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Aug 10th 2021
Spent today at two colleges in Brighton talking to A-Level/BTec students... @RoedeanSchool
@varndean was uplifting! Yes grades have been inflated, but that is a) unavoidable without public exams b) better than the blind algorithm /1 #ALevelResults…
@RoedeanSchool @varndean Why unavoidable? Because with no-one sitting exams, no-one has a 'bad day' or a 'good day' grades can only be awarded on the maximum potential of each student. Otherwise teachers are guessing/playing God. Each students has a 'basket of evidence' backing up their grade /2
@RoedeanSchool @varndean The result? About 45 per cent got A*/A which is crazy -- but surely better than the algorithm that discriminated (among other things) on class sizes. So (poorer) schools with bigger classes got marked down/3
Read 7 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
Relieved about #ALevelResults U-turn but make no mistake: the grading scandal has *already hurt* many students who have already had an impossible year.

Students facing the biggest barriers to higher education *and* to other destinations dependent on grades were hit hardest

The algorithm used to 'adjust' grades was baked in bias + prejudice. It *must* be made public

We need to know how it was created. We must ensure nothing like it is used again

It is indicative of problems devouring the heart of our education sector⬇️

No one should underestimate the harm the #AlevelResults scandal has already caused and which will persist even after this (overdue) U-turn.

Consider the impact of this on students' mental health and on their confidence as they prepare for their next steps, uni or otherwise
Read 10 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
"The #OFQUAL #algorithm is a gross misuse of statistics... there is a special place in hell for those who use maths to hide rather than reveal the truth, this algorithm is hiding the achievement of this generation of young people." my @ChronicleLive blog…
Most people now think the #AlevelResults should not stand, whether the Govt will recognise that or not is another matter. But we shouldn't blame #algorithms for this huge injustice - like most technology they are neither good nor bad in themselves
And I don't blame those who wrote the #algorithm I do think #engineers (like me) & #datascientists should take a 'do no harm' oath like doctors, but currently there is no framework for that & they were presumably working to a spec
Read 6 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
The Govt #OFQUAL algorithm expressly discriminates against ambitious Comprehensive schools stretching their students to achieve the very best, schools like #SacredHeart in #Newcastle - my blog for @ChronicleLive #AlevelResults…
Here is what one of the downgraded students told me "I can’t sleep because my hopes and dreams have been shattered. With less than one month to go, I don’t know what university I will be attending because my first choice university was snatched away from me... #alevels2020
...this is devastating and disgraceful! We’re being punished by the government’s algorithm, when it is our teachers who know us best. The government has failed our generation and have destroyed our destiny’s."#ALevelsResults
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Aug 15th 2020
@chrischirp @mikegalsworthy
Met up with an old pal today - smart fella.
We were talking about the #OFQUAL
#AlevelResults fiasco. What neither of us could understand is why they standardised against previous performance of schools which tells you nothing about individuals.
2/4 If they really can't trust teachers' predicted grades (which seems ridiculous), surely they have significant previous performance data for the majority of pupils in the shape of their GCSE results (or even KS2 stats). As a normalising variable, this gives much richer data
3/4 to correlate the performance of individuals to and insight into whether teachers may have inflated predicted grades. This would remove the aggregating effect of a school's historically poor performance and prioritise pupils with clear ability.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
As someone who has just received his, listen to @danieljelsom talk about this year's #AlevelResults
Here is the related updated article by @YvonneWancke 😎
You got the government to U-turn well done to these young protestors standing up for their future @danieljelsom #AlevelResults #ALevelProtests !!…
Read 3 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
A thread about the a levels fiasco and algorithmic bias. From an ex machine learning engineer with a passion for social justice. #alevels2020
An algorithm has been used to decide students a level results this year as a result of #COVID19
Is that algorithm fair or is it biased? The quality of an algorithm usually rests on the quality of the data used to train it. (If a totally inappropriate method is used there best data can't save you, but usually the data is the key factor).
Read 22 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
It is unacceptable that pupils from disadvantaged areas have been hit the hardest by @ofqual’s downgrading of #AlevelResults. This is a HUGE injustice. Ofqual must share a *detailed equality impact assessment of this outcome* incl % of BME students in schools most downgraded.
.@RunnymedeTrust and @raceontheagenda had extensive conversations with Ofqual about PSED duties & equality impact assessments. Unfortunately, socio-economic duty of PSED *does NOT apply to England*. Is this why DfE & Ofqual are less concerned about #alevels2020 outcome?
Read 3 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
After today, the UK is likely to witness Europe’s greatest collective exercise of the Art. 22 #GDPR right not to be subject to fully automated decision-making that significantly affects individuals. A semi-forgotten right is ready to show what it can do for young people’s future.
As this is generating some interest, let me elaborate a bit on the legal position as I see it. The right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing is not a new creation of the #GDPR. A very similar formulation has existed in English law since 1998.
Traditionally, this right has hardly been exercised, partly due to its complexity and partly due to the fact that its most obvious uses (challenging employment or financial decisions) were explicitly excluded by the exemption applicable to contracts.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
I believe I speak with all teachers when I say:

'We have had enough of rich oligarchs and politicians who have never struggled or taught in their life deciding what teachers can and can't do.'
This #AlevelResults shambles is the final straw.
A computer doesn't know the:
work ethic
Revision amount
It picks year old numbers and picks a child's future.
Teachers should pick the grades.
So what if people are 'underqualified.'
It's better than the algorithm discriminating against schools in more deprived areas.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
THREAD: My thoughts on today's #ALevelResults.


Students receiving their #ALevelResults today have worked incredibly hard in unprecedented circumstances, and should be congratulated on their achievements.

My message to those applying to @UofGlasgow who may have missed their grades is not to panic & to contact the university to discuss their options. We know that this is a unique & unprecedented results season and we are seeking to be as flexible as possible with admissions.

Read 7 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
You opened the pubs on the 4th of July.
Are you telling me you couldn't have had socially distanced exams at the end of June?
The underlying inequalities in terms of access to online teaching resources were going to play out in any assessment made of these kids, but to allow them to be downgraded based on their school's previous results... That's inequality ON TOP OF inequality.
Regarding feasibility:
Exams don't all happen at the same time. We could literally have had one exam at a time, with an exam supervisor in every class room and sports/assembly room across the school and 2 metres between everyone.
Social distancing 100% respected.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
A-level and BTEC students Results Day

what you need for uni
stylish backpack 🎒 :
pack of pens 🖊️:
pukka pads📓 :

#AlevelResults #ResultsDay #resultsday2020 #Results2020 #alevels2020 #alevels #BTEC
Alevels & BTEC students Results Day

ball point ✍️
Stationery ✏️
organiser 👝
post it notes:

#students #BTECResultsDay #btecresults #Results2020
Home movers:

🍽️ 35+ Piece Kitchen Starter Kit:

🧰 Tool Set:

🧺 Foldable Laundry basket:


🏋️ Gym bag:

#uni #university #unilife #studentlife
Read 5 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
BREAKING: 39.1% of teacher A-level predictions in England downgraded by algorithm… @theipaper #AlevelResults
@theipaper Given there were 713,000 A-level entries in England, the figures suggest that about 280,000 grades were adjusted down (awaiting confirmation from @ofqual about this)
35.6% of results were one grade lower than proposed by schools, 3.3% were two grades lower and 0.2% were three grades lower.

In 58.7% of cases there was no change to the grade predicted, while 2.2% were increased by one grade, 0.05% by two grades, and 0.01% by three grades.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
A grades at private schools up more than any other school/college type. Eyebrow raising. #AlevelResults
I would guess this is a) due to their generally higher rate of A's in the first place, and b) because they're more likely to have smaller class sizes, and thus escape the statistical moderation process.
To clarify, I mean the size of the cohort in each subject. Where schools have low numbers of entries in a subject, Ofqual have been unable to apply their statistical moderation process, which mainly downgrades.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
Good luck & best wishes to all those receiving their #AlevelResults & #vocational results today in #Newcastle & across the country. You have faced challenges no other year group has had to endure. You are to be congratulated in everything you achieve.
Hearing VERY WORRYING examples of #Newcastle #AlevelResults slashed by nationally imposed #algorithm that does not reflect individual achievement. Constituents who have suffered unfair grade cuts, get in touch. We can't allow young people's & our city's future to be so damaged.
I understand that in particular girls studying #Physics have been impacted by an algorithm which does not take into account all the work by schools (& campaigners!) to increase & widen girls participation in Physics, some losing places to study #Engineering #AlevelResults
Read 5 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
Has the government got it wrong on A-level results?

Students will be graded using a computer algorithm based on historic grades, with up to 40% being downgraded.

Former Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw says pupils have been badly let down by the system, headteachers and govt.
'What is accurate about this year's assessment system? Almost nothing.'

@SianGriffiths6 argues the govt’s system will punish brilliant students in badly performing schools.

She says that's because the govt doesn't want 'grade inflation'.

#ResultsDay #AlevelResults
Former Education Secretary @DamianHinds says a system centering on teacher's understanding of students with adjustments for fairness across the country is the best available approach in the circumstances.

Watch the whole debate on GMB👉
Read 3 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
#AlevelResults #dontgiveup I left school at 16 with a handful of pretty rubbish grades (got drama twice though! - CSE and O level) and went to FE college to do A Levels - Drama (of course!), Sociology and Media Studies (shut up!).
The summer after my first year of A Levels I went to Greenham Common and never left - well not for a while. I did my Sociology A Level at the local FE college in Newbury. They let me go to evening class even though I stank of wood smoke and missed class when there was an action!
I did my other 2 A Levels - Media Studies and Politics (no more drama!) - at another FE college part time over 2 years. I worked in/at all sorts and spent a lot of time doing political stuff - and at parties!
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Aug 12th 2020
UCU general secretary @DrJoGrady will be on @bbc5live from 5.10pm talking about the #AlevelResults fiasco.

Listen live here:…
She says the government doesn't know what it's doing and bringing in mock results adds another layer of confusion and most harms already disadvantaged students. It needs to move to a system of predicted grades as the basis for A level results instead. #alevels #AlevelResults
She highlights how the lack of proper planning from the government is creating much more work for university staff. #alevels #AlevelResults
Read 3 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
UCU general secretary @DrJoGrady is on @BBCNews talking about the exam results shambles. You can watch live via… #alevels #AlevelResults
She says the eleventh hour move from the government to allow some students to pick their mock results is a farce causing more confusion.
She says that looking forward we need to consider shifting to a better system where students apply to university after they receive their results.
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Aug 12th 2020
(THREAD) So, let's talk: mental health of Y13s, because this week, everybody remembers we exist!
1. We 'left' school in March. No/little contact with school after, no work, no purpose.
2. Exams cancelled. Nobody knew anything for 2 days.
#AlevelResults #alevels2020 #alevels
3. 5 months of waiting for results. Blamed by Y12s for 'taking up uni places'. 5 months of listless boredom, time with our thoughts.
4. SQA Results come out- everyone panics.
5. Students can take their mock grades. We were told. At 22.30. On the 11th.
The mock grades are unfair for multiple reasons (who does better in mocks?), but also the fact people cheat, people see the question papers, leaving lots of students feeling stupid.
6. Results Day? Haha you think you can see teachers? Noooo, not quite...
Read 42 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
(THREAD) All those doing #alevels2020 #AlevelResults- here's how #Clearing2020 works:
1. You'll be told you're in Clearing when you log into Track and there'll be a Clearing ID number.
2. Use this website:
Unlike adjustment, you don't need to apply for clearing- you'll be told you're in it.
3. Find a course, scroll to the end and call up the number, you'll need your clearing ID on UCAS, UCAS ID, course code you want to apply for etc. It'll be a chat or an interview depending on uni
4. Some unis like Nottingham suggest filling in online clearing forms- you can do this if you want- they open at 8am on the website! Keep in mind that some clearing entry requirements may be lower than those listed on the website.
Read 3 tweets

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