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#5Grollout and power boost caused DNA/RNA damages, which is responsible for the body defending itself by secreting proteins.
- These proteins have been called #coronavirus by false #COVID RT-PCR test and the 'Chinese' #WHO
@KristaKiuru @VTTFinland Ali Harlin
#WHO: "At the present there is no direct evidence on the effectiveness of universal masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infecting of respiratory viruses including #COVIDー19" @KristaKiuru @VTTFinland @mapetti @MTVUutiset @mika_salminen…
Face masks restrict the elimination of virus, RECIRCULATING the virus into the nasal/sinus and upper respiratory passages.
Read 23 tweets
@mjlith Saksan virallinen raportti: #CoronavirusPandemic ei ole ollut
PCR RT -testillä ja valhemedian avulla luotiin aiheeton paniikki ja #lockdownextension.
- Suomelle koituneet vahingot ovat kymmeniä miljardeja.
- Kuka korvaa? @yleuutiset @THLorg @MarinSanna
@mjlith @yleuutiset @THLorg @MarinSanna Tiedemiehet ovat todenneet että koronavirus on lähtöisin laboratoriosta:

Evidence suggests genetic manipulation in COVID-19 | Jun 04
- There remains no credible scientific evidence that the #COVID2019 pandemic was naturally-occurring.
@mjlith @yleuutiset @THLorg @MarinSanna Fauci: 'mask-wearing is symbolic'
Fauci's FAKE forecasting models he used, is responsible for the biggest economic and social upheaval in human history!
Chinese lab-made, media-hyped, falsified-data, MILD-FLU! #Plandemic #FalseFlags @yleuutiset @THLorg…
Read 14 tweets
German Official Leaks Report Denouncing #Corona as ‘A Global False Alarm’ 
- The dangerousness of #COVIDー19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level… Image
The report focuses on the “manifold and heavy consequences of the Corona measures” and warns that these are “grave”. @yleuutiset
@THLorg @MarinSanna

KM 4 – 51000/29#2 
Analyse des Krisenmanagements
Ein Normalzustand kann also keine Krise sein. ImageImage
It is becoming apparent that people are getting sick because they are being isolated and effectively living under house arrest, condemned as "murderers" if they so much as think about breaking curfew,
Read 10 tweets
1) A thread on #ContactTracing. Yes, it's here. We are watching the #NWO #Agenda21 script play out right in front of our eyes. First we'll show what this is, then I'll share an Anon's opinion of what is really going on. No fear....
2) First, THOUSANDS of #ContactTracers are being hired all over the country. The evidence of this is clear.…
3) Now, who would be attracted to such an invasive job? How EXCITED your neighbor might be to be able to decide the future of your kids and other family members through #ContactTracing! 🙄 Controlling flags, grass length and noisy dogs is just not enough!
Read 60 tweets
@SademiesO Pöhöttyneessä virkamieskunnassa on paljon mätää, joka imee kansantaloudesta elinvoimaa kuin 4. asteen syöpä.
- Tarvitsee vain puristaa kypsynyttä paisetta.
@SademiesO Sami Yläoutinen @SYlaoutinen VMn budjettipäällikkö.…

THL on löytänyt Suomesta vain 49 kpl hCoV -tapausta.
- Mutta #SARS_CoV_2 jota ei ole vielä löydetty Suomesta, on aiheuttanut seuraavaa:
@SademiesO @SYlaoutinen Marin on virkamieskätyreineen valmistellut Gatesin rahoittaman #WHO : n suunnitelmaa, ottaa Suomikin täyteen kontrolliin #CoronaVirusHOAX :n varjolla.
- Suunnitelma mureni Trump: in lopetettua rahoituksen ja Gates oikeuteen rikoksista ihmisyyttä vastaan.…
Read 8 tweets
8 Reasons Why Tanzania’s John Magufuli Is Africa’s Most Beloved President @MagufuliJPM
- Watch this video for the commentary on his work!… ImageImageImageImage
President queries Tanzania coronavirus kits after goat test | Reuters • May 3, 2020
- The president J. Magufuli said he had instructed Tanzanian security forces to check the quality of the #coronavirus test kits…
#WHO - China #CoronaVirusHOAX :
President of Tanzania J Magufuli talking about a goat, bird and a Pawpaw fruit tested positive for #COVID19 !!!
@THLorg @valtioneuvosto #THL
Read 11 tweets

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