Up next, Candidate Forum. #AnAustinForEveryone
"we have to do better reconciling segregation (income and racially)...we need a city we can be proud of"
"every kid should have access to integrated high-quality education"
"she wants to work for a better city for everyone. where people can live, find jobs, and raise families"
Doesn't want to see our city become a donut city.
"we desperately need to change our code. we need to come together but we have a lot of work to do. I don't support what's in front of us right now but I think we can get there if we work together."
"we need to rebalance on the types of projects we're doing. we need some roads projects but we need transit, TDM, etc."
"we have to make sure that our corridor improvements are aligned with our transit improvements"
"I'm deeply invested in seeing the community thrive"
"from residents to new-comers"
"people that are new shouldn't [be excluded]"
'we need abundant housing, robust transportation access, jobs'
"we're going to continue growing, we have to grow smarter....we must reverse sprawl"
"density has to be part of the equation so that we can address
"CodeNEXT should also address {housing} that can't be handled by the market"
"[D1] has
"we have to think through this with a lens of equity"
Supports the $300m affordable housing bond.
'building more roads isn't enough'
'we need to work on Vision Zero, sidewalks, and bicycle master plan'
"my campaign vision is very similar to AURA's, I want an inclusive city. An Austin for Everyone"
"it's near impossible to f
"we have to build housing supply in the city. we need to build supply, I believe mostly on the corridors and near the center of the city"
"we have a vibrant community in part because we have a diverse city"
Says in SF with high housing, only the rich and the people subsidized can afford to live there.
Acknowledging that she has a different view on some policies but wants to focus on where she thinks our views align. Says that we need renter protections for affordable housing developments that the city has agreements with.
Supports (+) density along the corridors. Those are natural areas for co-operatives. In West Campus, co-ops have been a success. But saying she'd need to judge on a case by case basis. That zoning is contextual.
"how do we move people into and out of the city? we can't build our way out of this from a highway perspective"
Talking about childhood experiences in Philly. How exciting childhood life in a vibrant city was.
"How do we get to a place in which we can build high-capacity transit?"
"I look at co-ops and say, why would we not allow them wherever people live? parking, noise, and other objections are separate questions to address"
"we need to make sure all people have the tools to stay in their neighborhood."
"for a property owner, that means supporting ADUs. Adding more places for people to live throughout the neighborhoods. Allows people to better afford increases in property taxes."