Alia Malek عليا مالك Profile picture
Author The Home That Was Our Country:A Memoir of #Syria; Director Int’l Reporting @newmarkjschool IG @3liaMalek
Sep 26, 2020 70 tweets 21 min read
NOT SURPRISED: A THREAD (cc: the entire media industry but esp the enablers @nytimes )
RCMP arrests ‘Abu Huzayfah’ for allegedly faking his past with ISIS |… because i belong to an industry that is remarkably not self-reflective, i often have to assign my students in int'l reporting & cross cultural journalism criticisms from other disciplines -ie literature, film, art et al -- that also take on representations of other peoples
Sep 13, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Ok so @paulkrugman is doubling down. 2 points: first: the absolute numbers of Arab/Muslim or those perceived to be Arab or Muslim are way fewer than those of Black Americans or um all those who can be sexually assaulted (everyone) Second: many crimes and discrimination cases went unreported because folks did not trust a government that was in the midst of dehumanizing in word and in deed Arabs and Muslims overseas (as well as domestically)
Sep 11, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
This is not the lived experience of many folks; numbers of discrimination cases & hate crimes are well documented. Check the book I edited for @voiceofwitness Patriot Acts. On a personal note, hate mail was sent to my work address, fake anthrax to my home all for an essay I wrote Also, the #IRAQ #Afghanistan wars dehumanized Muslims and Arabs everywhere. Think it was great quality of life living in a country that destabilized the entire region where many of us come from while spewing a narrative that was ahistorical and racist?
Aug 5, 2020 9 tweets 9 min read
Situation in #Beirut is dire. @basmehzeitooneh which usually works w #syria refugees in #Lebanon quickly shifted its operations to respond w relief efforts for our beloved city. Please GIVE. (Full disclosure I’m on intl & North America board & know how well run &effective BZ is) Here’s an update from @fadihaliso of @basmehzeitooneh on the first day’s work in #beirut #Lebanon
Jul 16, 2020 5 tweets 6 min read
by @haigpapa Both beautiful tribute to #SarahHegazi & heart wrenching rumination on #Pride, exile, & the community @mashrou3leila & their fans have built - a powerful rebuke (& therefore threat) to the failed leaders across the Middle East #Egypt #Lebanon… Powerful words from @mashrou3leila violinist and founder @haigpapa Image
Jul 7, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
ok, i have read this now twice. it is NOT a parody. wow, how remarkably tone deaf and disingenuous. also, did everyone who signed this letter actually read it?… They bemoan essentially cancel culture but use that as cover to whine about being called out for a variety of behaviors and dynamics that are totally legit up for debate
Jun 25, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
“In the American Nightmare, the severity of anti-Black racism is inseparable from the endurance of American imperialism.” - will be adding this essay to my syllabus for Intro to Intl Reporting... Image
Jun 9, 2020 13 tweets 8 min read
now up @NYTimesAtWar the 3rd dispatch from my long term reporting project following several families from #Syria rebuilding their lives in Europe (currently in year 5)
His Family Fled Syria. He Didn’t Cry Until He Heard About His Sisters.… I met Yousef, his mother, and 2 sisters in #Kos #Greece after they crossed the Aegean Sea in an over stuffed rubber dinghy of folks mostly from #Iraq and #Syria - Yousef was 13. This picture is from when they made it safely ashore after stalling adrift Image
May 26, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
AMEN. I direct a program at @newmarkjschool @CUNY & now more than ever should public institutions like this be rigorously defended and strengthened.
The Backward Logic of Austerity Threatens America’s Most Vibrant Campus… Image
May 6, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
YAWN another article about #Lebanon as told through its bar scene. So bored of this neo-Orientalist trope. #Beirut Nightlife Survived Civil War. Can It Withstand Pandemic? - The New York Times… “In Beirut, a night out is something of a sacred right” - kinda like how it’s a sacred right of journos to write this kind of sentence in continuum for decades now... Image
May 5, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
am i late to this party? regardless, it's great party, or should i say a "dynamic" one😂 #DestroyYouForever
A Dynamic Song On Corona by CMC Sisters | Mount Carmel Generalate Aluva ... It’s an insanely catchy tune and so sincere Image
Apr 23, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
It’s a step, even if the main architects remain in power w impunity. Germany Takes Rare Step in Putting Syrian Officers on Trial in Torture Case - The New York Times… There is no viable future for #Syria WITHOUT justice for the victims and accountability for the perpetrators— whether they were from the regime or the opposition
Mar 23, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
In today's @nytimes Sunday Review-my essay on #Syria; diseases vs. symptoms;cancer & metastasis; beautiful dreams & stolen revolutions; who we can't bury in Syria & what we shamefully have already ‘He Didn’t Want to Lie in a Grave That Couldn’t Be Visited’ It's in part abt my father's desire to be buried in his native Syria &his death from a cancer that viciously metastasized. It's also about how the world excuses its failures in Syria by pretending the disease which is rotting it & the mutations it sprouted are one and the same
Jan 3, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
not to comment on the obvious, but currently on @CNN @andersoncooper has 3 male guests to talk #QassemSoleimani -none of whom are from #Iraq or #Syria or #Lebanon or even #Iran - the nations whose people have been the main victims of Soleimani's "strategizing" @CNN @andersoncooper to be clear, i'm visiting a home where there is TV, therefore, not by full choice.
Dec 3, 2019 7 tweets 6 min read
It’s #GivingTuesday and for the 5th year in a row my family is raising money for great #SYRIA orgs that work w/refugees. I’ll thread the orgs and the fundraising pages but it’s all laid out here… (FEEL FREE TO SHARE WIDELY) We picked these three orgs bc
they do great work, and we believe in them. Importantly, they are also founded by Syrians and/or Syrian Americans. Often, the most effective solutions come from communities themselves. #GivingTuesday #Syria
Sep 17, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
good god, this @bariweiss interview on @BrianLehrer is a train wreck... @bariweiss @BrianLehrer wow, she has no idea what she is talking about. @BrianLehrer this is an embarrassing interview
Sep 10, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Much has already been said (been offline, just catching up). But I find this tweet about war profiteers particularly demonstrative of “all irony is dead” #Syria “the rise of a nouveau riche that made a business off the war while average ppl that resisted lost everything” - substitute “the war” with “the last 5 decades” and you have the MO of the #syria regime, the Assad extended family, & their cronies
Jul 14, 2019 36 tweets 9 min read
For this Sunday, some thoughts triggered by this @nytimesbooks review by @ABarnardNYT of Elliot Ackerman's latest book – while I will touch on the substance of the work briefly, this is really a thread about who gets to be part of these conversations… Different NYT pages have given over a lot of space to Ackerman; in the last 6 months we’ve heard FROM or OF him 3x at @nytimesbooks as well as also at @nytopinion
May 21, 2019 6 tweets 5 min read
Start w/"Moving Beyond the Label of ‘War Refugee’" where we introduce the project (a long term collaboration w/ @MagnumPhotos @pvanagtmael) &more importantly frame it as part of what US wars in #Afghanistan #Iraq & its policies in the region have truly cost It's no coincidence that the overwhelming majority of the one million who in 2015 fled the catastrophes home had become, were from #Syria, #Iraq, and #Afghanistan. Yet, for many Americans, it had nothing to do with them. ImageImage
May 17, 2019 8 tweets 4 min read
Really thrilled that @NYTimesAtWar will be publishing dispatches from my longtime collaboration w/@pvanagtmael following the same #Syria refugees in Europe; read the intro here -- Moving Beyond the Label of ‘War Refugee’ the first dispatch takes readers into Suhair's life in the #Netherlands - Suhair is the single mother of four children, who only left #Syria for them -- To Stay or to Flee: A Syrian Mother’s Impossible Choice -- w/ photos by @pvanagtmael
Dec 13, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
Usually we’re subjected 2seeing MidEast thru US/EU aka“western” eyes &that becomes dominant framing/narrative.Here #France thru #Syria eyes-already more informed framing given US/EU contexts R well known bc theyve been able 2tell own stories historically… Some gems: @abdfree2 says Image