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Aug 4th 2022
Therapist 🧵: #Narcissistic Fixated Stalking. #Stalking is illegal in almost every country in the world, but that doesn't mean those who are stalked get the help they need. Stalking is on the Increase due to social media, lack of knowledge by law enforcement as to what #illegal
To do with them, their high levels of manipulation & the law not keeping up with current times. Clusters B's are well known for stalking & taking revenge when they don't get what they want from you. Narcissists & psychopaths are even known to kill your pets.
They may contact your employee With outright lies, stalk you both online & offline & accuse you of stalking them. Stalking is something narcissists (and other cluster B's) love to engage in. It gives them power, control & yes, entertainment #dysfunctional
Read 26 tweets
Jun 5th 2022
Hot #phdtip for the super driven goal-oriented type-a perfectionists to GET MORE REST & loosen your grip:

Set goals or a mini 'challenge' for your fun/leisure/social life

Examples in thread below


#phdchat #phdlife @PhDVoice @OpenAcademics #AcademicChatter #AcademicTwitter
* meet/call/zoom non PhD friends/family at least once a week
* try a new recipe/bake once a week
* see one art exhibition a month
* Set a leisure reading challenge (like @goodreads annual book challenge)
* knit a blanket for a friend's new baby before their birth
* do your fave workout 3 x a week
* set a daily step goal ('bonus points' for getting those steps away from your lab/dept eg in nature/gym/neighbourhood walk)
* get to bed every night before 10pm
* get 8 hours sleep a night
* do one 5-min meditation (e.g. @Headspace or @calm)
Read 5 tweets
May 28th 2020
#Abrohilo del dĂ­a que decidĂ­ ser cupido y casi muero en el intento
Todo empezó hace un mes, en una fiesta con mis amigos de linaje linfoide. Nos encontramos a un tipejo super extraño que nadie conocía aka. el antígeno
Me acerqué porque me encanta #ELCHISME y presentar a todos porque #dendrítica. Lo llevé al área VIP (ganglio) para que conociera nuevos amigos @LT @LB. LT se llevó tan bien con él que empezó a mostrar sus mañas de Th2. #polarización
Read 12 tweets
May 1st 2020
98.1% of you were correct. In the last 12 months, 2.7 articles were written about puberty blockers per trans adolescent under 15 given puberty blockers:
@DailyMailUK 34
@thetimes 16
@Telegraph 14
@guardian 11
@BBC 9
@TheSun 7
@TheEconomist 6
@DailyMirror 3
@spectator 3


I used Google to search specific web sites of large circulation media (print & online-only platform) in the last 12 months - up to 30th April 2020.
The following search terms were used:
puberty blocker(s)
puberty blocking
hormone blocker(s)
hormone blocking
Data cleansing was minimal & was as follows:
Removed repeated instances on same site
Removed local news stories (BBC)
Removed entries clearly not trans related
Removed hits which linked to archives, indexes or topics
Removed references to intersex health if not also trans health.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 10th 2019
I'm reading @GorsuchBook in between work #obsessed. Thread starts here.

"And it struck me: It’s one thing to worry some judges might aggrandize their personal preferences over a faithful adherence to the law; but it’s another thing to think judges should behave like that."

"They never boast that they can foresee all the (often unintended) consequences of their decisions, let alone accurately calculate the optimal social policy outcome," Gorsuch says of judges he admires

@GorsuchBook "To succeed where so many others had failed, the framers understood that our republic needs citizens who know how their government works"
Read 46 tweets

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