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Apr 27th 2022
🧵 [1] ALERT: Kremlin-controlled #Gazprom informed #Polish & #Bulgarian officials that it suspended natural gas deliveries to both countries, once again demonstrating how #Moscow continues to weaponize energy against Europe.

👇Details below & in thread👇…
[2] 👀 First, the latest flow rates reported by the EU @ENTSOG natural gas network flow transparency portal. According to ENTSOG, Gazprom physical flows at the Kondratki entry point to the Yamal transmission pipeline at the Poland-Belarus border is near zero:
[3] 👀 Meanwhile, @ENTSOG shows the gas flows across at Strandzha-2 interconnector, the entry point of Gazprom’s #TurkStream2 pipeline to the Bulgarian gas transmission system operated by #Bulgartransgaz sharply decreasing in last few days:
Read 21 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
As #NDAA on the House and Senate floors this week (!), the opportunity for a THREAD on #NordStream2 and #Turkstream has arisen

1️⃣ Modification of Guidance for Section 232 of CAATSA to allow sanctioning of NS2 and second line of Turkstream (#Balkanstream) aims 1/
>>to give entities involved in the two projects leeway to wind down their participation before theCongress sanctions (NDAA) would hit on
>>as paradoxically as it may seem, to reduce some of the impact and scope of Congress sanctions 👉potentially, to avoid retroactive 2/
application of sanctions. Regarding the scope, should wait until we see what sanctions, exactly, would be included in NDAA, and what other entities-from those providing underwriting or insurance to pipe-laying vessels, to those facilitating shop retrofitting-would be targeted 3/
Read 14 tweets

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