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Sep 28th 2020
Let's discuss point by point. How many of u learned of the detailed account of how much was looted during #BritishRaj ? Look how #Hindus were made to suffer. From a surplus country with all the riches in the world to the daily average per capita income of 5pices/2 1/2 cents...1/n Image
#ConversionMafia propagates, "if British didn't rule India, then there's no India at all." #SleepingHindus fall for such false information and become an easy prey, as they don't know what actually happened.

If the levied tax on land is 65% more than the produce, how Image
will farmers survive?
Our #Hindu rulers used to provide almost free education to all the people in their Kingdoms. Look at how much #Britishers spent on Indians education. They never cared about our sanitation, but all they cared was our army, spent whooping 330 millions Image
Read 12 tweets
Sep 27th 2020
A tale of ruthless ambition, relentless greed and undying stupidity.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, a wealthy family in the village of Trumpton came into possession of an unwelcome child.

The infant knew he was unwelcome from the moment he emerged from his mother’s thighs and opened his mouth to bleat in orange-faced despair.

His uncaring parents named him DONALD JOHN TRUMP.

He was born with a grudge in his heart and a chip on his shoulder.
He was going to become THE BIGGEST IDIOT the village of Trumpton had ever seen….

Read 29 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
అంతర్వేది శ్రీ లక్ష్మీ నరసింహ స్వామి వారి ఆలయ ప్రాంగణంలో 62 ఏళ్ల చరిత్ర కలిగిన స్వామి వారి రథం శనివారం అర్ధరాత్రి అగ్నికి ఆహుతైంది.

62yrs old Chariot of Shri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy, Antharvedi was on fire last night & fully burned down.
This is 3rd such incident in #AP in
last 1yr. Locals r saying this is done in exactly same pattern as other 2 incidents. Right in the middle of the night Chariot is burned down. No SECURITY near temples.
‘Trying’ to show as short circuit as usual. Money from temples is used to give monthly salaries for Mullahs,
pastors & to send xistians to jerusalem trips but can’t provide proper security to #Hindu temples.

Can hear locals saying fire engines did not respond and come in time even after informing several times, until all is burnt down @noconversion
Read 6 tweets
Aug 25th 2020
@ysjagan @AndhraPradeshCM did not give permission to celebrate #GaneshChaturthi publicly. But the #ConversionMafia is roaming around villages & distributing pamphlets to #Hindus telling them to convert into Christianity #ChineseVirus affects only

Hindus and spreads only during Hindu Festivals? #Muslims were given an hour permission to go to #masjid during #lockdown. #Evangelists r permitted to propagate and convert, but in Hindu majority country permission for Hindu festivals is denied. This is #Sickulasim
#HaindavaSainyam chased them away. కరోనా టైం లో. రాజమండ్రి నుండి. కోరుకొండ మండలం లో బుచ్చంపేట గ్రామం కు, 10 మంది గొర్రెలు వచ్చి, హిందువులు వుండే ఏరియాలో మతప్రచారం చేస్తుంటే, మన హైందవసైన్యం సభ్యులు, వాళ్ళని ఆపి వాళ్ళకి తగిన బుద్ది చెప్పడం జరిగింది. అలాగే ఆ సంఘం యొక్క పాస్టర్ తొ
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Jul 29th 2020
Another movie portraying soft conversions and showing that xistians & xistianity is part of our Indian and #Telugu culture. Pathetic people. Don't understand how could @arkamediaworks produce such movie. @netflix is at it again. Ban #umamaheswaraUgraRoopasya ImageImageImageImage
#Tollywood is headed into the same path of #Kollywood. #Evangelists are taking over the industry. @KTRTRS Should try to protect our #Hindu culture. This is not secularism, this is poisoning people's minds @ExSecular @KarunaGopal1 @yessirtns @ShivaShakthiOrg @noconversion
Read 7 tweets
May 27th 2020
"In reality, the percentage of the Christian population in our state would be not less than 25%" Raghurama Krishna Raju, @YSRCParty MP.
As per the #evangelists and #missionaires it's 35%
So let's take the middle approach and say it's 30%. So, what's the population of Hindus now?
25-35% - converted into xistianity
10-15% - Muslims

Hindus are merely at 50-60% But official records show 90% 🤦‍♂️
People deserve to know the truth. Why should #Hindus be kept in dark by propagating a lie that 80% of Indian population is Hindus? @noconversion @missionkaali
Read 3 tweets
May 26th 2020
This is explosive. Shocking revelation by @YSRCParty MP. Openly accepting about large scale #conversions by the #Evangelists and #conversionMafia 😱
@ysjagan @PMOIndia @HMOIndia @noconversion @missionkaali @ShivaShakthiOrg what more proof are u looking for @narendramodi
@AmitShah To take action on them. How are you all going to answer to the #Hindus who are going through this nightmare? When will you stop this menace? Our #hindusadhus are lynched to death by this Mafia #SaveTemples #SaveHindus #justiceforsadhus. We need answers
Read 5 tweets

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