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Jun 6th 2022
I re-read the Constitution (including the Bill of Rights) to see what our founding fathers had to say about a well-regulated Militia.

The America people have been bamboozled by gun companies wanting to sell more guns for greater profits—undermining safety in our nation. 1/
The word militia appears 6 times in the U.S. Constitution.

From the description of Militia (in sections 2 & 8 ), it’s clear that Militia is not one individual with individual gun rights. Militia are the national guard of each state that can be called to form an army. 2/
3. Section 8: “Congress shall have the Power: to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers…” 3/
Read 13 tweets
Jun 2nd 2022
1: Ever wonder what the founders meant by "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed?"

It doesn't mean what you think.

#GunOwnersForSafety #GunControlNow
2: There are 3 things you hear about the 2nd Amendment from gun nuts.
1. Its for self defense/personal liberty
2. Its so the people can overthrow a tyrannical government.
3. Its for hunting.

All three of these arguments are complete BS.
3: Self protection has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment. Its purpose was to safeguard the Republic through the establishment of militias akin to those that helped form the Continental Army. To achieve this, several regulations were imposed from the outset of the Republic.
Read 11 tweets
May 31st 2022
Ohio @MomsDemand are in the room for this senate hearing on HB99. It was passed by the House last November on party lines. This bill will increase the risk to students & teachers by allowing guns in classrooms w just 2 hours of live training! #SRO #Enough
Senate Veterans & Public Safety: Chair Frank Hoagland,
Vice @DrTerryAJohnson Ranking @CecilThomasOH @teresa_fedor @bobdhackett @senbobpeterson @SteveWilsonOH testimony will be limited to 3 mins “in the interest of time.” /2
Chair Hoagland brought forth a last minute amendment to the bill bringing training total to 24 hours (it was 22). @teresa_fedor & @cecilthomas vote against the amendment and it passed by Republican members.
Read 48 tweets
Jul 22nd 2018
Yesterday, you took @BlueWaveCS🌊 candidate @Carolyn4GA7 from 4.6 to 5.1 followers! 🤯 Y'all are amazing!

#SundayMorning #COTD @LucyWins2018 is running in #GA06.

She's at 9.4k followers.
Think we can get her to 9.7k?❤️

🗳️GA PRIMARY: July 24
#SundayMorning @BlueWaveCS #COTD, @LucyWins2018 is the mother of Jordan Davis, who was shot and killed at a gas station by a man objecting to the music he was playing in his car.

She's running for #GA06 so other mothers won't share the same fate.
FOLLOW: ➡️@LucyWins2018
#SundayMorning @BlueWaveCS #COTD @LucyWins2018 is the national spokesperson and Faith and Outreach Leader for @Everytown for Gun Safety and @MomsDemand Action for Gun Sense in America.
RT & FOLLOW: ➡️@LucyWins2018
Read 5 tweets
Jul 14th 2018
It's been 5 months since the #Parkland massacre. On the 14th of the month I've been tweeting each of the portraits I drew.
Remembering #AlyssaAlhadeff.
A star soccer player. A devoted friend. One of the youngest to die.
14 yrs old.
I'm still here. She's not. I remember. RIP Line drawing of young woman. Text: Alyssa Alhadeff 14 years old
"He was a very funny kid, outgoing and sometimes really quiet," wrote Miguel Duque, about his baby brother #MartinDuque.
What a disgrace for our country that students are murdered in school.
Remembering Martin, 5 months after his death.
#RoadToChange Line drawing of young man in baseball cap. Text: Martin Duque 14 years old Stoneman Douglas HS
Cara means "friend" in #Irish.
Cara's funeral was held on her 15th birthday.
Her father came here from Ireland to pursue the American dream.

#msdstrong #SchoolShooting Line drawing of young woman, smiling. <br />
Text: Cara Loughran <br />
14 years old <br />
Went to school <br />
Came home dead
Read 18 tweets
Mar 24th 2018
Yesterday, #COTD @BenMcAdams rode your #BlueWave2018🌊 from 7.6k followers to 8430! ❤️ Great job, y'all!

This #SaturdayMorning, we are doing a special #COTD to support #MarchForOurLives

We asked #BWCS endorsed candidates where they stand on #GunReform

.@PiattPatti's son died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

"Watching others lose a child and knowing what they feel brings it all back. I don't have a problem with responsible gun ownership, but there is nothing responsible about owning an AR-15."
"If we want teachers to have to ability to make offensive measures, why not non-lethal weapons? It's terrible that we would have to, but if we do, that route should not be firearms." -@TomPrigg2018
Read 51 tweets

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