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Apr 19th 2021
This 2019 article, written a year before the ethnofascist #TPLF launched war on #Ethiopia, exposes the rampant #rape &sexual violence that #women of #Tigray suffered from the rapist TPLF gang. The defeated criminal TPLF "men" are continuing their rape now!…
2) In this video clip from 2018 brodacast of #Tigray's DW-TV, a #Tigrayan woman recounts the horrible mysogynistic culture in Tigray under #TPLF, where #rape & sexual violence against Tigray's #women is a commonplace occurence, & 60% of Tigrayan womem are victims of rape.
3) #Tigrayan feminist @meazaG_, speaking to #TigrayMediaHouse in 2019, over a year before the war, explained the horrific level of #rape in #Tigray's society. She said men regularly kick & oppress women every night.Tigray ppl were victims of #TPLF. #TPLFcrimes
#Eritrea #Ethiopia
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Mar 7th 2021
1/ Sad to see @HabenGirma, an otherwise intelligent young woman whom I have had the honor of meeting at the #Eritrea|n Festival in Oakland in 2015, fall for the anti-#Eritrea #TPLFlies by @amnesty. There's no "#AxumMassacre". There's #MaiKadraMassacre. Learn the facts. #Ethiopia ImageImage
2/ Western #MSM #media & @amnesty hide the real facts about #Tigray, #Ethiopia. They constantly hype up non-existent involvement of #Eritrea in the non-existent #AxumMassacre. And they hide the real #genocide & #warcrimes committed by #TPLF-organized "Samré" thugs at #MaiKadra.
3/ As #TPLF was routed by the #Ethiopia|n army, retreating in defeat back in November 2020, it released 13k criminals from the prisons in cities of #Tigray, including Mekelle. Many of these released criminals were imprisoned for #rape. TPLF deliberately released these rapists.
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