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Sep 23rd 2020
1) Another yugely OTT police visit. Again woman is victim, this time late at night. Why do #VictoriaPolice keep doing this? Women so often victims of loathsome bullying. Clearly meant to make us hate the plods. Stop being played Aussies. A psyop!…
2) This has #globalistelite written all over it. Their MO: engineer events to make masses *demand* totalitarian measures they wanna install. If they didn't use this ploy and were actually honest they'd never get what they want coz we'd say: "You want to do what? Sod off!"
3) All this #VictoriaPolice bastardy in viral videos part of psyop to push for UN community policing. #Defundthepolice Down Under. Look at Dirty Dems in USA. Use #BLM, MSM to flog "cops racist" lie. Even had Afro-Latino reporter arrested live on TV.…
Read 8 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
#Africansagain Ggroup of men after a robbery on a Sunbury Line train on Monday, 15 June 2020.

At approximately 4.05pm, the offenders boarded a train at Footscray Railway Station. The group approached the victim on the train and demanded his Image
mobile phone and passcode. The victim struggled with the offenders before one of them physically assaulted him.

The offenders disembarked the train at West Footscray Station and smashed the victim’s phone.

Images of four men #africangangs Image
#africangang 3aw Melbourne

The first offender is perceived to be African in appearance with short black hair. At the time of the offence he was wearing a dark hooded jacket.

The second offender is perceived to be African in appearance with short dreadlocks. Image
Read 6 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
This photo should be the cover of every newspaper in Victoria, if not the country. But for some reason, you probably haven’t even seen it.

For over five years now, escalating gang crime was Victoria’s biggest issue, and there was no end in sight. Image
Until COVID-19 hit, and BLM became fashionable, and suddenly we stopped hearing anything about the home invasions, carjackings and robberies.

It begs the question; has gang crime in Victoria ceased, or have the media just stopped reporting on it?
#africangangs #africansagain Image
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Jul 28th 2020
#melbourne #africansagain
Walking right past a CCTV image to assault someone.

- two women following a robbery where a woman was assaulted in Carlton last month.
#3aw #africangangs #africangang
Female girl gang ImageImage
You would think "chicken legs" here could be countered by someone with a swift Thai style, Muay Thai kick to the knee cap one day. Someone with that structure is playing dice. Image
Seriously, the first thing is that footwear. Exposed toes. A forward kick to break or heel stomp. Don't people know basic engagement other than round house, hope to connect hits in this country.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 17th 2020
#Africansagain Melbourne Reported April,
Wantirna armed robbery which occurred in Wantirna on 21 December 2019.
It is believed the offender approached the café riding a bicycle along Selkirk Avenue where he discarded the bike and pulled a balaclava over his head before ImageImageImage
entering the premises on Wantirna Road at 7.05pm.
The offender proceeded to point a firearm at the victim before leaving the store empty-handed
The offender is perceived to be of African appearance, 20 to 30-year-old with short black hair, brown eyes and Image
wearing a black coloured hoodie, black pants and silver coloured Adidas runners with red laces.
The offender was carrying a large black bag with a white spotted pattern and was wearing one white and one black glove.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 21st 2020
#Africansagain in video - Endeavour Hills, Victoria - Robbed a man - advertising car for sale on Facebook (see comments - to watch the video) - African gangs, gang, robberies, ImageImage
#africangangs #africangang #africansagain - Peter Dutton, Victoria, melbourne, attack, gang, facebook marketplace Victoria Police, -
Clearly the asylum seeker resource center that supplies these guys with clothes gave him one size too big! lol Image
Read 3 tweets
Jan 19th 2019
*Daniel Purton of A26A/'The Crew' reckons he's gonna be mounting a vigilante patrol in the #Melbourne beach-side suburb of #Chelsea this evening.*


#antifa #auspol #AfricanGangs
Note that the same mob joined w the racist methgoblins of the True Blue Crew & private security company Asolate back in June 2017 to do similar.
It's highly unlikely that 'Kane Millzy' (Kane Miller, lvl boss of TBC) will be joining Mr Purton on this occasion as he has a court date on Friday, & another in FEB. Mind you, I saw him slap a cop @ #StKildaBeach & get away w it, so who knows ...
Read 6 tweets
Jan 10th 2019
#StKildaBeach Re LT, it's worth noting a few things: first, that the *openly* neo-#Nazi grp, Antipodean Resistance, was actually *born out of* the 'United Patriots Front'; their first joint action was a v smol anti-Black Lives Matter rally in #Melbourne in July 2016. >
Secondly, the UPF is defunct, having been replaced by 'The Lads Society'. TLS has a social centre in Cheltenham in #Melbourne, another in Ashfield in Sydney (see @ActionAshfield), & is in the process of est itself in BRIS, CAN & PER. The principal reason that the UPF is defunct >
> is because, after several years of pumping out a constant stream of racist propaganda, @facebook eventually decided to shut its page. Again: #Facebook has been utterly critical to the development of the far-right in AUS over the preceding period, & remains so.
Read 16 tweets
Jul 8th 2018
What gives @Channel7 the right to discredit the police and incite hatred against a community. Surely the thugs running this network can be stopped 😡

#RacistMedia #RacistPolitics #FactDistortion #MediaMisrespresentation #MediaEthics #RacialProfiling #Auspol @VictoriaPolice #SN7
...@sundaynighton7 have demonstrated that none of their stories can be trusted. #AfricanGangs has been proven to be a racist narrative not a fact. 😡
...Lying. Inciting race hate. Ridiculing police intelligence and advice. Dismissing official crime stats. The only thugs here are the people behind this propaganda @Channel7 network.
Read 5 tweets

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