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Nov 6th 2022
The Land Gap report reveals that countries’ so called 'climate pledges' are dangerously over reliant on inequitable, and in fact, unsustainable tree planting plans. #MindTheGap

Read the #LandGapReport here:
In the current plan, 6 630 000* square kilometres would be monocultures of planted conifers (e.g. spruce or pine) or eucalyptus!

*This area is almost as large as all of Australia or the continental United States, and larger than all of Europe outside Russia.
"Current tree planting plans should be scrapped or rather reoriented. Mitigation actions should prioritise protecting and restoring the existing carbon stocks in ecosystems. The most important thing is to protect the remaining natural forests" #Landgapreport
Read 6 tweets
Nov 4th 2022
On my way to #COP27 & during my stopover in London tuning in to follow the ongoing discussions of the #Article6.4 Mechanism Supervisory Body (read #CarbonMarket), where members are discussing methodologies for the mechanism & some of its activities:…. A 🧵
#NoOffsets: For the #Article6.4 mechanism to have any positive contributions to enhancing #ClimateAmbition, it must be clear that "credits" generated cannot be used for offsets. You cannot offset your way to 1.5C. #NoOffsets
Critically, members are discussing the potential for "removal" activities, but removals are not reductions and come with considerable risks for #HumanRights, reversals (i.e. when wildfires subsequently destroy a forest), etc.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
NEW: Countries' climate pledges put unrealistic demands for land ahead of emissions reductions, which could cause:
🌱Increase abuses of #Indigenous land rights
🌽Food security issues
🌳negative impacts on ecosystems

Read the new #LandGapReport:
Countries' #Climate pledges to get to #NetZero GHG rely partly on removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, using methods such as planting trees & restoring degraded ecosystems.

New #LandGapReport revealed that these are schemes unrealistic.

National climate pledges would collectively require 1.2 billion hectares of land.

More than half of this land is already currently used for something else. This demand for land will put pressure on ecosystems, Indigenous lands, small farmers and food security.
Read 6 tweets

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