• Hakluyt Advisory Board member 08-14, shareholder and still attending corporate meetings as recently as late 2015
• Secured $25m for Clinton Foundation while Australian Foreign Minister (96-07)
• Also UN Envoy to MIFSUD’s native Cyprus 08-14

• A private corporate spy/intel firm
• Founded in 1995, mostly by ex MI6 officers
• Set up with the "blessing" of the then head of MI6
• Clients worldwide
• Very secretive
• 72 staff
• HQ in v expensive part of London (Kensington)
• US office in NY

• MI6 1975-1998 (ran MI6 "business liaison")
• Founder & ran Hakluyt from 1998-2006
• One of James' first clients was MACK MCLARTY - fmr WH Chief of Staff to "oldest friend" BILL CLINTON (also a childhood friend of HILARY)
•Profile: spearswms.com/hakluyts-chris…

• Set up MI6's counter-terrorism branch
• MI6 Head of Station in Berlin
• Founder & director at Hakluyt from 1998-2004
• Apparently "a close friend" of SIR RICHARD DEARLOVE (fmr head of MI6 & fmr boss of CHRIS STEELE who has vouched for Steele's credibility)

*A peer of CHARLES FARR:

1. Secretive
2. Produced "intel" in similar way to Steele dossier
3. Possibly corrupt relationship with the media
4. 2016-17 #Money
"We don't ever talk about anything we do. We never go into any details of what we may or what we may not be doing"

• Targeted journalists as sources (likely paying $)
• Recruited journalists onto payroll
• A Hakluyt leader even IMPERSONATED a journalist, with FAKE stories

HUBAND later set up his own Hakluyt-style firm: markhuband.com/mark-huband-pr…
An ex MI6 undercover officer, in 94 he posed as a journalist in Bosnia, writing FAKE stories under a FAKE name, in the UK's prestigious & longest running magazine, The Spectator: theguardian.com/media/2000/jun…

• Cambridge Fellow
• Set up "Cambridge Intelligence Forum" with SIR RICHARD DEARLOVE (quit due to "Russian influence”: ft.com/content/d43cd5…)
• CIA Father-in-Law (RAY KLINE)
• Various roles at White House, DOJ
• Supported HILARY: sputniknews.com/politics/20161…

1. Co-wrote a book (“America Alone”) with Jonathan Clarke, Hakluyt Director of United States operations
2. Used other Hakluyt Directors as book sources (eg SIR ROBIN RENWICK)
3. Shared academic panel with DOWNER: talks.cam.ac.uk/talk/index/267…

• UK Ambassador to South Africa 87-91
• UK Ambassador to USA 91-95*
• Hakluyt Advisory Board Director & Banker 00-08
• Lord for Kensington, London until 2018
*SIR RICHARD DEARLOVE was Head of D.C Station at the same time, based in the same building

PITTELLA, a socialist European politician, spoke at the 2016 DNC, calling @realDonaldTrump a "virus': archive.is/4jyO1#selectio…

Well, there are about *10 MILLION reasons* to look closely into Hakluyt’s finances during the Presidential campaign: they had a HUGE spike, likely in US based biz

• Deeply connected to MI6/GCHQ
• Senior staff linked to CLINTONS
• Undeclared/corrupt ties to media/journalists (Fusion GPS)
• Ties to DOWNER, HALPER, MIFSUD: ALL initiate contact with DJT team
• £10m extra business? Who/where from? #FollowTheMoney