This is the result of the poll I made yesterday. Tonight no cerita lah, only some educational discussion.
I assumed Twitterjaya's population is skewed to the younger folks, might explain why 'never been yet' had the most votes.

Health checkups r basically screening tests one do, to catch a potential disease early. (disease or condition without any symptoms)
Not discussing abt ppl with regular checks with a known condition.
But are they really necessary?
Screening tests r tests with high sensitivity, but not high specificity. Let me give an example.
So a screening tool/test is useful as a starting point to detect possible problems early but needs further tests to see the real problem.
Best is, no need even to draw any blood.
*note; first see a doctor to know what u need to take note of when checking own BP
*note; this is for healthy adults (no prior medical illness known

They are;

Generally, X-rays are not considered a screening tool (except in pre employment/college/uni checks)
I wouldnt recommend any dose of radiation for no reason. If u have chest symptoms, e.g cough, breathlessness, etc, then it will help.
In general, Ca markers are not good screening tests & a good doctor will NOT rely on Ca markers ONLY to make a cancer diagnosis.
It will depend on a host of other things, like history, examination findings, imaging scans, other blood tests to effectively diagnose cancer in someone.
I spend a bit more on Ca markers because I know they r not cheap & many ppl seem to get confused with the results.
Sekian ceramah malam ini. Shoot any questions, I'll answer till midnight.