It's been 5 months since the #Parkland massacre. On the 14th of the month I've been tweeting each of the portraits I drew.
Remembering #AlyssaAlhadeff.
A star soccer player. A devoted friend. One of the youngest to die.
14 yrs old.
I'm still here. She's not. I remember. RIP

"He was a very funny kid, outgoing and sometimes really quiet," wrote Miguel Duque, about his baby brother #MartinDuque.
What a disgrace for our country that students are murdered in school.
Remembering Martin, 5 months after his death.

Cara means "friend" in #Irish.
Cara's funeral was held on her 15th birthday.
Her father came here from Ireland to pursue the American dream.
#msdstrong #SchoolShooting

He should have had the chance to keep filling notebooks with poetry.
Our country's sick obsession with easy access to weapons of war put an end to that.
We can't bring him back. We can give Joaquin a voice.

#HelenaRamsay participated in many extra-curricular activities: volunteering at The Rotary Community Garden & Food Forest of Coral Springs, #ModelUN, First Priority Bible Club, and more.
She was selfless. She was a diligent student. She is no more.

Another member of the #msdstrong #JROTC.
Murdered while holding the door open for others.
15 years old.
We remember you, Peter.

#GinaMontalto found friends wherever she went.
Loved cooking with her dad and grandmother.
Always looked for ways to help other people.
Shot dead at school five months ago.
All that potential, lost.
#RIP Gina.

Another 14-year-old shot dead in broad daylight. At high school, in her supposedly safe town.
None of us is safe.
Not at school.
Not at the theatre, the mall, at home.
Not anywhere.
We need better laws, better enforcement, better education.
#AlainaPetty, you are missed.

#AlexSchacter played trombone in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas H.S. band.
Was posthumously admitted to #UConn, the school he dreamed of attending.
Children getting murdered by gun in school is considered by some the price we pay for the right to bear arms.

#CarmenSchentrup was buried the day before her 17th birthday.
She was a brilliant, promising young woman. We let that brilliance be extinguished. It's on us, society.
Make change or get out of the way.

#NicholasDworet had plenty of dreams and a million-dollar smile.
No chance to make any of those dreams come true now.
The high school senior was murdered in a #SchoolShooting five months ago.

Getting shot in the back was not part of #JaimeGuttenberg's plan.
She won't get to see her plans take shape.
What can you do about it?
Register to vote. Then go vote.

5 months ago, #LukeHoyer's mom dropped him off at Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS. As he got out of the car he said, "I love you mom." Those were the last words she’d ever hear him say. Losing a child: every parent's nightmare. Support @VPCinfo, @MomsDemand, @GiffordsCourage

Nothing could stop #MeadowPollack from what she wanted to achieve.
Bullets stopped Meadow and 16 others on 2/14/18.
Meadow loved her grandmother and her grandmother's smile.

#ScottBeigel was a geography teacher and cross-country coach at Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS. He died after opening his classroom door to let students escape the gunman in the hallway.
Gunmen in high school hallways. Unthinkable.
#RIP Scott

#AaronFeis used his own body to shield terrified students from the bullets at MS Douglas HS five months ago today.
He was a security guard there, and an unofficial counselor. Confidante to many. Alumnus of the school.

Veteran of 2 Persian Gulf tours, #ChrisHixon did not survive Valentine’s Day. He headed straight into the chaos at MSDHigh, into an unwinnable confrontation with an assault-weapon-armed teen. He won’t be delivering any more life lessons. Not in person anyway

#PortraitsOfParkland is a project of the heart, born from my grief and outrage at the senseless, preventable slaying of innocent children and adults. Gun violence takes lives every single day.
To print out postcards for mailing to legislators, go to