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Dec 20th 2019
THIS WEEK AT CCC 🔽 our Fellows have been exploring the implications #GeneralElection2019 may have for the constitution. Image
The election has seen a fundamental transformation of #NorthernIreland political landscape @jevershed01 assesses what has changed and how this is likely to impact on the constitutional future of #UK… Image
.@MalcH provided a rundown of #GE19 results in #Scotland asking is this the new norm?… Image
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Nov 15th 2019
Do you want to know the truth about Scotland and why WM is SO set on stopping it from leaving the Union?

Here are 10, for starters.

And these completely quash the silly claims that Scotland’s too wee or too poor!
Read 12 tweets
Nov 2nd 2019
.@NicolaSturgeon: "We are gathered here in George Square, for one simple purpose. To choose a better future for our country, to choose independence for our country." #indyref2020
.@NicolaSturgeon: "Scotland stands at a crossroads at this #GE2019.

Down one path is a future where we are led by the likes of Boris Johnson, who wants to drag us out of our European family of nations." #indyref2020
.@NicolaSturgeon: "My friends there is another path, and that is not a UK Labour government that can't even choose its position on Brexit.

The days of Scotland having to choose between two old Westminster parties is over." #indyref2020
Read 7 tweets
Oct 31st 2019
FM: "The pact I'm most interested in this morning is the one I read about in the Times newspaper between Labour and the Tories to help the Liberal Democrats in Ian Blackford's seat. I'm confident Ian Blackford will see that off without too much difficulty." #FMQs
FM: "The position of the Tories, Scottish Labour and the Lib Dems appears to be to say to the Scottish people, 'we don't care how you vote, we're going to ignore you however you vote'." #FMQs
FM: "Whether it's the Tories or Labour, the Westminster system is broken. That's why the people of Scotland need the choice of independence, and it's only the SNP that will give people the choice over our own future." #FMQs
Read 18 tweets
Oct 27th 2019
1/ A thread on our call for a general election. Firstly, we have to ask ourselves what the alternative is. Doing nothing allows Johnson to get his bad deal through (with Lab support) or, even worse, run down clock to end January when no deal becomes a real risk all over again
2/ Re a People’s Vote, I’ve strongly supported that and @theSNP would vote for it - but there’s no evidence that the majority for it exists within this Parliament. And if there is an extension to Jan 31, the clock starts ticking again immediately. We have no time to waste.
3/ For all his bluster, Johnson would much prefer to fight an election with Brexit already ‘delivered’. An election now would instead force him to explain his failure to keep his 31 October ‘do or die’ promise and also defend his bad deal.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 16th 2019
A few months ago I wrote a giant thesis on the topic of #indyref2020 and it was as much a journey of learning for me- I entered into it with no preconceptions at all, and finished it believing that it would happen- indeed, part of me feels it should. (THREAD)
My first thoughts were around the 2014 vote and the arguments in that. The first one I remembered was Cameron- and others telling Scotland that the only way it could remain at the EU table was by remaining part of the UK. (2)
A vote to stay would change things, he said. It would be a partnership of equals. Scotland would get more powers and be respected.

Like most Tory promises, this has not happened. Indeed, if anything, the Scottish representatives, the SNP have been treated with contempt. (3)
Read 14 tweets

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