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Jul 24th 2020
Vulnerable Republican Senators asking McConnell for c̶a̶r̶b̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶a̶x̶e̶s̶ green investment in clean energy.

For years centrists told us we could only win over conservatives w "market mechanisms."

In the real world, we win on climate by organizing for public green investment. ImageImage
Now that Republicans have seen the light on clean energy, I'd humbly urge them to join thousands of others in signing an even bolder letter, demanding that Congress support #GreenStimulus…
It's almost as if swing-state Republicans are reading @dan_kammen and me in the Guardian. As we close in on November, I'm excited for them to swing behind electric buses and a massive, grant-funded retrofit program for public and low-income housing.… Image
Read 3 tweets
May 29th 2020
In fighting for #GreenStimulus, we need to heed the lessons of 2009's successes—and failures. We need to scale up. And to make green stimulus popular enough to last, we need to meet immediate cash, health, housing + job needs.

My latest is at @TCFdotorg…
We don't know what's winnable in this season's legislative trench war. But we should make the case for what’s needed. An election is coming. The fight’s just begun.

In the meantime, we can channel transfers to states + cities to green stimulus projects.…
Brutal inequalities of class and race are visible everywhere. Massive public investment alone isn't sufficient to undo all this. But it's a necessary start. Green Stimulus can help workers + communities lead the building a new economy…
Read 4 tweets
May 21st 2020
"It would be truly insane to choose a low-job, fossil fuel-driven [recovery]... That will only make us more vulnerable and retain the kinds of inequalities that are making the coronavirus crisis so bad.”

Thanks @thephilacitizen for the in-depth interview…
I loved the chance to talk about our #GreenStimulus letter + its origin: How I met @dan_kammen at Penn, then he how he came up w the idea of a letter to Congress.

And it was great to lift up all the ways a green stimulus would lift up Philly's workers and communities Image
Also appreciate that they made an executive summary of the story! Spotlighting #GreenStimulus support from @kendraforphilly + @NikilSaval Image
Read 3 tweets
May 20th 2020
My political wish for the increasing intersection of climate catastrophes and covid 19: Less talk about the importance of scientists, and more talk about solutions to these crises’ root causes: racism, class inequalities, carbon. Align w social movements.… Image
As I wrote in @thenation, “journalists + activists still struggle to convey just how profoundly the climate emergency, our political economy, and social inequalities are connected.” In turn, that leaves powerful justice-oriented policies often ignored.…
A month ago, building on the work of our brilliant #GreenStimulus letter co-authors, @dan_kammen and I argued that investing in workers and front-line communities was essential to tackling the covid and climate emergencies together.…
Read 4 tweets
Apr 30th 2020
How the 2009 stimulus funded a deep energy retrofit of public housing in Boston. And how #GreenStimulus now could upgrade the rest of our public housing—and private market housing too

Great story by @leslieatlarge, thanks for including me in the piece… Image
I love that this story leads with Deborah Backus, exec director of the Castle Square tenants’ organization—and includes her lament that the rest of US public housing didn’t also get upgrades

@AOC’s GND for Public Housing Act would cover all public housing and empower residents
And I appreciated being quoted saying that funding public housing retrofits would benefit everyone. By industrializing the retrofit industry, we’d make healthy, green, decarbonization upgrades economic for the whole country’s housing stock. Europe is going this- we could too
Read 3 tweets
Apr 23rd 2020
Absolutely brilliant vision from ⁦⁦@RashidaTlaib⁩: The Case For An Emergency Responder Corps

I’d go a step further: this should fuse w #GreenStimulus framework, since climate disasters are about to hit as well, and we’ll to respond to those too…
We’ll *need to response to those too

And we could do it in a green way! Installing resilient micro-grid elements, community solar, getting efficient AC units to low-income homes facing heat emergency, etc etc. Lots is doable now. And need will be intense…
*respond! Jesus. Corona typos even worse than usual
Read 3 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
Mass unemployment, covid, climate change: our crises are colliding. We need a #GreenStimulus to rebuild.

Massive green investments would lift up workers + frontline communities—and tackle the crises' root causes.

My latest in the @guardian w @dan_kammen…
In the past month, over 22 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits, compounding the fear that unemployment could breach 32% absent massive public action. This is an unmitigated human disaster, recalling the horrors of the Great Depression.…
And it gets worse. We’re also facing the climate emergency. Immediate relief is necessary—but not sufficient. To tackle all these crises at once, we need a Green Stimulus that creates jobs and lifts up communities in ways that also slash carbon pollution and increase resiliency
Read 14 tweets
Apr 10th 2020
We just got solid coverage of our #GreenStimulus letter in the labor magazine, In These Times, and a green capitalist mainstay, GreenBiz

I love to see it!

In these horrible times, even a glimmer of hegemony warms my heart……
In In These Times, I talk about how we've been influenced by @NaomiAKlein's work on disaster capitalism: "the oil CEOs are not waiting for the virus to stop before pushing their ideas... We knew we had to get something out more quickly."
In GreenBiz, @jmijincha explains why a Green Stimulus would invest carefully to help workers: "Businesses + manufacturers that pay + treat their workers with dignity are the ones that we want to be lifting up and investing in"…
Read 3 tweets
Apr 10th 2020
Thread: many smart and eloquent people articulating what coronavirus shows us about the climate crisis. We can find hope and use the economic recovery to build a sustainable and equitable future. #Coronavirus #ClimateCrisis #JustTransition #renewableenergy

Rebecca Solnit helps us see how to find hope. "A new awareness of how each of us belongs to the whole and depends on it may strengthen the case for meaningful climate action, as we learn that sudden and profound change is possible after all.”
David Roberts offers concrete policy ideas to build the economy and address climate: "Investments should be geared toward bolstering, and attracting private investment to cleaner alternatives like renewable energy and electric vehicles."
Read 14 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
We in the #climatecrisis-fighting business need to understand what #COVID19 will mean for climate action. Some COVID impacts will accelerate it; others will slow it down. We need to start preparing now and asking what we need to do differently. 6 issues loom biggest for me:
1/ Financial Response: COVID has shown what a "wartime footing" financial response looks like. For years, we have been calling for one on climate. COVID shows both that it can be done and how it can be done--with concerted fiscal, monetary, and financial action.
2/ Imagination: COVID shows the cascading economic and social impacts of a full-blown, global ecological shock. Yes, COVID acts faster than climate change, but many of the impacts are similar. Climate chaos risk will feel a lot less like scare-mongering or fiction after this.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 24th 2020
Our latest: voters support a multi-trillion dollar #GreenStimulus + love specific green investments

Let's lead w immediate health + economic rescue (free testing + treatment, cash transfers—also v popular)

And let's plan an ambitious green jobs recovery…
Thrilled to write up new @DataProgress polling along w @jmijincha @MarkVinPaul @jnoisecat

Link to earlier polling on green investments and immediate care in thread

TLDR: There's no tradeoff between humane rescue and green rebuild: both are popular… Image
Major support for free testing, free treatment, and other immediate care policies…
Read 5 tweets
Mar 23rd 2020
We know that in every recession, the powerful maneuver from the very start to shape the recovery and aftermath. It's surely happening now

Yet some think this is a bad time to talk about a #GreenStimulus

I really don't get that. We can focus on the immediate and plan recovery
The powerful interests working to use stimulus to entrench their existing (fossil fueled) power will never pause and say - ok, now, let's talk greening, let's talk deconstructing structural racism and class inequality

(Eg, airline industry)

That will never happen
Movements on the ground rn are fighting like hell for immediate aid and recovery. I support that! There are many ways to support

What solidarity doesn't look like is sitting on sidelines while powerful interests take control of recovery…
Read 4 tweets

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