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1/ Dimanche soir dans @EnqueteExclu sur #M6 à 23h15 sera diffusé le film-documentaire que nous avons réalisé avec mon ami Solomon Kane. Intitulé "#Transnistrie, #Abkhazie, #Ossétie : voyage dans les pays fantômes des #Soviets", il traite des zones grises autour de la mer Noire. Image
2/ Ces zones grises sont des Etats séparatistes soutenus par #Moscou. La plupart d'eux datent de la chute de l'union soviétique au début des années 90. Ils sont les fruits des manœuvres du #KGB pour empêcher les pays dans lesquels ils sont situés de sortir du giron de la #Russie.
3/ En #Moldavie, la #Transnistrie est un de ces territoires séparatistes. Nous nous y sommes rendus clandestinement après l'invasion russe de l'Ukraine. La population y est prorusse et russophone. Elle est alimentée par un discours antioccidental et anti-européen. ImageImageImageImage
Read 23 tweets
#GuerreEnUkraine D+454 (23/05) PdS1 -Théâtres du #Donbass

Alors que le front du #Donbass est figé dans une guerre de positions, l'opération 🇺🇦sur #Belgorod ouvre un front inattendu... si elle s'installe dans la durée Image

Mise en abîme,
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Si vous avez loupé la chronique N°CDLIII de #GuerreEnUkraine, la voici👇


1/segment #Russie-#Belgorod

Quels sont les faits ?

Hier, un détachement des unités de la LVI (Légion des Volontaires Internationaux) "Légion Liberté de la Russie" et "Corps des Volontaires Russes"👇, composé d'au moins 2 chars et 10 véhicules blindés, Image
Read 22 tweets
1. I recall the Russian state was overthrown once in history. A foolish #Tsar chose to support his cousin and joined a war against another cousin. The Tsar was not a very good commander and the war did not go well for Russia. Eventually people rose up and shot the Tsar.
2. Today that history may be repeating. It started with artillery strikes on the area of a Russian border control point attacked from #Ukrainian territory by approximately 50 #Russiannationals. After securing the control point approximately 500 more Russian nationals moved in and Image
3. began taking towns until they reached #Grayvoron where they were eventually met by Russian forces trying to halt the advance. The invading force started with one #tank an #IFV and several #Humvees and also captured vehicles in Russia. ImageImage
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ICYMI: US busts open #Russia|n malware used to help #Moscow spy in + 50 countries

@NSAGov @FBI @CISA w/#Britain #Australia #Canada #NewZealand announced Thursday they ID's the code behind the #FSB's #Snake Malware…
.@NSAGov describes the #Snake malware as "a sophisticated #Russia|n cyberespionage tool"

"The FSB has victimized industries including education institutions, small businesses, & media organizations" per @NSAGov statement
"Critical infrastructure sectors, such as local government, finance, manufacturing, and telecommunications, have also been impacted" by #Russia's FSB's #Snake malware, per @NSAGov
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🧵 Nächtliche Anschlagsserie auf Moskauer Wohnhäuser. 367 Tote, 1000e Verletzte. Das war 1999. Der Duma-Sprecher wusste schon Tage vorher von den Anschlägen. Alle mit der Aufklärung der Verbrechen befassten Personen verstarben alsbald … /2 Image
2 Diese vom #FSB inszenierte False-Flag-Aktion war entscheidend für die nachfolgende Karriere von Wladimir #Putin. Der Chef-Terrorist kam in einen Hochsicherheitstrakt im #Kreml.
Westliche Politiker wollten von alledem nichts wissen.
Dokumentation u.a. hier ⬇️ Image
3 Remember: Image
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Es braut sich etwas zusammen: Europaweit #DDoS-Attacken auf Ministerien und Behörden, #Ransomware-Angriff auf die Lürssen-Werft... Bei Sicherheitsbehörden und IT-Sicherheitsexperten wächst die Sorge vor einer Mischszene aus Cyberkriminellen und pro-russischen Hacktivisten /1
In den vergangenen Monaten haben sich mehrere Hacker-Gruppen, darunter die Hacktivisten von "Killnet" und "NoName057", aber auch Ransomware-Gruppen zu neuen pro-russischen Kollektiven zusammengeschlossen, um den Kreml mit Cyberaktionen zu unterstützen. /2
In Hacker-Foren und #Telegram-Gruppen wird zu Angriffen auf Ziele in Europa, Nordamerika, die #NATO oder #EU aufgerufen, insbesondere auf kritische Infrastruktur, etwa Krankenhäuser oder Energieversorgung. Die Cyberakteure bezeichnen sich dabei als russische Patrioten. /3
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Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, @h_munzinger got in touch with a source. Over the span of several weeks, Hannes got hold of more than 5000 pages of documents. This secret trove forms the basis of the investigation we’re releasing today #VulkanFiles…
This is a fascinating (and rare!) look into the ambitions of the Russian state. This rather small company of about 135 people was working for the #GRU, the #SVR and the #FSB.…
I will highlight some of the takeaways in the coming hours and days but we have spent many months verifying the details contained within the documents, together with many partners, among others the @guardian…
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Boom! Leaked documents from #Moscow shed light on Vladimir Putin's shadowy cyber-warfare capabilities: hacking, disinformation, propaganda. Here's our story on the #VulkanFiles, supplied by a whistleblower unhappy at Ukraine war and who is now a "ghost"…
Our story follows a months-long investigation into Vulkan, a cyber-security firm in Moscow. Its clients include the #FSB, Putin's old spy agency; the Russian military and the #GRU intelligence agency; and the SVR, the foreign intelligence outfit, emails and multiple docs show
The #VulkanFiles are published today by international media partners and newspapers including @paper_trail_m @derspiegel @SZ @washingtonpost @ZDFfrontal @derStandardat @tagesanzeiger
@lemondefr @istories_media @DRNyheder
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Evan Gershkovich, a correspondent for @WSJ - Wall Street Journal - who has been living in Moscow for six years, has been detained in Yekaterinburg on suspicion of espionage. An important Thread 🧵 @evangershkovich
The #FSB believes that the journalist "was collecting information on behalf of the United States about one of the enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex, which constitutes a state secret."
This is, of course, shocking. Let's wait to see what the FSB specifically presents, but it appears that they have taken a hostage.
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The @TheStudyofWar reported yesterday on a recent discussion in Russian media concerning an alleged "leak" about a Russian Security Council meeting. A thread 🧵…
According to the leak, Nikolai Patrushev informed #Putin of the reasons for the security services to "neutralize" the #Wagner Group.
The ISW states that it has not observed any information suggesting these discussions took place, nor has it captured any speculation in the Russian information space about them.
Read 15 tweets
JUST IN — Irgendjemand hat im #FSB Gebäude in #Rostov, Russland 🇷🇺 geraucht 🚬… 🔥🔥🔥

Vorher war eine 💥zu hören 😁🫡

Ups 😬 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Read 3 tweets
Mar. 3:
1/ #ISW: #Russians #Bryansk reaction

More on #Russian #Volunteer #Corps” & #Russian freak out over #Bryansk incident:

@TheStudyofWar report:
#Russian officials continued to release limited ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #FalseFlag #Propaganda…
Mar. 3:
2/ #ISW: #Russians #Bryansk reaction

..”#Information” about the Mar. 2 #Incursion in #Bryansk Oblast but 🔸#Failed to provide clarity about what actually #Transpired.🔸[#Russia found the #Incident ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Misinformation…
Read 25 tweets
1/ Disinformation Alert 🚨! #NAFO #Ukraine #Russia #Odessa #USA #Russian You might have realized that since 7 days, there is an information ops targeting #Odessa in terms of „forced conscription“. Let’s take a look on this video. #nafofellas
2/ First of all I want to note one special detail which makes the story more funny. The soldiers in the video are really following their lists. The board is completely empty. That is simply bad acting #FSB. 😂 …
3/ when you delete videos because they were old and could point to a earlier use, don’t forget that evidence stays. 😂
Read 14 tweets
@Enzo51387079 @elvise1657 cazzatissime
[thread] anche in Russia i Nazisti esistono veramente, lo sai questo?
Perchè #putin non ha fatto pulizia dentro la #Russia dove secondo #FSB e Nucleo Antiterrorismo Russo dal 2013 i NAZISTI RUSSI attivi sono oltre 200.000?
vuoi Parlarmi degli #schulz88?
@Enzo51387079 @elvise1657 O preferisci parlare dell'accondiscendenza mostrata in #Russia da #Putin nei confronti dei #NASHI, gruppo Xenofobo di estrema destra che addirittura ha portato l'opinione pubblica RUSSA a chiedersi se SONO I NAZISKIN RUSSI LA NUOVA AVANGUARDIA DEL PROLETARIATO?
@Enzo51387079 @elvise1657 Lasciamo da parte il #Wagner.
Vuoi parlare degli #Svenska #motståndsrörelsen, Movimento nazi svedese fondato negli Anni 90 dal gruppo terrorista "Resistenza Ariana Bianca"? Addestrati in Russia, da MILITARI che avevano combattuto tra i separatisti russi in #Ucraina?
Read 23 tweets
Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! A quarrel between Russian president Vladimir #Putin and Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, which we talked about last week, found its continuation on Friday.
Patrushev refused to participate in the operational meeting held by the president with the permanent members of the Security Council. Patrushev's position is understandable in principle. #Putin promises to launch a large transit of power...
with a smooth transition of Dmitry Patrushev to the presidency but categorically does not want to fulfill his promises. The Secretary of the Security Council is losing hope and patience, probably realizing that he is just being fooled.
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🇷🇺 Federal Agency for State Reserves (Росрезерв)
Summary of corruption, pilfering & appropriations. 🧵

- currently no director, just acting Igor Guchas (Игор Гучас)
- majority of data is classified (internal structure, what products, how many depots, their locations, etc.)
two key words that facilitate corruption: “закладка” (purchase) and “выпуск” (sale). Participation in all these events is authorized by #FSB. As you may expect, authorization is not for free. And the slices of the cake are not even.
It is a very narrow entourage. All #Putin’s friends and their families. And they decide all the prices. Obviously the profits are located outside Russia. But one false step and one may end in prison. Especially with fuel contracts. Or cheating top management.
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Siloed development of AI by nation-states as National Security threat mitigation as well as the weaponizing of AI to infiltrate, and affect policy & population sentiment in adversary nations is a significant malignant threat to peace & exponentially increases the risk of conflict
AI algos harness volumes of macro & micro-data to influence decisions affecting people in a range of scenarios, from benign movie recommendations to less benign black-box creditworthiness tests, to malignant use by Alphabet Agencies for regime change…
Artificial intelligence extends the reach of national security threats that can target individuals and whole societies with precision, speed, and scale

#NatSec #NSA #CIA #DIA #FSB #MIT #Mossad……
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🇩🇪: In dieser #vatnik-Suppe wird der Söldner, Militärblogger und Massenmörder #Igor_Girkin (#Strelkov ) vorgestellt. Er war früher #FSB Offizier und in viele 🇷🇺🗑️Kriege verwickelt, #Tschetschenien/ #Transnistrien bis zum Krieg gegen die #Ukraine ab 2014.
1/1 Girkin ist vor allem für seine Beteiligung an den russischen Annexionsaktivitäten bekannt. Im April 2014 (Foto) , nachdem russische Truppen Slowjansk erobert hatten, wurde Igor in den erfundenen Posten des "Oberbefehlshabers der Donezker Volksrepublik" "befördert".
2/1 Zu dieser Zeit trug er den Namen "Strelkov" ("Schütze"). Schon bald begann er, den Marionettenstaat DPR mit eiserner Faust zu regieren, Menschen unter erfundenen Anschuldigungen hinzurichten und die Bevölkerung der DPR, einschließlich Frauen, zum Kampf gegen die Ukrainer zu
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Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday, #Russian President Vladimir #Putin held a meeting via video call with representatives of the leadership of the security and military blocs. There were several topics on the agenda. Mobilization was the central one.
Representatives of the leadership of the military bloc reported that they were ready to carry out a full range of mobilization measures within the framework of both general and partial mobilization.
After listening to the report of the representative of the Defense Ministry, #Putin confirmed his intention to call up about two million people during 2023 and asked the speaker whether everything was ready to complete the task in full and on time.
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Saturday, December 31, 2022, in the morning report to the President of #Russia Vladimir #Putin, the irretrievable military operational loss of manpower of the #RussianArmy is 104,186 people. Data are as of 6 am Moscow time today.
1/4 Image
This figure excludes the data on the losses of #Russian PMCs that also participate in hostilities on the territory of #Ukraine. As of Friday, December 30, they lost 33,902 dead.
2/4 Image
The next update on the losses of PMC fighters should be received on Friday, January 6 and will be updated once a week.
Losses of the #Russian National Guard since the beginning of hostilities amount to 5,941 killed and missing.
3/4 Image
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@drPNapierala 1).
Ogólna liczba zabitych żołnierzy po obu stronach wojny na Ukrainie różni się znacznie, zależnie od danego źródła.

Jeśli chodzi o liczbę poległych Ukraińców, jak utrzymuje 9 grudnia doradca Szefa Kancelarii Prezydenta Ukrainy Mychajło Podolak (@Podolyak_M),
@drPNapierala @Podolyak_M 2).
wynosi od 10 000 do 13 000 żołnierzy [1].

Co do strat po stronie rosyjskiej, szacunki @BBC z 9 grudnia określają je na 10 000 zabitych żołnierzy [2].

21 września minister obrony Federacji Rosyjskiej (@mod_russia) Sergiej #Shoigu w znacznym stopniu zaniżył straty
@drPNapierala @Podolyak_M @BBC @mod_russia 3).
armii Federacji Rosyjskiej kłamiąc o 5931 zabitych. 22 października Ministerstwo Obrony Ukrainy (@DefenceU) podawało liczbę starat rosyjskich na ponad 67 000 zabitych [3].

Jak informuje Departament Obrony USA (@DeptofDefense) w sierpniu, od początku wojny w Ukrainie,
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🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 295 - Iniciamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 Los 🇺🇸 #EEUU se están planteando enviar kits #JDAM 💥 a Ucrania, lo que multiplicaría la eficacia de su aviación, dada la precisión de estos 🎯.

🟥 ¡Comparte!…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 295 - Este es, para quien no lo haya podido leer todavía, nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada 240ª de guerra, miércoles 14 de diciembre de 2022.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 295 - Desde ciertas fuentes se está publicando que el incendio en la refinería de #Angarsk, en la región rusa de #Irkuts, es fruto de un ataque. Sin negar que pueda ser sabotaje, hay instalaciones mucho más a mano para esto.
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New fresh report from #Kherson on methods and goals of real #FSB work in the Ukrainian occupied territories. Must read. First hand from man who survived. Thanks to @HromadskeUA @Hromadske . Before they translate into English, here are key points, 🧵:
1/ Tortures and mock executions are routine and main methods of recruiting people. It seems that FSB operatives are working for statistics which they report to Moscow and which indicate their "efficiency". It means they have huge deficit of real supporters to expand info network
2/ Ukrainian communications, mobile and #Telegram have been monitored for some time before invasion especially in the border regions, and totally after occupation. It's a serious compromise of #Telegram security and confidentiality. People get killed and tortured 'cause of that.
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🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 278 - Aquí comienza nuestro #hilo diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 Lo que vemos en el siguiente vídeo es un ATGM AT-4 "Spigot" montado sobre un pequeño UTV ucraniano.

🟥 Gracias por vuestro #RETWEET 🙏
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 278 - Este es, para quien todavía no haya podido leerlo, nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, domingo 27 de noviembre de 2022.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 278 - #URGENTE - Según publica @Reuters, el #Pentágono estadounidense estaría valorando la posibilidad de enviar a Ucrania en primavera sus Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) para #MLRS con 160 km de alcance ⬇️…
Read 33 tweets

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