Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #nordstream1

Most recents (24)

#Biden in #Kyiv: Why didn't Russia strike a decapitating blow? | Yesterday, 19:59
- Contrary to previous statements, the main overlord of the Kyiv regime, Joe Biden, came to Kyiv on a visit.…
#Biden Speech LIVE: US President Lands In War-Zone Ukraine | Zelenskyy, Biden Walk Together In #Kyiv
Thread | 20 tweets
#US planned the #war and the #EnergyCrisis in #Europe | Sep 13
#Pressure Mysteriously Plunges in #NordStream1&2 | Sep 27, 2023
#Poroshenko #Minsk was merely a distraction intended to buy #time for #Kiev to #rebuild its #military | Jun 17
Read 38 tweets
⭐️ #Nordstream and #Nordstream2 #Thread

⭐️Seymour Hersh interview with Fabian Scheidler for the Berliner Zeitung

⭐️Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has published an investigation about attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines by US and Norway

1. Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has published an investigation showing that the attacks on the #NordStream pipelines were initiated by the US government with the support of Norway. The #US government and the #CIA have denied his account at Hersh's request. https://seymourhersh.substa...
2. Q1. Mr. Hersh, please explain your findings in detail. According to your source, what exactly happened, who was involved in the #NordStream attack and what were the motives?
Seymour Hersch: - It was a story that cried out to be told. At the end of September 2022,
Read 76 tweets
🔴 Un article très interessant - as usual - de Pepe Escobar, à lire et à partager.

🚨 La guerre terroriste d'une superpuissance malhonnête

Toute personne ayant un cerveau savait déjà que l'Empire l'avait fait. Aujourd'hui, le rapport de Seymour #Hersh, qui fait l'effet d'une 🔽
bombe, ne se contente pas de détailler la façon dont #NordStream1 et 2 ont été attaqués, mais il donne aussi des noms : du trio toxique de néolibéraux - mené par #Sullivan, #Blinken et #Nuland, au lecteur de téléprompteur en chef.

Le filon le plus incandescente du récit de 🔽
#Hersh est peut-être de pointer la responsabilité finale vers la Maison Blanche. La #CIA, pour sa part, s'en tire à bon compte. L'ensemble du rapport peut être lu comme un montage de bouc émissaire. Un bouc émissaire très fragile et de mauvaise qualité - avec ces documents 🔽
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.@karlnehammer war in der #ZIB2 bei @MartinThuer und hat dabei eine bemerkenswerte Klarstellung gemacht, imho. Ein etwas längerer #Thread (ihr seid vorgewarnt). #Gas #Unabhängigkeit #Russland
Worum gehts? Lange hat die Regierung gesagt, sie wolle aktiv von russischem Gas unabhängig werden. Angesichts der Sicherheitslage und der offensichtlichen Erpressungsversuche aus Moskau verständlich.…
Nach einer Krisensitzung im Juni angesichts der Lieferdrosselung durch Russland sagte etwa Leonore Gewessler, dass man die Diversifizierung bei den Gaslieferungen vorantreibe, "um uns Schritt für Schritt unabhängiger von russischem Gas zu machen".…
Read 36 tweets
#Herzl: "It's essential that the sufferinngs of jews become worse." #TaShuVu.
#Brenner: #Nazi-#Zionist economic partnership. ImageImageImage
#Russia's President #Putin: 'Victory in #Ukraine is assured, I have no doubt about it.' | 18 January 2023
- Putin was speaking from his home town of St. #Petersburg in televised remarks.
He is trying to END war that has continued in #Donbas since 2014.… Image
The #HouseBill269 - against #nazi-#zionists.
Bipartisan bill targets anti-Semitic incidents by making them felonies | January 26, 2023
- State lawmakers of both parties are pushing a bill to counter the rising number of anti-Semitic incidents in #Florida.…
Read 20 tweets
2022 was a sad and dramatic year. Energy was a main battlefront in the economic war of attrition between Russia and the pro-Ukrainian coalition.

A (highly selective) month-by-month recap 🧵
Russian manipulation of European natural gas markets started in summer 2021. Gazprom’s withholding of supplies marked the beginning of an energy crisis with substantially rising prices.
While Russia concentrated more troops around Ukraine, it also ensured that EU gas storages remained empty, while teasing supplies through NordStream2.
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🔴 À #Bruxelles, les méga-scandales de corruption en cours ont relégué au second plan les négociations difficiles sur un éventuel plafonnement du gaz. On pourrait les appeler "lobbying" ou "trafic d'influence", mais ils les appellent négociations pour garder au moins 🔽
l'apparence de la légalité mais nous parlons toujours de la grande corruption et d'une tone de fric supplémentaire sur le dos des Européens.

En bref, après que les politiques du Green Deal promues par la Maison Blanche en Europe ont fait grimper les prix de l'énergie, le 🔽
passage de la dépendance des fournisseurs russes aux partenaires stratégiques américains a été la cerise sur le gâteau. Les prix ont pratiquement explosé, atteignant à un moment donné 4 000 euros pour mille mètres cubes de gaz méthane.

En 2022, les #USA avaient livré à 🔽
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🔴 #RussiaUkraineWar Effectivement, les guerres ruinent certains pays et rendent immensément riches d’autres.

Au début de 2021, l'Union européenne 🇪🇺 importait chaque mois seulement 650 millions de mètres cubes de gaz GNL en provenance des #USA , avec un pic en avril à 3,2 🔽
milliards de mètres cubes. Ensuite, en janvier 2022, ils nous ont envoyé 4,3 milliards de
mètres cubes, avec un pic également en avril - 5,8 milliards. Avec une moyenne mensuelle de 4,7 milliards en 2022, cela signifie que pendant l'année en cours, les navires chargés aux 🔽
États-Unis ont apporté au moins 56 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz en Europe.
C’est beaucoup. Il s'agit d'un véritable record, à des prix 4 à 5 fois supérieurs à ceux du gaz russe. En comparaison, le gazoduc Soyuz, qui traverse l'Ukraine, ne transporte que 26 milliards de 🔽
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🔴 #RussianUkrainianWar Secrétaire du Conseil de sécurité russe Nikolai Patrushev :

✔️ Littéralement dès les premières minutes après les rapports d'explosions sur les gazoducs #NordStream1 et #NordStream2, une campagne active a été lancée pour accuser la #Russie. Cependant 🔽
force est de constater que les #USA sont le principal bénéficiaire de ces attaques. La participation à leur planification et à leur mise en œuvre, selon le ministère russe de la Défense, a été devoliée par des représentants des forces navales britanniques. ✔️ Il est 🔽
impossible de ne pas prêter attention au message SMS, qui à l'époque, la Première ministre britannique Liz #Truss, après l'explosion des gazoducs, signale immédiatement au secrétaire d'État américain Anthony #Blinken que "c’est fait".
✔️ Selon des informations, des travaux 🔽
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(1) The @IEA's World Energy Outlook 2022 is out! #WEO22

The report highlights harmful venting and flaring that, if stopped, could positively contribute to energy security in a time of crisis.

Here are some key takeaways 👇
(2) The annual capacity of #Nordstream1 leaked every year

Flaring, venting and leaks are wasting gas that could be exported to the EU, at a rate equivalent to a year's capacity of the Nord Stream I pipeline. That’s 1/3 of the total gas Europe received from Russia in 2021 🤯
(3) Capturing emissions provides energy

Of the 260 billion cubic meters (bcm) of fossil gas that was flared, vented or leaked in 2021, nearly 210 bcm could have been used by gas markets by ending non‐emergency flaring and reducing methane emissions from oil and gas operations.
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Nachdem die Rede von Viola von Cramon-Taubadel auf dem #bdk22 der GRÜNEN viral ging, habe ich mir die #Nordstream-Timeline genauer Angesehen. In diesem Thread gebe ich einen Überblick über die geopolitischen Interessen beteiligter Spieler & enthülle die polnischen Kollegen.
Zu den Hintergründen:
#Nordstream2 und die deutsch-russische Freundschaft war den Geostrategen der USA schon immer ein Dorn im Auge. Eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Land mit den Rohstoffen und dem Land mit dem Know-How stellt eine Bedrohung für das Imperium #USA dar.
Viel lieber hätten die #USA #Erdgas aus eigener Förderung an #Deutschland verkauft - die geht nämlich durch die Decke:
3/n Erdgasförderung in den USA ...
Read 23 tweets
A thread 🧵 #Putin's press conference was surprising and eventful. To briefly summarise what was said:
📌 #Russia can and will escalate further (tear up the grain deal, launch new massive strikes on #Ukraine's infrastructure if necessary) if Ukraine attacks (in any sense).
📌 The first phase of #mobilisation ends in a fortnight. There is no need for new recruitment, but (!!!) if the Ministry of Defence says we should, then we would. A very routine, cold-blooded attitude.
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🔴 "There is no doubt that the sabotage of the #Nordstream1 and 2 pipelines is an international terrorist attack aiming at destroying the supply of energy"

President Vladimir #Putin addresses the #Russia Energy Week forum in Moscow. Read more:
🔴 Russian president Vladimir #Putin says "ideologies" are behind "nuclear terrorism" and "political assassinations" to "cut the link between #Russia and #Europe".

Watch his speech live:
🔴 #Russia's president Vladimir #Putin says his country is "ready to supply all of what it promised."
Read 8 tweets
#Gazprom, attraverso il suo rappresentante ufficiale Sergey Kupriyanov, ha pubblicato queste due foto di un veicolo subacqueo per la distruzione di mine andato perduto nel 2015 nei pressi di #NordStream1 in seguito ad esercitazioni militari nella zona.
Il drone, un SeaFox 1/9 ImageImage
Versione C(si presume dal colore) si sarebbe fermato di fianco al gasdotto in seguito ad un problema tecnico.
Le foto dell'incidente sono state pubblicate con la chiara intenzione di manipolare l'opinione pubblica, ed è quindi utile spiegare un paio di cose a riguardo di 2/9
Questo drone: ha un raggio estremamente limitato (1.2km) e possiede una testata esplosiva a carica cava da circa 1.4/1.5Kg.
Questa carica non è particolarmente grande perché le mine subacquee non sono corazzate, anzi. Solitamente hanno un involucro di qualche mm di spessore 3/9 ImageImage
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Since Sept 26, leaks reported in both #NordStream1 trunklines & one #NordStream2 trunkline. Danish & Swedish officials said leaks resulted from explosions. NATO, EU & others fingered #Russia as likely culprit. Predictably, Moscow denied involvement. 1/4
Good reasons to suspect #Russia. Incapacitation of NS pipelines reminds Europe of Kremlin energy card and allows #Gazprom to claim force majeure to avoid penalties for non-delivery of gas. Pipeline attacks highlight European dependence on other underseas pipelines & cables. 2/4
Have seen this before. In 2009, #Gazprom had contract to buy pipeline gas from #Turkmenistan, but falling demand for gas made contract unprofitable. Then pipeline went boom, letting Gazprom claim force majeure to get out of contract. Turkmen said #Russia blew up pipeline. 3/4
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Sweden, Denmark and Norway block Nord Stream AG from examining Nordstream pipeline.…
#Nordstream1 #NordStream2 #NordstreamLeaks #nordstreampipeline #NS1 #NS2 #Nordstream #Russia #NATO
Kremlin: Russia must be part of Nord Stream pipeline probe…
Sweden sends diving vessel to probe leaking Nord Stream pipelines…
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De echte journalistieke alternatieven voor de gelijkgeschakelde #miljardairsmedia (alle landelijke kranten en commerciëleTV) en de inmiddels totaal gelijkgeschakelde Staatsmedia van de #PubliekeOmroep

#journalistiek hier ⬇️

@AndereKrant en @_GezondVerstand Image
Nog gehypnotiseerd ?


Oekraïense #crisisacteurs verkleed als gewonden nemen 'n selfie in #Kiev.

Opgezet voor de westerse #miljardairs- en staatsgesubsidieerde media.

#RTLnieuws #NOSJournaal #Nieuwsuur #Eenvandaag #Op1npo en '#journalistiek' #NRC #Volkskrant
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Il sabotaggio di #NordStream1 e #NordStream2: chi ci guadagna?

Chi ha provocato le esplosioni in fondo al Baltico vuole una frattura definitiva fra Europa e #Russia.

Il mio ultimo articolo per #IntelligenceForThePeople

Gli atti di sabotaggio contro i due gasdotti #NordStream nel Mar Baltico confermano che il conflitto fra #Russia e Occidente ha raggiunto un livello di intensità tale da non rendere scontato che esso rimanga confinato al teatro ucraino.
Qui un riassunto sulla dinamica delle azioni di sabotaggio e sui possibili esecutori
#NordStream2 #NordStreamSabotage
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Die Rede #Putin|s beginnt in wenigen Minuten. Das Hauptziel Putins wird in der Vermittlung eines in sich stimmigen, einigenden politischen Narrativs bestehen ohne dabei allerdings die Flexibilität in der Entscheidungsfindung einzubüßen. Eine - gelinde gesagt - schwierige Aufgabe.
Rede #Putin|s findet im Georgssaal des Großen Kremlpalastes statt. Im selben Saal wie Rede anlässlich der Krim-Annexion im März 2014. Stimmung könnte jedoch unterschiedlicher kaum sein. Von Begeisterung des Frühjahrs 2014 ist nichts geblieben. Ratlosigkeit wohin das Auge blickt.
Putin skizziert zu Beginn seiner Rede die historische Bedeutung der zu annektierenden Gebiete. Wir werden stets der Helden des Russischen Frühlings des Jahres 2014 gedenken, betont #Putin. Das Heldenpantheon des neuen #Russland|s nimmt Form an. Erschreckend...
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I am not a fan of #PopeFrancis however it seems to me that the Pope is the only leader who has the courage to admit that the blame for the war in #Ukraine is not attributable only to the #Russians. . It is, in truth, a war provoked by the USA and its closest ally (G.B)...
with the servile and masochistic acquiescence of the Europeans. I am ashamed of the low political and personal level of European leaders, and I fear that their stupid servility and the arrogant will of the Anglo-Saxons to continue to dominate the world...
alone are leading us towards a global catastrophe.
The thing that angers me the most today is how the MSM report who is responsible for the terrorist acts against the #Nordstream1 and #NordStream2 pipelines:
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As #Nordstream pipeline continuous to be exposed to seawater, a quick 50,000ft note on metallurgy

For severe corrosive service like Seawater different grades of steel are used

Many can be confined to 2 types of Stainless Steel

1) Duplex Stainless Steel (SS)
2) Super Duplex SS
In many cases sacrificial elements / coatings are also used to reduce corrosion.

Nord Stream pipeline is one such, a combination of Internal & External Coating.

Hence NS ended up with a FD grade CARBON STEEL pipes, as per DNV OS-F101 (German standard)

Since outer environment of NS pipeline is corrosive seawater, lot of effort was made to protect exterior pipeline surface and not interior

A 3-layer polyethylene external anticorrosion coating was applied

An additional layer of concrete was coated to remain stable on the seabed
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Seria „kosmiczna” – część 6
Czyli: chyba już nie trzeba tłumaczyć jak istotne jest błyskawiczne, niezależne od pogody i
zautomatyzowane nadzorowanie obszarów morskich?
Tak, w kontekście #Nordstream1 #NordStream2 a nade wszystko #BalticPipe będzie ta nitka.
W kwestii monitorowania obszarów morskich nie ma lepszego rozwiązania niż okręty i satelity SAR.Platformy lotnicze, w tym bezzałogowce, niestety charakteryzują się licznymi ograniczeniami–w tym zależnością od pogody i czasem przebywania w rejonie prowadzonej obserwacji oraz..
sprawnością maszyn. W efekcie, okrętów nic nie jest w stanie zastąpić, ale poprzez ich zawsze ograniczoną liczbę, rozmiar akwenu oraz...krzywiznę Ziemi, muszą mieć one "wsparcie", które wcześniej wykrywa cel i przekazuje koordynaty "dziwnych" black ships do
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US and Poland sabotaged the #Nordstream #Pipelines. Here's why:
In 2001, #Norway and #Poland began construction of the Trans Baltic Pipeline (TBP). 21 years later, it was completed and the opening ceremony was on Sept 27, 2022; yes, the same day as the #NordStreamSabotage.
After 21 years of construction, it is not a coincidence that Poland celebrated the opening of its TBP from Norway hours before - like the calm before the storm - the #Nordstream1 and #NordStream2 were detonated.
Read 9 tweets

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