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Mar 31st 2023
"On Transgender Day of Visibility, we want you to know that we see you just as you are," indeed!

See things as they are, this #TransDayOfVisibility, including predatory males and brave trans-identified people who choose not to be part of the "affirmation-only" #gendergrift.

Corinna Cohn @HeteroDorx is one trans-identified male who deserves greater visibility on #TransDayOfVisibility2023.

They are among the most reasonable voices I know on Twitter, consistently rational and kind.
Buck Angel @BuckAngel is brave here on Twitter, and also on their YouTube where they address real issues such as inappropriate targeting of youth for lifelong medical treatment and longterm effects of T such as vaginal atrophy, .
Read 14 tweets
Feb 5th 2023

📱Donc le coup de cƓur ♄ #BD de la @Fnac c’est
 « La dĂ©charge mentale Â» de Bastien VivĂšs 😳

âžĄïžUn livre qui fait l’objet de 2 plaintes [ @innocencedanger et @Fond_Enfance ] RT d’une enquĂȘte ouverte par le parquet de Paris

Pourquoi ❓— ImageImageImage
Art 227-23 du code pénal

De quoi parle-t-on la @Fnac❓— l ImageImage
On parle notamment de ce dessin qui reprĂ©sente une jeune de 15 ans qui se fait violer devant sa mĂšre, qui « l’encourage Â»

Joli coup de cƓur ♄ #BD la @Fnac

Non @EnriqMrtz ❓

Un autre exemple — Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
The Bull, This is the part of the Movie/Show where THE BULL does not get banged up on to where THE UNDERTAKER has to choose, WE ALL WALK TOGETHER !!!

I REFUSE to play the same games so many others choose to play, #REDEMPTION !

The second to last STUNT in JACKASS FOREVER,
Johnny Knoxville pours MILK into A Hat 

“The Milk was supposed to disappear” as he gets hit by the Bull.

Then the last scene was A group of cast members on A carousel surrounded by other cast members dressed up as Military personnel, armed with PAINT ball gunS.
Those who
Played the game, hurt humanity, trafficked children, kept humanity enslaved or committed treason/sedition are SHOWN to the world 

The Booms drop, there will be no war.✍
Peace = The Prize !

Why the rest of the world/Most can’t see what it is others have been SHOWING
Read 22 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
I want to talk about the “7 Deadly Sins” ..

So much has been altered Throughout time that has basically kept everyone/MOST living in A state of fear of actually LIVING, divided & easily controlled .. Not to mention, so much contradiction was added.

Everyone makes mistakes,
Mistakes Can be learned from.
Sin is self reflection of the mind & soul, being able to forgive ones self is important for those who carry the weight of “sin”, but what it “sin” ?
The world has been separated by class, religion, race, Cree & so much more.

Think of this for an
Many poor Individuals see all these wealthy “stars”(some puppets doing all that they do/show the masses on purpose pushing them into agendas) living their extravagant life styles (by design) & want what they have. Many know they will never be able to achieve those riches
Read 44 tweets
Apr 1st 2021

1) Imagine-se em seu leito de morte, cercado pelos fantasmas das boas ideias e dos bons talentos que vocĂȘ deixou de lado e guardou na gaveta dos seus anos e memĂłrias. Image
2) Bons talentos e boas ideias que nĂŁo se transformaram em realidade porque vocĂȘ nunca se permitiu. Os fantasmas contemplarĂŁo seu corpo moribundo com um profundo semblante de desapontamento e dirĂŁo:
3) “Durante sua existĂȘncia, nĂłs viemos repetidas vidas atĂ© vocĂȘ porque vocĂȘ poderia ter-nos dado vida, e agora nĂłs e vocĂȘ iremos para o tĂșmulo, juntos. Que grande desperdĂ­cio
Read 8 tweets
Jan 29th 2021

Bipartisan group of lawmakers call for hearing into Robinhood app for restricting small investors -
Wall Street insiders that want to blow the whistle on corruption or market manipulation can send @Project_Veritas a DM or contact us securely at or on Signal 914-653-3110

Read 6 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
Over the next month I'll be sharing thoughts from the 32 articles in our new special issue of @PXJournal: Sustaining a Focus on #HumanExperience in the Face of #COVID19.

Generous contributions of action & hope from authors around the world. Stay tuned: Image
Starting my review of @PXJournal special issue with our editorial "A Commitment to Hope" co-authored by our Assoc Editor Geoffrey Silvera of @AuburnU.

"In this moment, the humanity of healthcare continues to shine."

Read more:

#HumanExperience #COVID19 Image
Next in @PXJournal: #Leadership matters: A conversation w/ Dr. @JamesEKHildreth

Need to start having honest conversations. They're difficult to have about who we are, what motivates us, but the results could be really powerful.

#COVID19 #humanexperience Image
Read 35 tweets
Feb 27th 2020
Big @WHLHitmen win this afternoon in the #BeBrave game at the 'Dome. But I wanna share a little story about this young lady. This is Natalia & she was my partner-in-noise. You could tell she was nervous pre-game, but she knocked it out of the park! But... #yyc #KindnessWins Image
We role today was to get the kids amped up, had them #MakeSomeNoise & give away a few prizes. We had some @TELUS stuffed owls we were giving out in one of the giveaways. At the very end, I looked down the section a bit & saw something that brought a tear to my eye. #BeBrave
There was Natalia, instead of giving one of the owls to one of the loudest fans, giving it to a child with a disability. That child said "thank you" & Natalia said "you're welcome." You could see the owl meant a lot to the youngster. It was absolutely amazing. #KindnessWins
Read 3 tweets
Nov 19th 2018
Hello, I am Edna Matta. I was born in #Ibague, known as #Colombia’s #CityofMusic. A beautiful place near snow-covered volcanos (Ruiz, Santa Isabel and Tolima), large expanses of paramo forest, lakes and streams where a diverse array of animal and plant species coexist
My story starts with #powerful, #strong #women in my #family. I was the third of 4 children and my mom #firstMentor had to raise us practically alone, since my father had to work in a different city, 20h away by car
My mom is a very #strong #woman that taught me #values, to #workhard and to be #self-sufficient #StrongWomen #StrongFamily
@IWS_Network #VoicesIWS /1
Read 36 tweets
Jul 13th 2018
There are 115 days of #Resistance remaining until midterm elections.

You should have updated your voter registration no later than 73 days from today, this is true for everyone, especially if you live in a red / purple state.

Even if you're SURE you're registered correctly.

We have no room for error.

Do it.
Document it.

Next, find out which voting methods your state sponsors is completed via paper ballot, then choose one of those methods of voting.

Even if that means voting absentee or by mail.

Choose paper.

Tell everyone all of this.

Remind them that the present body of the Supreme Court is compromised & poisoned by at least a factor of two.

The departing treachery of Kennedy.

The illegitimatcy of Neil Gorsuch.

The Court has turned against the people it was established to protect via the rule of law.

Read 7 tweets
Jun 30th 2018
Good night.

Tomorrow we march.

Days like these it's hard to feel joy in anything I know.

As we teeter on the edge of oblivion the right seeks to push us over that edge, while certain elements of the far left claim there is no edge at all; that we are imagining everything.

Even as we learn about the details of #AnthonyKennedy's betrayal, and Trump tweets a photo of himself with Clarence Thomas, calling him a friend, they refuse to thread the needle.

Of course this was all planned.

Of course it was.

We must be clear in that knowledge.

I've often said here that nothing that's happened on the national stage or behind the scenes since at least March of 2014 has been a coincidence. Or even a surprise if you've watched closely enough, for long enough.

And I have.

But cometh November & cometh Mueller

Read 7 tweets
Jun 26th 2018

You are beautiful.

In an ugly world, resistance comes in many forms.

It's bringing light into dark places. It's giving a dollar when everyone else is passing her by.
It's helping a struggling mother get the stroller over the hump or up the stairs.

Resistance is talking to the old man on the bus instead of ignoring him because you are too tired.

It's giving up your seat.
Letting him have the last orange.
Leaving your sick neighbor some soup.
Giving that new book you loved to a stranger because they need to know too.

Resistance is not flipping off the person on the freeway who just cut you off b/c you have no idea what they're going through or why they are rushed.

Yes, these are ugly days that will get uglier.

But you don't have to be ugly.
You are beautiful.


Read 3 tweets

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