image
Read 15 tweets
Our new study examines @AOC|@EdMarkey's GND resolution & @BernieSanders $16.3 trillion GND.

We address 2 questions:
(a) How can we pay for the #GND?
(b) In what ways do social welfare policies relate to tackling the climate crisis?

*Open access* (1/n)…
Ray Galvin (1st author) isn’t on twitter. So I’ll summarize:
✅Sanders #GND is economically sound
✅We can afford a Green New Deal
✅There is fiscal space
✅Social welfare programs needed for CO2 reduction

A 🧵 of how we came to these findings (1b/n)…
As Congress just approved a $2.2 trillion #covid19 aid package—largest in modern US history—the “how will you pay for it?” question swiftly faded. Our study clarifies common fallacies connected to federal spending—this has direct implications 4 future #GND legislation (1c/n)
Read 31 tweets

#France #Paris

France recognizes Anti-#Zionism now official as #Antisemitism.
The #French #Parliament recently passed a #resolution on this. The resolution of #MP @SylvainMaillard ("La République en marche") adheres to the definition of the "International Alliance for #Holocaust Remembrance" from 2016,
which was adopted by the #European Parliament and the #German government: "#AntiSemitism is a certain perception of #Jews who hatred of #Jews can find expression. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of #AntiSemitism are directed against #Jewish or non-#Jewish individuals and/
Read 8 tweets
Good morning! #Equities continue to defy gravity. This has more to do with the insane monetary environment CBs have created. Macro economic reality says something completely different. The division (=the bubble) will come to haunt us all. Please stay tuned for #HZupdates
Why is it, that some analysts try to explain away the obvious? We have a major bubble in ...well almost all assets. #Schiller PE for #SP500 tells us, that the bubble is at 1929-level. Could it grow bigger? Sure!! But that does not make it a non-bubble #HZupdates
Amount of neg. yielding debt has skyrocketed. Remember, this is discount factor. If discount factor is closing in on 0 (or goes neg.) then value of any asset is going to infinity. But that has NOTHING to do with true value of any asset. This is "Bubble food"! #HZupdates
Read 23 tweets
LIVE: #YellowVests take to streets for round 45 of protests in #Paris
French police use tear gas as demonstrators gather in front of #Paris railway terminal Saint-Lazare - report
UPDATE: Police make first arrests at the Place de la Madeleine
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#Acte26 in #Rouen the #CRS well equipped as always #GiletsJaunes #Macron #ActeXXVI #YellowVests
#Biarritz #Acte26 The #GiletsJaunes gather in Biarritz this Saturday protesting against the holding of the #G7 summit. #ActeXXVI #Yellowvests #France #Macron
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🎆It's the #FinalCountdown 🎆

Biden says if Trump can't comply with Congress' subpoenas, Democrats have no choice but to #impeach.

Rep. Green (Houston) wants to #impeach really, really, really badly.
🎆 #FinalCountdown 2 🎆

Congress is pressuring Trump and his administration with subpoenas. They're also considering consequences for non-compliance, such as jail and fines.

@JRubinBlogger thinks Congress should consider impeachment of administration members, such as AG Barr.
🎆 #FinalCountdown 3 🎆

Mueller is still a public servant, as his magic is worked as evidenced by @RubyWorms legal calendar.

U.S. prosecutors tell a judge that Stone can't see unredacted Mueller report.

Credico is being subpoenaed.

Assange faces U.S. extradition trial.
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Equador: Swedish national #OlaBini arrested for connections to #wikileaks.

Johannes Wahlström:

#JulianAssange's "human rights are violated on a daily basis"

"#JulianAssange is imprisoned for #journalism."

#MikePompeo on lying:

"When I was a cadet, what was the cadet motto at West Point? 'You will not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do'? I was the CIA Director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It was like - we had entire training courses!"
Read 311 tweets
#Paris A few hundred demonstrators gathering near the Gare du Nord for #Acte23 #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #France #ActeXXIII
#PARIS #ActeXXIII A bus carrying #GiletsJaunes and #StreetMédics came from Moselle , is controlled and searched by gendarmes near Parisian toll. #Yellowvests #France #Acte23 #Macron
Departure from one of the three protest points in #Paris at North Station. A lot of policemen around. #Acte23 #GiletsJaunes #ActeXXIII #Yellowvests #France
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#ActeXXI of the #GiletsJaunes at #Rouen : GJs sing "Revolution" in front of the police. #Yellowvests #Acte21
#ActeXXI of the #GiletsJaunes at #Rouen : the police cordon advances, first tensions.
#Yellowvests #Acte21
#ActeXXI of the #Giletsjaunes at #Rouen : the tension is palpable after a brief exchange of blows between #CRS and protesters.
#Yellowvests #Acte21
Read 68 tweets
@lrettig @iam_preethi Ethereum governance is very complex, I would like to contribute to the debate with the exploration of several lines of thought. Before talking about governance I propose that we investiguate the concept of Ethereum community.
@lrettig @iam_preethi Contrary to nick szabo I believe that the word “community” is not an abuse and we can learn a lot about the different group of peoples who seems to share common interest.
@lrettig @iam_preethi 1 based on their own perspective so many people draw conclusions on an outcome who might not being fully understood without more complementary insight. Before talking about governance one must understand the complexity of the #ethereum community and his ecosystem first.
Read 15 tweets
French cops wearing #Giletsjaunes to infiltrate movement. #Yellowvests #Acte19 #Acte20 #Macron
#France The morning procession launches in the streets of #Rouen with slogans for the police and the media #GiletsJaunes #ActeXX #YellowVests #Macron
#GiletsJaunes #Acte20: #Avignon is blocked "Tolerance is really zero, we search everyone, children, adults"
#Yellowvests #France #Macron
Read 64 tweets
By @kthalps
I'm unlocking this patreon ep w @MaxBlumenthal bc, scarily enough, the same media & libs who call Trump a megalomaniac w/ dementia, want him to oversee regime change in #Venezuela. Speaking of which happy 16 year anniversary of the invasion of🇮🇶…
By @HOVcampaign
Granada, Spain, March 21, against imperialist intervention in Venezuela #HandsOffVenezuela #ManosFueraDeVenezuela #6AñosPorLaPazYLaVida
Read 143 tweets

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