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Jun 29th 2022
#Insurrection #January6thHearings #Trump portrait of mental instability unprecedntd!Evidence of panickd ppl around #Trump SHOCKING. Military action feared!Trump lost composure,grabbd steering wheel leaping from back seat &assaultg Security.#Jan6Cmtee: #Trump’s political obituary.
#Trump wild activities incl assault & mental instability,known to ALL #GOPCowards Consider #GOP continue to take orders & kiss ring,making his comeback more likely.Greed so immense,#USA/global welfare disappeard from their dashboard.THAT is all that matters.#TRUMPMurdochMonster
#USA Rioters chanting: Hang Mike Pence. #Trump says he ‘deserves it!’Sentiment expressd other times, defendg rioters.Instead of sendg them away, #Trump further inflamed w/ incendiary tweet (2.24pm jan 6) accusing VP of failing to protect country.WH staffers alarmed,disgustd.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
0/24. Lying about disease kills us and our democracy. Quotations from "Our Malady: Lessons in Liberty from a Hospital Diary," published this week. #OurMalady
1/24. "In January, (the federal government) failed to do what was so obviously necessary: acquire a test for the new coronavirus and apply it on a massive scale in the United States." (#OurMalady, p. 85) #HeKnew
2/24. "As the year began, Americans were denied the basic knowledge they needed to make decisions on their own, or to press their government to take action." (#OurMalady, p. 86) #HeKnew
Read 25 tweets
Jul 3rd 2018
Looking at the facts thru my lens as a sex assault prosecutor and victims’ advocate, I believe Jim Jordan knew his colleague was molesting kids on their wrestling team. Many people in these situations know yet say nothing, more out of denial & disgust than venality; still #heknew
Even giving Jim Jordan the benefit of the doubt when he said (NOT under oath) he didn’t directly SEE or HEAR something specific - he knew the doctor was showering with the team and kids were complaining about his lecherous attitude. Think about it... that’s just gross...
If YOU or any reasonable person was acting “in loco parentis” as a wrestling team assistant coach and the kids complained that the team doctor was creepy what would you do as a parent figure? Would YOU tell? Would a reasonBle person tell? If yes, Jim Jordan should have. ...
Read 6 tweets
Jun 29th 2018
General Flynn testified re: dangers of the #IranDeal as usual his insights were spot on and guess what, he was highly critical of RUSHAAAA.
@GenFlynn is BRILLIANT there’s a reason they all worked so hard to shut him up. #CLEARFLYNNNOW
Read what he said👇…
Congressional record honoring @GenFlynn because he’s a damn LEGEND #ClearFlynnNow…
Read 20 tweets

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