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May 21st 2023
[1/🧵] You've heard of @XummWallet but aren't sure if you can #trust its #security?

You'll learn about @cossacklabs' most recent security assessment and why the #XUMM #wallet strives to maintain the highest security standards.

Follow along in this "all-in-one security 🧵" 👇 Source:
[2/24] — Outline —
🔸 Basic Introduction
🔸 Hot #Wallet Fundamentals
🔸 #XUMM Wallet Security
🔸 #Security Audit (18.05.2023)
🔸 XUMM @Tangem Cards
🔸 #Tangem Card Facts Source: https://www.gagan.p...
[3/24] — Basic Introduction —

After hearing the news of #Ledger willingly integrating a 🔑-extraction mechanism into their FW if opted-in, I decided it was time to review #XUMM + @Tangem

This 🧵 is not sponsored in any way, & all of my praise comes from the bottom of my ❤️ Source: https://www.ledger....
Read 25 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
My thoughts and feelings about #NFC, be warned, long thread. Also feel free to answer me here on twitter, or send me a message on telegram if you have comments. I'm really curious about points of differences and agreements.

I'm writing this on my bus home.
NFC was my first real furry convention. Before joining the fandom recently, I never really used to party, i never had the right friends, or was in the right place to let loose, drink, dance and have a good time.
I was straight edge for many years, and a bit boring - and so I'm viewing this as a recent furry joiner - immediately gone greymuzzle - who feels like I missed out on a couple of years of all of this.
Obligatory: I wanted to thank everybody who made my experience what it was.
Read 25 tweets
Jun 13th 2022
32/ Identité numérique régalienne 🇫🇷 sur IOS16:
@pressecitron annonce la prochaine arrivée de l'appli #SGIN France Identité sur iOS16 pour les terminaux Apple... Pratique ? Oui !
"Super Chouette" ? Non, pas si sûr...…
32bis/ ID Numérique régalienne 🇫🇷 sur IOS16:
L'article ⏫de @pressecitron y va un peu fort côté techno-enthousiasme 🤓🙈(super pour acheter de l'alcool ou aller en boite!) mais élude les risques citoyens associés :
ex: Surveillance numérique & discrimination des non-connectés Image
32ter/ Sécurité #NFC 👎🏼Vs Vie privée /iOS16
Puisque cela semble nécessaire, rappelons que les applications NFC ne SONT PAS sécurisées face à des experts du renseignement électronique et que vos téléphones seraient hackables par des pros, même éteints !😰
Read 3 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
200. Tweet 'Jubiläum' eines Tread voller Defizite und JumbaWhumba Marketing

Wann wachen verantwortliche in Bundesländern und Kommunen auf?

Weist sie bitte auf diese Defizite hin. ☝️

Huhu @coronawarnapp, ich mag dich! 😘
Der @MalteEngeler stellt die Frage der Rechtsgrundlage in diesem ausführlichen Thread. 🧐

Sinnvoll, dass Juristen da mal drüber schauen. 👍 /201
Der Hamburger Datenschutzbeauftragte Johannes Caspar hat die mangelnde Transparenz der #LucaApp krit auch schon kritisiert. /202
Read 412 tweets
Jan 18th 2021
I was pretty bored w/ the #NFC playoffs this year because once #Seahawks and (ahem) Goff / #rams were out, there really weren't any amazing stories to tell because almost nobody's legacy is going to change going forward, now #BucsvsSaints almost gaurantees it
If Rogers makes another SB so what? He's already a top 5 QB all time. Even if he somehow BEAT the #Chiefs (and that won't happen) who's he going to leap over on #NFL QB Mount Rushmore? Nobody. Another ring changes nothing for him
If Brady wins on the road in Green Bay and makes a 10th #SuperBowl what does that make him? The GOAT + 1? I mean, he's already the most successful QB ever. Another appearance or even beating the #Chiefs (Won't happen) doesn't change his legacy either
Read 5 tweets
Oct 8th 2020
Estamos vendo ferozes ataques das mídias UltraComunistas da Extrema Esquerda radical, mas isso tem um motivo, Desinformar e desviar a Atenção para o maior perigo e ameaça a Democracia dos últimos tempos.
Segue a thread..
2)A extrema Imprensa radical vem atacando um grupo os taxando de Teóricos da Conspiração(como se isso fosse crime)para eles pessoas deste tipo são uma"ameaça a democracia"mas você conhece o #NFAC?
São extremistas radicais que pregam a violência contra a polícia e andam armados
3) Estamos vendo surgir nos USA uma milícia negra de paramilitares da Extrema Esquerda radical, São a #NFAC, mas vc NÃO viu uma linha sobre isso na imprensa UltraComunista, eles não trazem informações, pq querem proteger os extremistas da Esquerda.
Então, vem comigo...
Read 31 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
Vorige week discussie gehad met @knab_nl. Je moet je identiteit verifiëren. Dat kan alleen via hun app, die ik niet wil gebruiken. Iemand suggereerde op twitter dat ik de app tijdelijk kon installeren en dan weer wissen. Goed idee!
Dat heb ik gedaan, en dat heb ik geweten. Google Play zegt dat de app al geïnstalleerd is. Dat is niet zo. Ik kan wel klikken op 'Installeren' en als ik dat doe heb ik inderdaad even later de Knab-app.
Direct na installatie wil de app mijn paspoort al scannen. Mijn naam of rekeningnummer zijn dan nog niet bekend, dus ze weten niet wie ze aan het 'verifiëren' zijn of om welk rekeningnummer het gaat.
Read 17 tweets
Sep 11th 2018
Here is our prediction for how Apple will support reading NFC tags in iOS 12. This theory was developed after much research of publicly available information. Please follow along and ask any questions.

#apple #iOS12 #NFC #ConnectedThings
If you haven't been following, Apple added an NFC controller to the iPhone 7 to enable Apple Pay (contactless payments). It wasn't until iOS 11 that support for reading NFC tags was added. That was a huge deal for the NFC industry.…
However there are some significant limitations in iOS 11 for NFC tags. The most significant of which is that (1) a 3rd party app is required and (2) the user experience requires an explicit user interaction to read NFC tags. More in link here...…
Read 21 tweets
Feb 8th 2018
Ini bebenang kisah saya, lembu, kondo, menteri dan 30 bulan penjara.

Saya tidak bertanggungjawab klu gambar lembu keluar di twitter anda sekali-sekala.

Saya baca juga ada orang yg kata padanlah saya dihukum penjara kerana saya langgar undang-undang.

Niat yg baik, ttp tetap kena ikut undang2, kata mereka.

Kenapa tidak pergi lapor kpd polis atau SPRM? Kata mereka lg
Ada yg lebih mendalam kupasannya:

YB ni kurang cerdiklah - lain kali pergilah hantar maklumat itu secara rahsia di Wikileaks, kata mereka.

Ha3 saya gelak dalam hati. Sbhgn besar yg suruh pergi dedah di Wikileaks rasanya tak pernah baca Wikileaks.
Read 24 tweets

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