1. Is a mysterious British private spy firm linked to a series of “collusion” stings on the @realDonaldTrump team?

DOWNER initiated that chat & @nytimes concedes he was"fishing"

Hakluyt Advisory Brd mbr 08-14, shareholder &still attending corporate mtgs as recently as late 2015
• Secured $25m for Clinton Fndtn while Australian Foreign Minister (96-07)
• Also UN Envoy to MIFSUD’s native Cyprus 08-14

But it isn’t just DOWNER.
Many can be traced back to "Hakluyt"
(even the Clinton's themselves)
~A private corp spy/intel firm
~Founded in 1995, mostly by ex MI6 officers
~Set up w."blessing" of the then head of MI6
~Clients worldwide
~Very secretive
~72 Staff
~HQ in very expensive part of London (Kensington)
~US office in NY

~MI6 1975-1998 (ran MI6 "business liaison")
~Founder & ran Hakluyt from 1998-2006
~One of James' first clients was MACK MCLARTY
*fmr WH Chf of Staff to "oldest friend" B CLINTON (&childhood friend of HILARY) spearswms.com/hakluyts-chris…

~Set up MI6's cntr-terrorism branch
~MI6 Head of Station Berlin
~Founder & dir at Hakluyt 1998-2004
~Apparently "a close friend" of SIR RICHARD DEARLOVE (fmr head of MI6 &fmr boss of CHRIS STEELE who has vouched for Steele's credibility)

The day after @realDonaldTrump announced his candidacy (Jun 16 '15)
Hakluyt created a mutual firm: "Hakluyt Cyber Ltd"
A 29-yr vet of GCHQ joined it Sep 15.
The ex Dir of GCHQ also joined mgmt.


But what makes them similar to Fusion GPS?
1. Secretive
2. Produced "intel" in similar way to Steele dossier
3. Possibly corrupt relationship with the msmedia
4. 2016-17 Lots of Money
"We don't ever talk about anything we do.
We never go into any details of what we may or what we may not be doing"

• Targeted journalists as sources (likely paying $)
• Recruited journalists onto payroll
• A Hakluyt leader even IMPERSONATED a journalist, wFAKE stories

An xMI6 undercvr offcr, 94' he posed as a journalist in Bosnia, writing FAKE stories under FAKE name, in UK's prestigious & longest running magazine, The Spectator: theguardian.com/media/2000/jun…

Nothing 2c here folks, everything DOWNER says 2the press (or FBI) is on the up &up, just look at the stand up guys he assocs hmslf w!

But it isn’t just ALEXANDER DOWNER reaching out to the @realDonaldTrump team who Hakluyt has strong links to.
A person by the name of DR STEFAN HALPER did too.

~Cambridge Fellow
~Set up "Cambridge Intel Forum" w/SIR RICHARD DEARLOVE
(*quit due to Russian influence*)
~CIA Father-in-Law (RAY KLINE)
~Various roles at WH, DOJ
~Supported Crooked H: sputniknews.com/politics/20161…

HALPER was 1st to mention CLINTON emails:

1. Co-wrote a book ('America Alone') w/Jonathan Clarke,
(Hakluyt Dir of US operations)
2. Used other Hakluyt Dirs as book sources (eg SIR ROBIN RENWICK)
3. Shared academic panel w/DOWNER: talks.cam.ac.uk/talk/index/267…

Well, its only 5 min walk away from
Hakluyt’s London HQ AND
*literally around the corner*
(Must be just another coincidence)

He invited CARTER PAGE to a seminar in London July 16, which PAGE attended.
Who else was there?
SIR RICHARD DEARLOVE, Christopher STEELE's MI6 boss, who vouches4 &met 2discuss dossier w/in Sep.
nothing 2c

That’s how pervasive these connections are.
RENWICK is also connected to DEARLOVE &
possibly even JOSEPH MIFSUD himself!
UK Ambassador to South Africa 87-91
UK Ambassador to USA 91-95*
Hakluyt Advisory Board Director & Banker 00-08
Lord for Kensington, London until 2018
*SIR RICHARD DEARLOVE was Head of DC Station at same time, based in same building

CRAWFORD now teaches at "London Academy of Diplomacy" w/JOSEPH MIFSUD, *the "Professor" GEORGE PAPADOPOULOS told DOWNER had offered him Clinton emails

"Dealing w/the Media" alongside MIFSUD & GIANNI PITTELLA
PITTELLA, a socialist European politician, spoke at 2016 DNC, calling @realDonaldTrump a "virus'

Does Crawford personally know STEELE?
Because he definitely knows & works with MIFSUD.
*Yet one more coincidence

“Come on, man!”
How is it possible ALL these ppl know ea other, ALL initiate conversations w/@realDonaldTrump team AND they ALL have long standing links to British/private intelligence?
What are the chances random ppl are trying to set up mtgs to discuss "Russia" & "Clinton emails" with CARTER PAGE & PAPADOPOULOS all in the same place?
But when you have this many coincidences,
ALL at the same time & ALL negative for @realDonaldTrump surely we need a good explanation, not "no comment"
Well, there are abt *10 MILLN reasons* to look closely into Hakluyt’s finances during the @POTUS campgn: they had a HUGE spike, likely US based biz

Theres a unique incr in revenue due to "currency translation"
Given EU Brexit vote of Jun 16 resulted in a large fall in £/$ exch rate, this suggests US clients, likely paying literally millions of $!

@HouseIntelComm has NOT interviewed GEORGE POPODOPOLOUS, STEFAN HALPER, or so far as we know, ALEXANDER DOWNER
& its unlikely @JusticeOIG will either...at least anytime soon.
Perhaps, but ALMOST NOBODY knew fmr Dianne Feinstein staffer Dan Jones was running a *50m campaign* to keep the Steele dossier & “collusion” alive either thefederalist.com/2018/02/20/is-…

take a hard look at Hakluyt.
I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
•Deeply connected to MI6/GCHQ
•Senior staff linked to CLINTONS
•Undeclared/corrupt ties to media/journalists (Fusion GPS)
•Ties to DOWNER, HALPER, MIFSUD: ALL initiate contact with DJT team
•£10m extra business?
Who/where from?
Follow The Money
This here is @JohnBrennan in the New York City Offices of Hakluyt and Company, Jan 2018: twitter.com/The_War_Econom
Another Coincidence?
Yeah....I Don't Believe In Coincidences Either.
PS (If You Read It All, The Mole Is Identified)

"Hakluyt and Company.'
It was hosted by the Veterans In Global Leadership,
and John Brennan attended it.