>old hole>stuff placed on top of rubble>dusty cylinder>rain causes dust to run over surface>pulling over lattice causes scratches>placing at hole>fire sooted hole and cylinder> broken valve>frozen/molten>traces

a) lose the harness first in order to be "imprinted" by the lattice
b) impact the lattice perfectly horizontal instead of vertical what in return debunks a cricular hole allegedly caused by the "horizontal" impact ???

So either the helicopter dropped a cylinder with a dust cover already on the upper side that was "imprinted" on impact or the impact caused dust and was scrached after settled.

-no victim was found at a "water source" but many were piled up in front of the loo?
-no one ran into the opposite flat but some into a flat of the 2nd floor?
-the distribution follows the logic of carrying bodies into the flats in a hurry