Jonathan Cedernaes Profile picture
Sleep & circadian researcher, PhD, Medical doctor. @NorthwesternU & Associate Professor (docent) @UU_University in medical cell biology. Dance aficionado
Oct 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A new review by Frank Scheer, Marta Garaulet & colleagues, has looked at how social jetlag - shifting sleep between work vs free days - may impact dietary patterns.

They found #social jetlag (#SJL) to be ~ associated with greater intake of sugar, total fat & saturated fat

🧵-> The association of social jetlag with greater intake of #sugar, total fat and #saturated fat:

These types of foods are those that can also disrupt sleep, according to work by us and others.

An example of one of the studies in the new review
Oct 3, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
2 new studies have examined the #myocarditis risk after COVID-19 vaccines:

At age <40, #SARSCoV2 carried a ⬆️ risk – apart from Moderna's — not given to ages <30y in e.g. Sweden.

Highest in ages 12-17y for dose 2-3:
~1 case /5320-7300 doses

But ⬇️ risk with longer interval
🧵 These studies were published in @CircAHA,… and @AnnalsofIM,….

Oct 3, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
An 8-month trial in mostly females (17/18) with #obesity & type 2 #diabetes, shows that those randomized to an *intensive* #lifestyle intervention (n=10) e.g. had:

⦿ notable #weightloss (-17%)
⦿ ~63% ⬇️ intrahepatic fat

+ marked metabolic benefits 🧵>… The standard group received "regular" (ADA-guided) instructions on diet & activity.

The intensive lifestyle group had:
⦿ weekly education sessions,
⦿ ⬇️ kcal intake by 500/d &
⦿ 4 x 60-min supervised progressively 📈harder – both resistance & endurance! – training sessions
Oct 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Kort intervju med mig (klipptes ned ganska rejält tyvärr ha, och usel vinkel)

Mycket som vi inte vet om de långsiktiga effekterna med den ökade användning av sömnmdel för barn, som även ses i Sverige… Som en indikation på ⬆️ användning bland barn:

I USA har antalet förgiftningar kopplade till melatonin bland barn (≤19 år) ⬆️ markant (ffa. ≤5 år (!)), med 530% under 2012-2021

I USA säljs det sen länge som kosttillskott, därav mkt oreglerad dos osv.…
Jan 27, 2022 23 tweets 14 min read
How #sleep loss may make physical #exercise more challenging for the #heart:

We find that sleep loss ⬆️ the exercise 🚴‍♀️-induced ⬆️ in blood levels of a #cardiac stress biomarker vs. after normal sleep

But note, exercise is essential for your health
🧵->… Image 2/ Extensive epidemiological data has found that sleep impacts the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

E.g. @uk_biobank (n~408k):

Vs. 7 h, sleep duration of ≤5 h & ≥9 h were associated with higher risk of CVD mortality & incidence (~+8-30%).…
Dec 11, 2021 14 tweets 9 min read
Bra & dåliga nyheter gällande #Omicron:

God nyhet:

⦿ Preliminärt ger 3 vaccindoser ~70-75% skydd mot symptomatisk #COVID19 orsakad av Omicron
- åtminstone ~2 veckor efter dos 3 & hos yngre

Därmed antas vaccinskyddet mot svår C19 vara än högre

Trista nyheter-> 🧵 2/ Trista nyheter:

I jämförelse med smittsamma Delta tycks Omicron, *preliminärt*:

⬆️ Reinfektionsrisken 5x (3.4-7.8x) för de med tidigare COVID-19
⬆️ ~2 ggr oddsratio att föra smittan vidare till nära kontakter
⬆️ ~3 ggr oddsratio att föra smittan vidare till hushållskontakter
Dec 9, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Viktigt att beakta nedanstående när man utvärderar Sydafrikas fallrapporter mm.

1/ 2/ Reinfektioner är som regel - ej alltid - mildare.

"Reinfections had 90% lower odds of resulting in hospitalization or death than primary infections"

- Omicrons effekter ännu oklar, men ⬆️ reinfektionsrisken
-Vaccinering därmed viktigt för denna grupp…
Aug 2, 2021 8 tweets 6 min read
Pulmonary #embolism (lung blood clot) was >10 times more common after #SARSCoV2 infection (COVID19; ~15x over background rate), vs after getting #Pfizer's or #AstraZeneca's vaccine (~1.2x> background)

Similar greater risks with COVID-19 for #DVT & #VTE
🧵… 2) First of all – as the authors note – in those #vaccinated against COVID-19, "thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, and thrombosis with thrombocytopenia were very rare events."
Aug 2, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Alla (>18 år) som vill ha en dos [dvs dos 1 eller 2] #Moderna kan nu boka tid för vaccination i region Uppsala, fr.o.m. idag.

”Bakgrunden till beslutet är att vi har gott om Moderna-vaccin"

Moderna är ett mycket effektivt mRNA-vaccin mot COVID-19
🧵->… 2) Tycks finnas många lediga tider, här från bokningen på 1177:…
Mar 19, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Not possible to review yet, so very preliminary:

German researchers seem to claim that in some individuals - that is, in very few as reported elsewhere - the Astrazeneca vaccine may activate platelets (which regulate clotting)… The upside is that they seem to think they know how to treat these rare complications:

"The discovery means that targeted treatment can be offered to those who suffer similar clotting, using a very common medication."…
Mar 18, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
"“Our scientific position is that this vaccine is a safe and effective option to protect citizens against COVID-19,” said the head of the EMA, Emer Cooke.

She added: “If it were me, I would be vaccinated tomorrow.”"… 2) However, the EMA “cannot rule out definitively a link” between the rare types of blood clots and the vaccine.

They are therefore recommending to add a description that such cases have been reported, to the vaccine leaflets, to make health workers and patients aware of this.
Mar 18, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
1) A Danish study @TheLancet has followed over 520 000 people, from the 1st to 2nd surge.

Similar to some other studies, they find that those with a prior #SARSCoV2 infection had ~80% lower risk of #reinfection, but only ~47% reduced in those ≥65 yrs
🧵… Image 2) The @TheLancet article describes how Denmark during tested ~0.5 M people for #SARSCoV2 during wave 1.

At the end of 2020, ~10% of the population tested every week.

In all of 2020, Denmark tested ~4 million people (68% of their pop.) and 64% of those had been tested >1 time.
Mar 18, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Three scientific feats of ex vivo [organ] development

1) @WeizmannScience researchers are able to keep mouse embryos alive in a bottle for half of the normal in utero development… 2) An array of papers that attempt producing human blastocysts from pluripotent cells, including from fibroblasts (the type of cell often used to make induced pluripotent stem cells).

May be important for learning about development……
Dec 3, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
Lovande: En ny analys av vaccindata från #Moderna (#mRNA1273) i @NEJM finner att nivåerna av #antikroppar hos de vaccinerade deltagarna ligger kvar på höga nivåer hos samtliga deltagare ~3 månader efter att bägge vaccindoser har givits.

De fann neutraliserande antikroppar hos samtliga deltagare dag 119 (dvs. ~3 månader efter andra dosen; doserna ges med 28 dagars mellanrum).

Analyserna tyder på något lägre nivåer av neutraliserande antikroppar hos de äldre (56-70 & ≥71 år) jämfört med yngre (18-55)

Dec 3, 2020 41 tweets 15 min read
Dödligheten (IFR) i COVID-19 med data för 45 länder, samt jämförelser med influensan – en (lång) tråd

I @nature publicerades för en månad sen en omfattande analys av infection fatality rate (#IFR), utifrån data från 45 länder & 22 antikroppsstudier.…
De beräknar även infektionsmönstret i de analyserade länderna. Studien finner att IFR är lägst i åldern 5-9 (0.001%), för att gå upp till 8.29% hos de som är ≥80 år (se Fig. 1A, kom ihåg det är en log-linjär skala).

Notera att studien är accepterad men ej editerad ännu.
