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Apr 19th 2021
This 2019 article, written a year before the ethnofascist #TPLF launched war on #Ethiopia, exposes the rampant #rape &sexual violence that #women of #Tigray suffered from the rapist TPLF gang. The defeated criminal TPLF "men" are continuing their rape now!…
2) In this video clip from 2018 brodacast of #Tigray's DW-TV, a #Tigrayan woman recounts the horrible mysogynistic culture in Tigray under #TPLF, where #rape & sexual violence against Tigray's #women is a commonplace occurence, & 60% of Tigrayan womem are victims of rape.
3) #Tigrayan feminist @meazaG_, speaking to #TigrayMediaHouse in 2019, over a year before the war, explained the horrific level of #rape in #Tigray's society. She said men regularly kick & oppress women every night.Tigray ppl were victims of #TPLF. #TPLFcrimes
#Eritrea #Ethiopia
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Dec 20th 2020
Among many outrageous claims a Tigrean wrote: “Ethiopians oppose development projects in Tigray, & is 1 of z main reasons 4 z war on Tigray today. “ He should have said #TPLF neglected development projects in #Tigray because it chose to steal money earmarked 4 Tigray development
“in many ways, z Ethio-Eritrea war of 1998-2000 was a Tigray-Eritrea war”, TRUE, except z price was paid by lives of 135K #Oromos &other Ethiopians while #TPLF made a bundle by swindling #Ethiopia from arms purchase schemes, aid & stealing wealth of Eritrean-Ethiopian deportees.
“EPLF ... blocked z route to Sudan that Tigrayans were using to escape the[84-85] famine and civil war.” What author doesn’t mention is #TPLF had broken ties with #EPLF as early as 1983 and #TPLF, according @BBCAfrica documentary, was selling Aid agencies sacks of sand for grain.
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Aug 7th 2018
Breaking: The embattled #Somali region president Abdi Illey and key military leaders of the Liyu Police have been placed "under the federal army and police custody which were sent in to #Jigjiga yesterday. AS learned that they are being flown to #AddisAbeba at the moment.
On Sat. attempt to detain Abdi Illey failed in what is described as ill preparation by Fed. defense forces, who surrounded his "Presidential palace"… Read our source quoted as saying: "Abdi Illey will be placed under federal custody. “
Quoting @BBCSomali #BBCAmharic said Abdi Illey was detained by members of the federal army and was taken from his "Presidential Palace"… አብዲ ሞሃመድ ኡመር በቁጥጥር ስር ዋሉ -
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