
There are 93 HS codes for rice that differentiate on whether it's brown and the length of grain, the variety (basmati, other aromatic etc), packet size, whether it's parboiled or not. God it's awful.……
But what if we just look at the stuff we actually import? Well, here's a summary.

Under HS100620 the vast majority comes under 10062098 and 10062017.

So we're down to seven 8 digit codes covering the vast majority of the rice imported into the UK. That's a bit more manageable. Lets go 10 digit.
Here are the codes remaining ... over two tweets.
Brown rice.
1006201713, 1006201718, 1006201791, 1006201799, 1006209813, 1006209818, 1006209891, 1006209899
1006306712, 1006306714, 1006306716, 1006306722, 1006306724, 1006306726, 1006306792, 1006306794, 1006306796, 1006309210, 1006309220, 1006309290, 1006309410, 1006309420, 1006309490, 1006309610, 1006309620, 1006309690.
(Husked (brown) rice,Parboiled,Long grain length/width ratio equal to or greater than 3,Aromatic rice,Basmati rice .....
3rd country duty of €30/tonne, but keep looking.…

EPA countries, CARIFORUM countries, EASA Countries, SADC countries, GSP Annex IV countries (Everything but Arms (EBA)) all on 0%

More GSP Annex IV countries (Everything but Arms (EBA)) countries.
All on 0%
Note Bangladesh is on there.

More EBA countries.
Then some Central American countries, 0% tariff under quota. Then some other countires individually listed all on 0%,
But wait there's Bangladesh again. €10.66/tonne. That doesn't apply to them anymore because they're also a GSP country on 0%

More zeros, including for India and Pakistan. There's a conditions link/button on a few of the countries and that basically says it must come with a certificate certifying that it's authentic basmati or whatever.

I'm not going to bore you with all the screenshots, suffice to say that they're all basically the same, with minor differences. Sometimes the 3rd country tariff is €175/tonne. Sometimes there's a quota.
Here's the link for 1006309620
Wholly milled rice, Long grain ...blah blah.. packings not exceeding 20 kg
Bottom half of the table. Imports from Thailand and USA = 0% under quota.…

Oh where do we get the bulk of our rice form anyway?
The vast majority from India. The rest (outside of the EU) from Pakistan, Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia and Guyana, all 0%, or 0% under quota.