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Mar 13th 2023
L'hebdomadaire @MarianneleMag m'a interrogé sur la possible exclusion de l'énergie nucléaire du "Net Zero Industry Act" (#NZIA) en préparation à la Commission européenne.

Il est question d'industrie et de souveraineté européennes.

Le NZIA est le projet de réponse de l'Union européenne aux mesures protectionnistes adoptées par les grandes puissances concurrentes (Chine, États-Unis, Inde...).

Il répond en particulier au récent Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) des États-Unis qui, en accordant des aides d'État massives aux investissements et à la production de technologies et énergies bas carbone sur le sol Américain, menace les industries européennes.

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Mar 3rd 2023
First leaks of the EU Net Zero Industry Act are out. Here is what to expect for the official draft proposal on March 14th:
#GreenDealIndustrialPlan #NZIA #IRA
European manufacturing capacity shall be scaled up for the following technologies👇(1/13)
Scope (2/13):
1. #Solar Photovoltaic & solar thermal
2. Onshore and offshore #wind
3. #Battery technologies
4. #HeatPumps + #geothermal energy
5. Renewable #hydrogen
6. #Biomethane
7. #Nuclear technologies (fission)
8. #CCUS
9. #Grid technologies
Manufacturing capacity objectives within the EU by 2030 (3/13):
- Binding overall target: at least 40% of the Union’s annual deployment needs
- indicative targets for specific tech: wind turbines (85%), solar PV (40%), heat pumps (65%), batteries (85%), electrolysers (50%)
Read 13 tweets
May 18th 2021
BREAKING: In a welcome reversal, the @IEA today concluded that “there is no need for investment in new fossil fuel supply” in a net-zero pathway to 2050. This punctures all the fossil fuel expansion plans in shallow corporate net-zero pledges. A brief #InsureOurFuture thread.
The IEA finds that reducing carbon emissions to net zero calls for “a complete transformation of how we produce, transport and consume energy”. This transformation will create 30 million jobs and result in at least 2 million fewer premature deaths per year from air pollution.
Even if the IEA continues to underestimate the potential of wind and solar and talks up CCS, “net zero means a huge decline in the use of fossil fuels” according to the roadmap, and the demand for coal, oil and gas will fall by 90%, 75% and 55% in the next three decades.
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