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Sep 25th 2022
Are you curious how much more is going to #Ukraine in the 2022 budget for 2023? ($420.0 million) $984.4 million in foreign aid. #BidenWorstPresidentInHistory
$108.7 millions of tax dollars will go to disinformation or in other words our money will help push a 1-sided narrative! Just like they did with Facebook
This is the 3rd report i have read that says Build Back Better World (B3W) why is no one talking about this? Or in other words they renamed their botched BBB plan.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 20th 2022
1. #NixonMao #rapprochement 50th ANNIVERSARY: SOME FACTS & LESSONS.
In only 50 years, everything changes. Strategic interests of two great powers aligned then as much as they clash today.
I hate threads but my blog is not out yet: here some disorderly thoughts.
2. In 1972, China needed to avert a terrestrial invasion from #USSR. The #UnitedStates was keen to gain a heavy-weight partner to checkmate #Moscow; but the long-term objective was to bring the most populous country into a rising US-led global economic order for the US to profit
3. In the following decades, the relationship was not void of tensions. However, strategic interests were important enough to save it from #TaiwanRelationsAct, #Reagan anti #communism and support for #Taiwan; #TiananmenSquare; #StraitCrisis 1995-1996; #Belgrade bombing
Read 23 tweets

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