These systems (boson or fermions) are “clean” analogues of condensed matter systems.
This allows to revisit the Hubbard model from solid-state physics experimentally with cold atoms
E.g. Interacting spin-less bosons, spin ½ interactiong bosons and fermions, super-exchange interaction
Bruno LAurthe-Tolra’s main interest is simulation with dipolar particles
It allows to see the SF–Mott transition atom bu atom (Greiner group) #LTQI #QuPa
Adding doping (away to ½full lattice) is easy experimentally (add holes) but very hard theoretically. Allows to explore a strange metal phase
The usual strategy relies on super-exchange, but it is VERY long
Another way (more promising) is to use spin-dependent hamiltonian. E.g. arxiv:1803.10663 arxiv.org/abs/1803.10663 but other strategies are possible