Invest in the outcome of real-world events at your fingertips!

This allows users to construct a decentralized marketplace in just a matter of minutes! medium.com/originprotocol…
Also features - thanks to @0xProject [ $ZRX ] - the ability to instantly purchase any #ERC20 token commonly used in the #NFT space. Neat! medium.com/boxswap/boxswa…
Unsurprisingly, liquidity was cited as the main reason behind the decision to shut up shop. Liqui users have 30 days to withdraw their assets from the exchange.
The #NewYork-based firm has raised almost $60M to date.

The $BNB session saw all 23.76B BTT sell in >13 mins. For the $TRX session, all 35.64B BTT sold in <15 mins. All up, 6% of total BTT supply were allocated for the public sale.
For more on this, check out what @ConcourseQio – community-sourced due diligence for #crypto token sales – had to say about the BTT ICO in their detailed writeup. concourseq.io/Q/BitTorrent
Click below for details re #zkERC20 (i.e., EIP-1724). github.com/ethereum/EIPs/…
With another product launch imminent, this separation ensures that, with each new product introduction, Radar’s core vision persists.

The beta version of their network will be shipping some time in February. medium.com/@dosnetwork/in…
Aims to "promote more efficient development of the Waltonchain ecosystem while rewarding outstanding project supporters and operators."

This is needed as the Melon protocol v1.0 is expected to be released to mainnet by the end of next month. medium.com/melonport-blog…
Labelled 600,000+ new Ethereum addesses! medium.com/trm-perspectiv…
Looks at gamblers flocking to the EOS and TRON blockchains, the ATL volume being seen by DEXes, and JP Morgan's recent take on #bitcoin. diar.co/volume-3-issue…
Looks at the prevalence of "soccer" in @AugurProject prediction markets, @CryptoKitties' dominance, and Maker CDPs.
Also features an interview with @ChainSafeth's @BadCryptoBitch! onthechain.substack.com/p/on-the-chain…
After a moving foreword, Eric puts together yet another comprehensive, highly informative release (all typed up whilst on a plane, too!). proofofwork.news

He covers #Ethereum researcher @VladZamfir's post, the XRP Army's ambushing of @twobitidiot (CEO, @MessariCrypto), among other recent events from the #crypto space. medium.com/@TrustlessStat…
In the hour-long interview, Rune explains the intricacies underpinning the MakerDAO [ $MKR / $DAI ] system. unchainedpodcast.com/rune-christens…
In it, Pomp chats to @PurseIO's @Codiox about the political turmoil in #Venezuela, the bolívar’s hyperinflation, the petrodollar, and #bitcoin adoption. stitcher.com/podcast/off-th…
Two future ambassadors for you @LaCroixWater? They're thirsty!
Four distinctive themes covered as part of the Berlin-based two-day event: [i] Aragon, [ii] #Web3/#Ethereum, [iii] decentralized governance, and [iv] DAOs. Over 30 speakers in total! aracon.one/livestream/
Indeed, @Mainframe_HQ's [ $MFT ] 'Decentralized Summit 1' is a two-day, online-only summit. 50+ speakers! decentralizedsummit.com
The time and effort that must've gone into this! medium.com/@arjunblj/a-co…
Keeping the community on their toes for the January launch, the Wrapped Bitcoin [ $WBTC ] #ERC20 token is now live on the #Ethereum network!
Don't know what it is? Then check out the below post from @RenProtocol's @bftzhang.
{fin} medium.com/renproject/wra…
I uploaded this earlier today on @Cent and have linked it below. Give me a follow (mattw) whilst you're there 😎 beta.cent.co/+g3cg5z