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Feb 10th 2019
Long Reads Sunday #33.

Jack takes the Lightning torch. An exchange founder death strands $190m. A new plan to resuscitate Mt. Gox. Skirmishes in the ongoing battle between privacy and surveillance. Crypto finds a new mortal enemy in MMT?

Strap in, fam, it’s long reads time.
2/ Bet you didn’t think you’d read about Mt. Gox here on LRS in 2019, eh? @BrockPierce announced a plan to bring the infamous exchange back. Not without controversy, of course, as witness by the comments in this thread.
3/ Speaking of Gox, @TuurDemeester did an interesting little exercise comparing BTC circulating supply to gold reserves. By analogy, the Mt. Gox Trustees currently control an amount of BTC bigger than the gold reserves of the Swiss Central Bank.
Read 33 tweets
Feb 3rd 2019
LRS32 Super Bowl Edition!

You might have heard that Tom Brady has thrown 11.4% of all Super Bowl TDs ever, but did you know that Dan Larimer created 47.6% of all blockchains?

This week reinforced that, in crypto, the “big game” is the battle of ideas. Here are 20 👇
2/ IDEA: Crypto tribalism results in part from different base belief systems.

@arjunblj & @yassineARK kicked off a massive amount of lively discussion with this piece on the difference of constrained vs. unconstrained visions of the world.
3/ IDEA: If Ethereum has failed in five years, this is why.

@lrettig prompted this valuable though experiment that got the Ethereum community self-reflecting in a massive way on what might go wrong and how they could do better.
Read 23 tweets
Jan 29th 2019
0/ Hot start to the week in the #crypto/#blockchain ecosystem! Successful fundraising rounds. New records set. Several products launched. Below is a 34-part thread on events that took place between Monday and Tuesday.

1/ 🆕 @Guesserio launches today! Built on @AugurProject [ $REP ], the California-based #crypto project promises their release “will fundamentally change the way you participate in Augur prediction markets.”

Invest in the outcome of real-world events at your fingertips!
2/ 🔧 #Ethereum- and #IPFS-powered #blockchain platform for decentralized marketplaces, @OriginProtocol, unveiled its 'Marketplace Creator' tool.

This allows users to construct a decentralized marketplace in just a matter of minutes!…
Read 38 tweets
Jan 28th 2019
1/This week at #Aracon2019, I would like to explore some core themes around #DecentralizedGovernance and #DisputeResolution together with the #crypto community working on related projects. @devinawalsh @coinfund_io @AragonProject @stefanobernardi @CambrialCapital 👇
2/THEME ONE: Are governance tokens valuable?

Token models have "eroded" somewhat these past few years: it's hard to make a token accrue value! But governance is being touted as one of the few activities fundamentally valuable to a network. How does this actually work?
3/There are actually not too many *actionable* models in this space that I can find. But there are some. . .
Read 20 tweets

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