squishypee Profile picture
Meme chef for MAGA Trump Elon Patriots love America. Evil Democrat Media Soros Hillary Obama cabal brainwash for power
Feb 21 8 tweets 5 min read
(15/x) Founding fathers like Jefferson knew truth about Muslims and despised Islam quran as fraud of violence and lust. jefferson owned copy of quran to understand why Muslim barbary pirates attack American ships and enslave crew.
Devout Muslim including barbery pirates follow teachings command of vicious headchopper supremacist warlord gangster rapist in quran and hadith. 1400 years Muslim invasions against nonmuslims is proof it is Biggest supremacist hate cult worse than nazis. ignorance of Muslim teachings and history is why usa failed Afghanistan and Iraq and Libya .
Obama lied in Cairo speech and said Jefferson own quran as proof jefferson respected Muslims as allies when in fact jefferson despised Muslim barbary pirates attacking American ships. Obama was trojan horse liar for Muslim brotherhood advisors. By Muslim laws Obama is Muslim by birth because his father is Muslim so that is where his allegiance is. Obama is shadow gov pull strings on weak Biden and why Biden gave billions cash to Iran at night and oil lift sanctions on Iran.Image (16/x) Muslims love to deceive and point to Christian crusades to deflect Muslim atrocities invasions.
Fact is crusades created to stop constant Muslim invasions into Europe murder rape torture enslave kidnap millions Europeans. Muslims always been isis because their evil warlord false prophet is isisImage
Oct 12, 2023 41 tweets 15 min read
Thread - Everything you need to know about Israel vs Hamas Palestinian war. 1400 years Muslim invasions is biggest supremacist hate cult. Follow teachings of Warlord. Peace is lie. Obama Biden has Muslim Brotherhood advisors in high Intel positions Image Summary 1400 years Muslim invasions kill over 30 million nonbelievers Jew Christian Hindu Buddhist african. Muslims follow teachings Warlord. Peace is lie. Only way to stop supremacist is expose them as supremacist worse than Nazi Image
Aug 18, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
More sick proof that Antifa is full of hate. They are violent Nazi Brownshirts for Soros and Democrats. They have same hateful anger issues as Fredo Roids Cuomo Obama was mess Trojan horse for Supremacit Brotherhood and Soros to hate blame America. Democrats ally with biggest Supremacist silence Patriots cause they have a lot to hide
Apr 6, 2019 27 tweets 7 min read
Democrat Media lie to America - enemy of people (thread)
- Russian colliusion
- Climate Change
- Charlottesville ‘good people on both side’
- MS-13 gangs as animals, infestation
- Covington and Smollett hoax
- no crisis on border, walls don’t work
- Christine Ford hoax Kavanaugh Beto lies about trump say on infestation
Mar 30, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Here is real collusion. Democrats infiltrated by Obama’s Brotherhood and Soros open border nonprofits.
“Intelligence” Chair Pencil-neck Adam Schiff is idiot Trump is right - name evil. Supremacist like Nazis
Imagine if everyone called out Supremacist and 1400yrs invasions at Democrats and Obama’s evil supremacist cult. It would flip narrative expose truth over lying media
Mar 3, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
1400 Years invasions is NOT peace. Enslave women and biggest slavers of Africans. Please ask stupid Democrats to defend that evil history.
A poster connecting Ilhan Omar to 9/11 set off a furor in the West Virginia State Capitol @WVGOP 1400yrs invasions is NOT peace. Supremacist Hate Cult from mind of Warlord
Mar 1, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Watch this video if you want to know what Ilhan Omar is about. 1400yrs invasions is not peace. Antisemitic Supremacist Hate Cult with goal of conquering world #Trump2020 #MAGA #CPAC
Cliff notes to 1400yrs invasions. Peace was LIE. Supremacist Hate Cult. ISIS for 1400yrs
Feb 18, 2019 16 tweets 5 min read
CBS Lara Logan right Democrats control Media
History full of Socialist big gov dictators control Media to brainwash control People like Nazi propaganda
Add powerhungry billionaires like Soros setup octopus of nonprofits brainwash thru Media for evil open border agenda @MRitland Record Negative coverage on Trump by Soros Democrat controlled Media
Jan 12, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
Democrats Soros control Media brainwash to hate Trump and wall. They only care for Votes POWER #AnaNavarro #Acosta #buildthewall #SaturdayMorning #SaturdayMotivation Democrats turn America into 3rd World
Jan 7, 2019 12 tweets 5 min read
Only way stop EVIL is if everyone knows truth.
1400yrs invasions = Supremacist Hate Cult from mind of deceitful Warlord (read thread)
#BuildTheWall #Bangkok
#MondayMorning #MondayMotivation #Trump They want hide this, silence truth
Jan 6, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Google or Youtube Brotherhood 100 Year Plan. They came to conquer USA like alien invasion brainwash our children.
1400yrs invasions shows peace was deception They want to hide truth - that is why they have blasphemy laws
Dec 19, 2018 7 tweets 3 min read
NY Post shows General Michael Flynn wanted expose Obama’s Supremacist Hate Cult. 1400yrs Invasions is NOT peace. That is why Flynn was targeted surveiled by Obama admin. It was setup for sentencing like #Mueller #Flynn #WednesdayMotivation #ObamaGate
nypost.com/2017/02/04/fly… Trump is right - name evil to know how to win. It is Supremacist Hate Cult
Nov 15, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Trump in 2yrs has done more GOOD for USA than Obama 8yrs. But hateful Democrats Soros control Media #fakenews #CNN #Acosta #MSNBC Trump get results MAGA