However, in Douma 2 such modification were found. One bounced onto a bed and under the carpet without serious damage while the other one is too deformed to fit the undeformed cylinder.

The modifications (corset, fins, rings, wheels) used in the Douma fake attack can be old ones taken from the junk yard of war or replications of originals. There are some possibilities which do not contradict natural laws.

- impact (a lot of rubble and dust)
- a curtain fell slower that the dust
- a pack of fiberglass rolled on top of the rubble but after the dust was settled
- something...
- at the same time fluid chlorine spilled down into the room
- all people in the cellar hear the pssst of the valve
- meanwhile the fire dies out and the cylinder freezes
- most of the people die in front of the toilet
- someone alive goes up to the 3rd floor stepping over the bodies of two girls and cleans the furnitue
- he tries to wash away the burnt paint on the wall and hits a hole into it

- the gass is completely gone, no caughing at all
- no remaining blaze or smoke from the fire
- just a frozen cylinder is looking down in the blackened hole

Someone found them in the cellar and carried them upstairs just to collect them in front of the toilet before the video team arrived.

I personally believe that a lot of people suffocated in the basements that day. In a desperate try to stop Assad an idea might be born to take the dead or almost dead and some stuff from the junk yard.

The ice on the cylinder is just dust or powder or sugar and the greenish bed appears a little later just brown.

And what colored the white pillow?

However, the hospital videos show no victim of a CW attack. Instead kids waiting...

The wrong apllied asthma spray has a long tradition in odd CW attacks. Since Higgins tries to prove the present incident by alleged old incidences, here is an example: