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Apr 20th 2022
When you spent hours of senseless customizing of your avatar in a random multiplayer golf game w/ your friends, only to not even PLAY in the end, that’s when you understand that #NFT #PFP is about way more than jpgs.

It’s about identity. About pride. And about being yourself.
Ppl are smarter than we tend to believe. We will be living “in a simulation”. And ppl know that.

In that simulation, you want to have a unique identity. One you are proud of. One that reflects your inner self.
All while keeping you anon.

Soon, this #NFT will not only be your hexagon in Twitter, it will be your login. Like Facebook or Amazon connect. With built-in crypto wallet, compatible everywhere in #web3.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
Are tokens are the new website? Like @cdixon I believe so, and here’s my take on why. 🧵👇
1/ In Web1, the primitive was the website. Anyone with the tech skills could create a website. This led to the mass democratisation of data, making information about almost any subject available to anyone with an internet connection.
2/ In #Web3, the narrative is that tokens are the new digital primitive that will serve as the key building blocks for many of the future products, services and innovations that will impact our society.
Read 28 tweets
Sep 28th 2021
* * * * * * THE 13 TYPES OF NFTS * * * * * *
* * * * & Why They Matter to Investors * * *

1/ This is a summary of my looong video on the 13 types of NFTs with the main takeaways.

(Video here: )
#NFTCommunity #NFTinvesting #NFTs

... 13 circular images representing the thirteen types of NFTs.
2/ I divide the 13 NFT categories into:

#NFTs that already move significant amounts of $$$

#NFTs that are not moving much $$$ but show promise

... Diagram. At the top is written: 'NFT TYPES'. In the left col

Comprises #digitalart but also #jpegs of physical art (photographed canvases, illustrations...) sold as jpegs on NFT marketplaces

Due to megasales like @Beeple's this category got all the headlines during the 1st NFT Mania of Feb-Apr'21

Then focus moved to On the left sales page for a painting of Sean Jantzi on the
Read 27 tweets
Feb 5th 2020
Our tax dollars should be invested in education, housing, prison alternatives and health care programs that provide opportunity and increased well-being for all - not in the Trump administration's anti-immigrant and racist policies. #DefundHate #SOTU
The Trump administration continues to promote discrimination against immigrants, people of color, the LGBTQ community, and Muslims. #DefundHate #SOTU #SOTU2020
The Trump administration is ripping apart health care and nutrition programs for low-income people. #DefundHate #SOTU #SOTU2020
Read 30 tweets

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