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Nov 1st 2020
The PM's announcement of #2ndLockdown is a body blow to the British people. Just as the economy was picking up, even giving cause for optimism, we're now to impersonate the Grand Old Duke of York, giving in to the scientific advisers & marching England back into another lockdown.
The way that the Government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) has pressurised the Government into taking this decision has been unprecedented. Normally, advisers advise & ministers decide. Yet that system has broken down...
...with Sage believing its advice to be more like commandments written on stone and its members publicly lecturing the Government over the airways when it disagrees. This is despite the fact that many of its recommendations have been hotly disputed by other reputable scientists.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 31st 2020
#BREAKING: England to enter second national lockdown for a month from Thursday 5th November

Hear the details from @BorisJohnson here. #CovidUK #Lockdown2 #lockdown #coronavirus #BreakingNews #BorisJohnson
This is terrifying!

#BorisJohnson says even if the NHS had DOUBLE the capacity it still wouldn’t be enough

The NHS has 150,000 beds & with the Nightgale Hospitals there is even greater capacity

Its biggest weakness isn't space, it's staff shortages.
#Lockdown2 #covidbriefing
The reality of “Yo-Yo” #lockdown has been known about since May👇

Govt scientists have modelled for 2nd, 3rd, 4th waves etc. but this modelling was not shared publicly by the secretive #JointBiosecurityCentre running the UK #COVID19 response.
Read 13 tweets

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