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May 21st 2020
Have a look at the positivity rate in total tests conducted till 18th May 2020.
India: 4.17%
(Total tests: 23,02,792/Positive cases: 96,169)
Maharashtra: 12.43%
(Total test: 2,82,000/Positive cases: 35,058)
Mumbai: 13.17%
(Total test: 1,62,000/Positive cases: 21,335)
The ratio of positive cases in Maharashtra is 3 times than that of national average & in Mumbai it is even more.
This shows that the spread is much more in Maharashtra.
And if we eliminate repetitive tests of a single person (since testing number also includes multiple tests of a single person and positive person needs to be tested negative on 2 consecutive days to get discharged), Mumbai’s positivity rate stands at around 22%.
Read 5 tweets
May 14th 2020
Location wise patient details reported in #Panvel Municipal Corporation area today

Sect 15, Gharkul
A 47 yr old cop attached to Mumbai Police

Sect 21, Dnyan sadhna CHS
2 persons from one family, head of the family is already tested +ve
Sect 10, Yashwant Gaikar Chawl
A 46 yr old working at APMC. His close relative was tested +ve

Sect 35, Mayank Residency
A 23 yr old vegetable seller, he used to visit APMC

Sect 12, Ashoka Residency
A 46 yr old working in a Mumbai Petroleum company
Sect 16, Vastu Vihar CHS
A 45 yr old women, her husband already tested +ve

Sect 15, Gharkul, Kunjvihar
A 55 yr old cop attached to Mumbai Police

Sector 10, Ashtavinayak Krupa CHS
A 36 yr old, who underwent treatment in Mumbai recovered, informed to corporation today
Read 6 tweets
May 14th 2020
My Covid Experience
My father had body pain and tiredness for 2 days . I consulted local physician who tested his temperature and informed that it is normal and need not worry. My father's health seemed not to improve ,upon doctor's advice I took his blood sample tested. (1/n)
His blood test came out to be triple typhoid . I immediately consulted other MBBS doctor to started his typhoid treatment . He gave him 2 bottle saline (IV). I asked doctor whether I should go for Covid test for which he said he doesn't see any such symptoms (2/n)
Father's condition worsened further . He started developing breathing problems post which I directly took him for Covid test . Thyrocare person tested him and charged me 5000 which he asked me to Gpay him directly. (3/n)
Read 6 tweets
May 14th 2020
संभाजीनगर (औरंगाबाद) येथील कोरोना या संसर्ग जन्य आजाराचे रुग्ण वाढतच असून परिस्थिती दिवसेंदिवस गंभीर होत चालली आहे. तरी जिल्ह्याचे पालकमंत्री श्री. सुभाष देसाई यांचे प्रयत्न अपुरे पडत आहेत. तरी आपण @AUThackeray स्वतः या जिल्ह्याचे पालकत्व स्वीकारून वरळी कोळीवाडा पॅटर्न
राबवून जिल्हा कोरोना मुक्त करण्यासाठी प्रयत्न करावे. ही आपणास संभाजीनगर कर या नात्याने विनंती करतो @CMOMaharashtra @OfficeofUT
@ShivSena @ShivsenaComms @satyajeettambe @IYCMaha @jitendradehade #Aurangabad #CoronaInMaharashtra #coronavirusinindia #COVID2019india #औरंगाबाद
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May 7th 2020
मा. मुख्यमंत्री मा. उद्धव ठाकरेजी यांनी बोलाविलेल्या सर्वपक्षीय बैठकीला मंत्रालयात उपस्थित राहून मी आणि विधान परिषदेतील विरोधी पक्षनेते प्रवीण दरेकर यांनी भाजपाच्या वतीने खालील मुद्यांकडे राज्य सरकारचे लक्ष वेधले.
1) राज्यातील आरोग्य व्यवस्था अतिशय वाईट असून पूर्णतः कोलमडली आहे. सायन रुग्णालयात तर मृतदेहांशेजारीच रुग्णांवर उपचार केले जात आहेत. रुग्णांना आता बेड्स मिळणे कठीण झाले आहे.
#SionHospital #Mumbai
कोरोना नसलेल्या रुग्णांचे सुद्धा मोठे हाल होत आहेत. आरोग्य सेवेतील अनेक डॉक्टर, नर्सेस, कर्मचारी पॉझिटिव्ह होण्याचे प्रमाण वाढले आहे. शासनाने यात तत्काळ लक्ष घालावे.

खविणे योग्य नाही.

Read 15 tweets
Apr 30th 2020
Location wise details of patients found in #NaviMumbai

#Digha (4 cases)
4 persons from a family have been tested +ve. Test was conducted after one of person died due to Corona infection.

#Ghansoli (1 case)
Sect 16, a 31 yr old accountant working in Dana Bazar, APMC
#koparkhairane (3 cases)
Sect 14, a 50 yr old vegetable vendor from APMC mkt

Shivaji Nagar, Bonkode
A 50 yr old Vegetable seller

Sect 10, a 27 yr old security guard posted at NMMC Hospital

Sect 8A, a 30 yr old ward boy working in Tata Hospital, he is admitted there.
Yadav Nagar
A 45 yr old women

Sect 8A, a 21 yr old security guard, he had gone for treatment in Sion Hospital, tested +ve there.

#Vashi (6 cases)
Sect 16 Sanpada, A doctor working in Mumbai's BMC Hospital

Sect 4 Sanpada, a cop posted in Mumbai Police
Read 5 tweets
Apr 19th 2020
CM #UddhavThackeray addresses state: We are all waiting for this war to get over. Like I had said earlier, if we could have seen our enemy, we could have won this war a long time ago.

#COVID19 #COVID #CoronaInMaharashtra #Coronavirus #CoronavirusLockdown #CoronavirusOutbreak
CM #UddhavThackeray: But this enemy is invisible. And another factor is that this enemy is using our own people to spread its infection. Determination, strength, patience all of these will stand us in good stead.

#COVID19 #COVID #CoronaInMaharashtra #CoronavirusLockdown
CM Uddhav Thackeray: Tomorrow we will complete 6 weeks since we have been in a #lockdown. Many are constantly looking at numbers and raising questions so I want to place some numbers in front of you.

#COVID19 #COVID #CoronaInMaharashtra
Read 22 tweets
Mar 20th 2020
Corona updates from PMC 20.03.2020 11.30 A.M. summary
1. Total admissions 376
2. Samples collected 376
3. Negative _ 341
4. Result awaited - 26
5. Discharge 340
6. Admit but stable - 36
7. Critical 0
8. Positive 09
9. Total Sample Inconclusive _ 0
10.Total passengers 1443

11. Under surveillance passengers - 758

12. Surveillancev completion (14days of incubation period consider) - 685
Read 3 tweets

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