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Nov 16th 2022
The coach’s press conference is about to get underway in Regina.

#Argos | #Bombers | #CFL | #109GC Image
Dinwiddie calls Winnipeg the team that everyone is trying to model themselves after. That team used to be Calgary, he said, though it’s still a good organization.
Dinwiddie’s been asked a number of times about his tenure as a player in Winnipeg. He said he got a text from Kevin Glenn a few days ago, who works with the team’s third-string quarterback Ben Holmes.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 19th 2022
#America deployed four #B52 strategic #Nuclear bombers to #Europe. En route to #Fairford airbase in #Britain, the #Bombers participated in exercises with #F35 fighters of #Norway and #JAS39 fighters of #Sweden. Amid the joint exercises, these #Stratofortress also... [1/2]
...#Bombed simulated targets at the #Swedish #VidselTestRange using #GBU31 #JDAM conventional #Bombs.

#Norwegians are members of #Washington’s alliance #NATO while #Swedes aspire to be, alongside #Finland, though #Turkey may obstruct. [2/2]
#Russia deployed three #MiG31 supersonic interceptors to the #Russian exclave of #Kaliningrad. These fighters, called “#FoxHound” by #NATO, are equipped with #Nuclear-capable #Kh47M2 #Kinzhal air-to-ground missiles, which NATO calls “#KillJoy.” When the... [1/2]
Read 4 tweets
Aug 23rd 2021
- 27 new
- 58,283 total
- 345 active
- 1,188 deaths
- 63 hosp., 16 ICU
- 56,750 rcv
- 909,797 tst
- 1,120 YDA
- TP 2.3%
New cases by region:

Southern - 15
Northern - 5
Winnipeg - 4
Interlake-Eastern - 2
Prairie Mountain - 1
First-dose uptake - 81.4% (+0.2%)

Second-dose uptake - 75.5% (+0.5%)

1,879,534 doses administered now.

7,448 administered over the weekend.
Read 20 tweets
Oct 11th 2020
Aquest dimarts 13 es vota al Congreso una ley de bomberos🚒.
Fins ara a ESP no li han importat MAI els #bombers, ni les #emergències.
Analitzem la llei, i perquè creiem que cal votar NO.

El fil és llarg, com qualsevol llei espanyola.

👇🔽 Image
La proposta de llei es pot trobar a:…

El dimarts es votarà en ple la "toma en consideración".
1. Exposició de motius: fa un relat del desastre en l'organització dels cossos de bombers a ESP.

El seu problema no és el nostre: tenim una llei del 94, tenim bombers funcionaris, bombers voluntaris, bombers d'empresa, personal laboral de suport.
I experiència.

Cal votar NO.
Read 29 tweets
Apr 29th 2020
Premier Brian Pallister begins today's presser by saying, "Today's good news."
Pallister thanks Manitobans, says we've stuck to the fundamentals and those fundamentals will move us forward.

Today isn't a victory lap, but a celebration of what's been done.
No room for complacency, there must be no room for a COVID comeback.
Read 31 tweets
Apr 4th 2020
#Syria #Al_Tanf #RevolutionaryCommandoArmy
* Escape from Al Tanf * 🚴‍♂️
A group of militants from the US backed & trained "Revolutionary Commando Army" (Moghavir al-Thawra) have fled the Al Tanf camp and surrendered to the #SAA together with their vehicles & weapons
#Syria #Idlib #KUB_BLA #KamikazeDrone
Kalashnikov Kamikaze Drone ‘KUB-BLA’ Battle-Tested In Syria via @southfronteng
Read 112 tweets

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