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Jan 11, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
The jobs report released last week showed that 140,000 jobs were lost in December. The latest #CovidRelief bill doesn't provide enough relief. The larger risk for the nation isn't providing enough economic stimulus & hardship relief.

A thread.… People of color, who have experienced disproportionate hardship in the pandemic & recession, & who historically have waited longest to see the fruits of an economic recovery, are also the most at-risk right now.…
Sep 23, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Thread: today, new data from the Census Pulse show that millions of Americans are still struggling to afford food and rent. This economic crisis is far from over for many, and policymakers need to do more to make sure families can put food on the table. /1 #COVIDRelief Census data from September 2-14 show that about 10% of all adults reported their household sometimes or often didn’t have enough to eat in the last 7 days, more than twice the share of adults who reported this at any point in 2019 (3.7%). /2
Sep 23, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
.@AvivaAronDine also addresses the real threat that the Affordable Care Act the ACA including Medicaid expansion could disappear altogether, right in the middle of the crisis, because SCOTUS is hearing the Trump administration case against it. @AvivaAronDine Striking down the law would end protections for people with pre-existing conditions, including the millions of Americans who have just acquired a pre-existing condition because they had #COVID19. #ProtectOurCare
Sep 4, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
Thread: Today’s #JobsReport shows a labor market that, despite improvements since April, remains devastated by the #COVID19 recession. #JobsDay

Here are six signs showing why.… ImageImageImageImage 1. The jobs “hole” that opened in March & April remains huge.

Private payroll employment remains 10.7 million jobs below its February level & state & local government payrolls remain 1.1 million jobs below.… Image
Aug 28, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Thread: Yesterday’s announcements by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) & Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) might be welcome news for some homeowners, but it changes little for renters.

Here’s why 👇👇 These actions stop renter evictions only for the very small share of renters that may be living in single-family homes owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac as a result of foreclosure.
Aug 21, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Thread: HUD is reportedly preparing to extend a moratorium that protects some homeowners (those with Federal #Housing Admin. mortgages) from foreclosures through the end of the year.

Here's why that's not nearly enough to address the ongoing crisis.… This limited relief appears to do little or nothing to protect the large number of renters struggling to keep a roof over their heads. That’s because the measure only applies to mortgage lenders who have no say in evictions outside of very limited (& infrequent) situations.
Aug 13, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
Thread: The #unemployment rate is very high & millions report that their households did not get enough to eat or that they are behind in paying the rent.

We are tracking this hardship in our new special series. #RentReliefNow #BoostSNAPNow… Image What we know. People are:

🍎 Having difficulty getting enough food
🏠 Unable to pay rent or mortgage
🏭 Unemployment is high
🧒 There are millions of kids facing hardship
📈 And overall hardship is trending upward…
Aug 9, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
NEW: The President’s new executive actions should deeply concern all Americans.

To help a nation suffering through one of its gravest crises in many decades, the White House should withdraw the executive actions.… Image The executive actions fall dramatically short of responding effectively to the enormous need across the country due to #COVID19 & the deep recession.

That we have reached this point is a national tragedy.
Aug 6, 2020 7 tweets 8 min read
Policymakers must maintain robust, expanded #unemployment assistance until the economy has recovered substantially from the current recession.

Here's a quick thread why they need to #ExtendUI… ImageImageImage Extending & expanding #unemployment would relieve hardship that falls disproportionately on workers of color, reduce racial & ethnic disparities in unemployment & other labor market outcomes, & speed the economic recovery. #ExtendUI #FundtheFrontLines… ImageImage
Jul 29, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
Thread: Once again, the integrity of the #2020Census is under attack, as the Trump administration seeks to rush the count during a pandemic and suppress the count of immigrants. Last week the President issued a Memorandum directing the Census Bureau not to count undocumented immigrants in the #2020Census count used to apportion congressional seats:…
Jul 28, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
A3a: #Medicaid is providing comprehensive, affordable health coverage to Americans who are facing the loss of employer-based coverage. #TodaysVoicesTues A3b: #Medicaid also covers many of those at greatest risk from #COVID19, including millions of people aged 50-64, & millions of younger people with underlying health conditions. #TodaysVoicesTues…
Jul 28, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
A1a: #Medicaid is a pillar of this country’s health care system, providing coverage to 1 in 5 Americans. #TodaysVoicesTues… Image A1b: It’s a joint federal – state partnership that covers a diverse population & provides a broad range of services. #TodaysVoicesTues…
Jul 9, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
#COVID19’s recent resurgence in states that reopened prematurely shows the economy will almost certainly remain weak for many months & that a full recovery cannot occur until the virus is under control.

People will need more help & Congress needs to act.… ImageImage Black & Latino workers have faced some of the worst employment & earnings losses in the recession, so #CARESAct policies were particularly important to them & their families, averting especially large spikes in Black & Latino poverty.… Image
Jul 9, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
#GreatReads from @anya1anya: Schools need more money, but states are facing deep, deep budget cuts due to the pandemic. Congress can help.… Image @anya1anya The Great Recession was a powerful lesson in what happens when states face large budget cuts w/o receiving help from the federal government.

Emergency federal aid closed only about 1/4 of state budget shortfalls.…
Jun 11, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Many have already received their #StimulusChecks but about 12 million Americans risk missing out because they, unlike millions of people who are receiving them automatically, must file a form by Oct. 15 to receive it.… Image These 12 million Americans include very low-income families with children, people who have been disconnected from work opportunities for a long period, & many low-income adults not raising children in their home.

9 million - roughly 75% - participate in #SNAP or #Medicaid. Image
Jun 10, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
We're getting ready to livetweet Ann Oliva's testimony in front of the House Financial Services Committee starting any moment now (Tune in here: )

We can't use the same old approach to #homelessness during the public crisis & expect better outcomes. "I want to begin today by acknowledging the events of the last several weeks & the systemic racism resulting in the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, & many other Black Americans."
Jun 10, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Thread: We & our partners at @naehomelessness created a framework to help #homelessness assistance providers make strategic #housing decisions to help marginalized communities & extremely low-income people.… The #CARESAct provided $4 billion for #housing, but how far it goes depends on any steps that states & communities take to not only address the current crisis but correct longstanding inequities that perpetuate #homelessness, particularly among people of color.
Jun 2, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
We stand with the countless organizations, activists, community groups, religious & civic leaders, & others in calling for justice for George Floyd — & for fundamental, systemic reforms to foster racial equity & end racial injustice. #BlackLivesMatter… Image We simply must reckon with this history & end these disparities if our nation is ever to make good on its promise of freedom, dignity, & a fair chance for everyone. #BlackLivesMatter

More in our statement from @GreensteinCBPP…
May 21, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
#Thread: People of color are experiencing disproportionately more infections & hospitalizations during this pandemic.

States have policy choices to make & we list out 3 ways state policies can advance equity in response to #COVID19.… Image "Going back to “normal” is not a principle. Normal is our nation’s history of racism, bias, & discrimination embedded in our heath, social & economic systems. States have choices: go back to “normal” OR implement anti-racist, equitable, & inclusive policies." - @Cort_Sand Image
May 14, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
Our @JLSullivan spoke yesterday on #COVID19andRace on an informative panel yesterday moderated by @LABudgetProject & @ReillyCenter. Here’s a quick recap of what she talked about & where to find more information. You can watch the full discussion here: In Louisiana, 70% of #COVID19 deaths were African Americans, despite making up only a 1/3 of the state’s population. And while the disparity is stark in Louisiana, it’s a very similar story across the country.
May 8, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Our analysis of @BLS_gov #JobsReport establishment data show that a majority of the 20 million private-sector jobs lost since February come from the lowest-paid industries. 1/5 @BLS_gov Using pre- #COVID19 crisis data, we divided industries into 3 groups – low-wage, middle-wage, and high-wage – based on data on average wages. (Each group had roughly equal numbers of workers.) 2/5