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Nov 30th 2021

Mother Nature's Chosen People – An Evolutionary Answer to the Question of the Elevated Verbal Intelligence and Achievements of Ashkenazi Jews

#Psychology #IQ #IntelligenceResearch #PopulationGenetics #BehaviorGenetics #GroupDifferences #RaceDifferences #HBD
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Mar 2nd 2021
It's remarkable that compared to #NYTimes who reads like a notebook of evolution denier Lysenko, Stalin's favored "scientist", #AmericanReneissance reads like a peer reviewed science journal as for content, arguments, & accuracy in #HBD (human biodiversity) related content (!).
Having read tens of AmRen articles, I've not discovered pure racisim. It's been scientifically informed, utilitarian & logical albeit at times blunt population level analysis & worry about the West's outgroup favoritism - not discrimination against any given individual.
I'm finding their human biodiversity articles - many written by true giants in the fields of relevant sciences - and book reviews very high quality. They DO NOT DISTORT UNDERLYING SCIENCE. That's most important, regardless of their ideas of what to do based on those common facts.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 10th 2021
K J Yesudas can be likened to Dravid (that these two gentlemen have their b'days just a day apart may be just a coincidence. Or may be not) while SPB can be said to be the Tendulkar of film singing, the bigger legend in most reckoning.
But for some, Dravid is the real thing.
For me, growing up in the late 70s & 80s -- peak years of Yesudas -- his impact was particularly resonant. It was because of him that many of us like me, then impressionable youngsters, got hooked on to Carnatic music. His contribution to Carnatic music goes beyond mere singing.
In this short thread, I'll put up some of his semi-classical offerings from various language films, but majority from Malayalam.
I've left marquee hits from HH Abdullah, Bharatham, Sargam et al. I've had to literally leave out hundreds of such songs. Embarrassment of riches!
Read 23 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
SWPL self-obsession = epitomized by their love of Tuareg electric guitar. they so adore the idea of "African desert blues" they never bothered to learn these guys are all white nationalists. Ibrahim Ag Alhabib sings incessantly about how a — from the Malian govt killed his father Image
126. @Logo_Daedalus @bn_parfait The denial of Jesus's crucifixion is the MAINSTREAM Islamic view and was common also in some forms of Gnosticism (which probably explains the former). It was this understanding of Jesus that arrived in Japan from Serindia and Central Asia.
Read 79 tweets
Jul 2nd 2020
In 1943, LDF founder Thurgood Marshall argued before the Supreme Court in Smith v. Allwright. This #voting rights case was a watershed for Black rights and signaled the beginning of the civil rights movement. Marshall considered it his "greatest" case. #HBD #MrCivilRights ImageImageImageImage
The question at the heart of this case was whether state parties prohibiting Black voters from exercising their freedoms in the primary elections violated the 14th and 15th amendments. #SCOTUS found that it did. As a result of this case, Black voter registration skyrocketed. ImageImage
Of course, Smith v. Allwright was only one step. Ugly displays of voter suppression still mar our elections. The floodgates have opened to a torrent of voter suppression since the #ShelbyCounty decision in 2013 and today's #COVID19 pandemic has only exacerbated these issues.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
🌺ஆங்கிலம் அறிந்தவர் விளக்கிச் சொலுங்கள்....🌺

என்னவோ காலை முதல் #HBD என்றால் என்ன எனக் குழம்பி இருந்தேன். சரி, ஆங்கிலம் தெரியவில்லையே என ஒருவரிடம் விளக்கம் கேட்டேன். அவர் அதையும் ஆங்கிலத்திலேயே சொல்லி விட்டார்.

ஐயோ... யாராவது சந்தானத்தை அழைத்து வாருங்களேன்😫😩
#HBD means... In a state of the nation of the India, there lived a King. He is the father of the son of a son, whose name is "rising money"...

The son of the father and his wife, was really the son of the friend of the father. The friend of the son of the father is known as
the SIR of the missing of the center letter. But the addition of the first letter of the son of his father, gives the name of the friend of the father.

But the wife of the friend of the father is not the mother of his son and the son of his friend of this father had the
Read 4 tweets
May 8th 2020
#OTD May 8, 1884, President Harry S. Truman was born in Lamar, Missouri.

Truman appointed 4 justices to the Supreme Court during his presidency.

#HBD Image
President Truman’s first appointment to the Court was Justice Harold Burton.… Image
President Truman’s second appointment to the Court was Chief Justice Fred Vinson.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 30th 2019
“I want history to remember me... as a black woman who lived in the 20th century and who dared to be herself. I want to be remembered as a catalyst for change in America.”

#HBD Congresswoman #ShirleyChisholm Image
My mother didn’t read me nursery rhymes, she read me stories of struggle & resistance. She left me a journal filled with quotes & speeches from #ShirleyChisholm.
Her example has been a constant source of strength and inspiration. My current DC office was her 1st Congressional office and I often wonder about where she sat, what she grappled with, if she stood and looked out this window #ShirleyChisholm Image
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Sep 19th 2019
Hakan's knowledge on the relative worth of races (living and dead) will be greatly missed Image
Undoubtedly from his shaman training, Hakan was a peerless educator - introducing a number of linguistic theories into the public consciousness. Image
Hakan's research has great implications for pharmaceutical companies Image
Read 93 tweets
Nov 18th 2017
1) Common meme on the left is: "blacks are over-policed"

Theory is blacks commit crime at rate = to whites, they just get arrested more because the police pick on them.

Let's dispel that lie right now.

2) Truth is that blacks are severely UNDER-policed.

Most Americans are unaware of how common large-scale black mob violence is.

It's common to see stories like this: Hundreds of blacks riot, 4 arrested.
3) 400 blacks caused violence and mayhem in a mall.

Played "knock out." Attacked customers, police, and each-other.

How many of the 400 were arrested? Were any?
Read 8 tweets

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